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It was incredibly tempting to make a grand gesture, show Hazel what a toddler would really do and sweep the bowl off the table, sending the mush inside flying across the room... But she wasn't quite mad enough for that. This was embarrassing, absolutely, and yet, was it really any worse than what she'd already been through? She'd already begrudgingly accepted being diapered; after that, it was hard to work up that much hatred at being treated like the kind of person who normally wore them.

She couldn't bring herself to actually pick up the spoon, however. The real food looked so yummy, and what hers had been turned into definitely did not. Maybe she wasn't going to make a mess, but she wasn't about to willingly eat that slop, either. She crossed her arms over her new bib, shaking her head, nose wrinkled.

"All right," Zella shrugged. "I suppose I should have expected this, huh?"

She pulled the next chair over a little closer to Janet, sitting down, sliding the bowl and spoon closer to her. She dipped the spoon into the mush, heaping it high, raising it up to the older woman's mouth. "Go on," she urged. "Open up."

Janet nearly changed her mind, getting a better look at it, and a whiff of what the whole meal smelled like, blended up together, but, obediently, she opened her mouth. Not enough, apparently, as she felt the baby food bump against her lip, smearing across it while the rest was deposited into her mouth. Unsurprisingly, the taste did not live up to the delicious scent of the normal, adult version of the meal, although sniffing the spoon before she'd let it in had prepared her somewhat, made it not quite as big of a shock as it could have been.

There were just too many flavors, and too little texture. It didn't feel right at all, making her shudder and wrinkle her nose, whining when she glanced down, seeing what a small portion that had been, no matter how fully loaded the spoon had appeared to be. "I-I'm not..." she started to say, Hazel snatching the opportunity, silencing her with another spoonful of the goo.

Either there was too much on the spoon again, but spread too wide instead of too tall, or Zella was doing it on purpose, because, as Janet gagged down the next serving, she could feel the mush that had bumped against the side of her mouth start slowly dribbling down, a bit dripping off onto her bib. Hazel was clearly an experienced babysitter, so she could only assume the latter, that she was doing this to make it look like Janet was a messy eater... Something she was succeeding at quite handily.

"I-I'm not hungry anymore!" Janet blurted out, gulping down the food as fast as she could to get it out before Hazel could feed her anymore.

"Really?" Zella raised an eyebrow. "You were hungry enough to waddle away from your show to tell me your little tummy was rumbling," she reached over, tickling Janet's stomach before she