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A commission from Ryan. Pictures property of ABDreams!

"I don't know," Jacob shrugged. "I just feel like there's... something... missing."

He wouldn't say he was unhappy, really... Things were going well enough, if not spectacular: he had the money to easily pay his bills, and afford to have a nice social life, even if, ultimately, his job didn't seem like it was going anywhere. He didn't have a girlfriend at the moment, either, nothing in the way of a romantic life, due partially, in his mind anyway, to how short he was. 

"That's just adult life, man," his friend Trevor said. "You're just settled into the boredom of it. You think there has to be something else, but it is what it is."

"Maybe," Jacob replied. Could that be all it was? When he'd been a kid, he had assumed being a grown-up would be more interesting, or exciting, or something, but by now he knew the truth... Shouldn't he be used to it already? "I'll be back in a sec," he sighed, hopping down off the barstool, heading for the bathroom, still musing and moping.

"What's wrong?" an unfamiliar voice asked. "You look sad."

He glanced up, not shocked to see a woman there, having heard her voice, but certainly surprised at how pretty she was to be approaching him out of nowhere. 'Out of his league' didn't even begin to describe it, to the point where he looked around, ensuring there wasn't anyone else around she could have been saying it to instead. "O-Oh, I'm fine," he told her. "Thanks?" Was that the right thing to say? He wasn't sure.

"If you say so," she smiled. "Sorry, don't let me interrupt you, you looked like you were on a mission."

"N-No, I was just..." he stammered, blushing. "I-It wasn't urgent or anything, I..." Was she hitting on him? He didn't want to assume she was, simply because she was speaking to him, yet it did seem as if that's what her tone was indicating... Or maybe it was wishful thinking on his part. Either way, she had him feeling awkward and uncertain, in a way he hadn't in a long time.

"Don't worry," she winked. "I know the secret." She leaned forward, reminding him of exactly how much taller she was than him, making it harder for him to buy that she could actually be interested in him, and stage-whispered, "Everyone has to use the potty sometimes."

He blushed at the words, at her tone. She was teasing, he knew, which was surely the only reason she'd use such a childish phrase, and inflection, though the knowledge didn't stop his cheeks from lighting up. "Y-Yeah," he nodded, once again not knowing how to respond. "I-I guess you're right. And I..."

"Go, go," she waved him on. "I wouldn't want to be responsible for any accidents."

By the time he emerged from the bathroom, bladder drained, face splashed with water in an attempt to compose himself, to find his cool, to psych himself up to flirt back, she was gone. He'd never noticed her in there before - and he would have noticed her - and, after that, he assumed he never would again, that he'd blown his chance.

Of course, the next time he and Trevor came to the bar, he looked for her, and didn't see her. After a couple drinks, however, he saw someone settling onto the empty stool next to him, turned, and saw her. He knew it wasn't cool to show his happiness, how glad he was to see her again, yet he couldn't help himself. "Hi!" he exclaimed. 

"Hey, there," she chuckled. "Who's your little friend?"

"Oh, this is Trevor!" he introduced them, his stomach falling a bit, wondering if the only reason she was here - and, perhaps, that she'd talked to him in the first place - was to get to Trevor. "Trevor, this is..."

"Mona," she took over when he realized he had no idea. "Nice to meet you, Trevor. What are you boys up to tonight?"

She started showing up more and more, and Jacob couldn't help noticing she spoke to him more than Trevor. Maybe she was nervous to speak to the person she was really interested in... Although, getting to know her, it was hard to imagine her being too shy to do much of anything.

All that was confirmed when, one night, she told him, "All right, I'm tired of waiting for you to ask, so... Do you want to go on a date sometime? Just the two of us?" He very much did, practically tripping over himself to find the next night the two of them both had off.

In just a couple days, they were meeting up at the movie theater, strolling along the sidewalk, staring at the posters hanging up there. "What about that one?" he asked, gesturing towards the latest horror movie. He doubted she was the kind that got scared at spooky movies, and would want to cuddle up in his big, strong arms to be protected, but it was worth a try.

"Oh, I don't know," she pursed her lips, looking at the poster. "I think that would be a little too much."

Was she being serious? He didn't really mind - it was cute, he thought, that she'd be so wary she wouldn't even give it a shot - though it was definitely surprising. He couldn't help feeling she was watching him after that answer, judging his reaction. "Okay," he nodded. "I've heard this one is good, too."

If it had been a test, he seemingly passed, and their next date was to the zoo. "There's a new baby elephant," she told him. "I've really been wanting to see it, and it's been so nice out lately..."

"Sounds great," he said. 

Less great was her insistence, when they got there, to stop by the petting zoo near the entrance. "I-I'm not sure..." he frowned, not wanting to knock her ideas, or insinuate she wasn't smart enough to know petting zoos were for kids, when she was definitely more intelligent than him. "Will they let us in?" he asked finally.

They did. He couldn't deny it was kind of fun, letting the animals eat out of his hands, although, considering this had been her idea, it was weird how much Mona hung back, watching him rather than getting in on the action herself. 

Things only got more unusual on their next date, when she took him to a restaurant he'd never been to before. "It all looks so good," he mused, flipping through the menu. "I'm not sure what to get."

"Oh, don't worry," she cooed. "I'll get you something perfect." When the waitress returned to take their order, however, Mona ordered the salmon for herself, then, to his shock, told the waitress, "And a kids' chicken nugget meal for him, with mac and cheese for the side."

"Of course," the waitress smiled at both of them. "I apologize... I'll get a coloring sheet for him."

"N-No, you don't..." Jacob tried to tell the woman, but she was already gone, and, when she returned, he was too shy to say anything other than, "Thanks." He stared down at the little box of crayons, at the piece of paper he'd been given to color, and blushed. "Why did... Wh-Why did you...?" he started to ask Mona, not wanting to sound too upset, or accusatory, or to do anything that might hurt their growing relationship, no matter how strange this was. "I-I'm sure they're good," he said finally, "they were just on the kid's menu..."

"You're so little," she smiled down at him. "Their portions are kind of big."

He couldn't deny the first part, and had no experience here to speak to the second. "I-I could take home leftovers," he protested.

He suspected it was that, the fact he'd made it known he was aware something was going on, that prompted her to open up. "I have a little secret," she told him, perched on the edge of her bed. "I don't want to sound creepy, but I'd been watching you for a while before I finally approached you that day at the bar... You seemed so perfect, too good to be true..."

"R-Really?" he blushed, having never heard that about himself before, and definitely not from someone as truly perfect as her. "Y-You..."

"In a minute," she shushed him, reaching into her purse. "I need to get this out. After I got to know you, I discovered you were what I was looking for in more ways than this, but initially, what attracted me to you was your size. You see, I like playing... a little game, and I was wanting someone to play it with me who would fit the other role, and..." Quickly, clearly not knowing what else to say, she pulled her hand from her bag, revealing what was inside, and, with it, exactly what she meant.

'Shock' was an understatement, but it was the best thing Jacob could think of to describe that first vision, the moment of realization. He didn't want to lose her, wanted to be open-minded, give her a chance, since his time with her had been, probably, the happiest of his life, so, of course he said yes, let her put him into the diaper, then and whenever he came over from then on.

It was a fetish, of course, and, while it wasn't one he could say he shared, it was far from the weirdest he'd ever heard of. And it really did seem to make her happy, watching him toddle around her place in a shirt and diaper, taking him out to the playground with a diaper under his clothes, tucking him into bed nice and early in the crib she already had waiting for him, in the over-sized nursery in the spare room of her house she'd never let him into before, claiming it was just storage.

Of course, being put to bed before the sun was down didn't leave them a lot of time to do grown-up stuff... She didn't seem to mind. Honestly, at times, he wondered if she saw him as an adult anymore at all. She'd let him see her in her bra and panties sometimes, but if he tried to do anything, she'd laughingly smack his hand away. And, one night, when he couldn't help himself and was squirming in his crib, thinking about her state of undress when she'd taped him into his night-time diaper, his hand starting to rub the front of his diaper, she burst in, giving him a hard, over-the-knee spanking for being 'naughty.'

"You're spending all your time over here anyway," she told him, "and your lease is basically up... Why don't you just move in?"

Back before the revelation, he would have jumped on the opportunity in a second. Now, he wasn't quite as certain, but it didn't matter. Mommy - as she insisted he call her now - wanted him to do it, so he was going to do it. 

Before, she'd lock him into his high chair, feed him baby food and formula from a bottle now and then... After he moved in, however, it became his whole diet, besides what he had for lunch at work. She'd send him to work in a diaper, with a lunch bag containing a couple jars of baby food and a bottle, but he'd always try to dump them out, go grab something with a co-worker instead, to keep ahold of some last vestige of adulthood.

At least, until she pointed out, "I was paying for all this just fine before you moved in... You don't really need a job. You could spend all your time here, like Mommy's little baby."

This one, he wasn't going to cave as easily on. He was going to fight her, to maintain some semblance of his old life... Until he found out she'd resigned for him. He should have done something, put up a fight, but he was so used to doing whatever his Mommy said, being a good boy, he just let her give him his bath, put him in his diaper for the night, and tuck him in, completely under the power of his new Mommy.

Was it even a fetish for her? He'd assumed so, but now, it felt more like she just wanted to look after a baby, one that would never grow up, who she could keep in diapers as long as she wanted. If he didn't have work to escape to, there would be no more adult food for him, no using the bathroom at all, nothing except kids' cartoons, dirty diapers, and early bedtimes.

She was gorgeous, and extremely smart, and so far out of his league... But this was too far. Once she was gone to work in the morning, he'd find his old clothes - there was no way she could have gotten rid of all of them already - and head to his own job, try to tell his boss the resignation was a practical joke from a friend that had gotten way out of hand, beg for his job back, hope his old apartment hadn't been rented out to anyone else yet..

The plan started out all right, with him managed to climb out of his crib without breaking his neck getting over the bars, tearing off his diaper, cheeks burning to see it was wet, a sign that he definitely needed to get out of this, and throwing on some shorts until he could get his real clothes. He crept out of the nursery, into Mommy's room, searching her closet, finding no trace of his things.

The coat closet, maybe, he told himself. She might have them boxed up and ready to go, but she wouldn't have thought to take them with her today... Would she? He headed down the hall, towards the entryway, and the closet, having to walk through the living room to get there, only to step in and see...

"There you are," the girl grinned. "Good morning, cutie!"

"Wh-Who are you?" he gulped.

"I'm your babysitter, silly!" she told him. "You didn't think your Mommy would leave you here all day by yourself, did you? Now, let's... Uh-oh! Is your diaper leaking?" He frowned, glancing down and blushing bright red to see a wet spot forming on the front of his shorts. "Hmm... Those shorts don't have a lot of bulk to them to have an overnight diaper under them... I hope, for your sake, I'm wrong about that... I'd hate to start things off with you by having to give you a spanking."

He should have known better... Of course Mona would have known he might try something like this. He was no match for her... She had him well and truly trapped into his new life, and, from what he could tell, there was no way out.




Poor boy, no sex, not even looking after mommies needs - because he is just a baby...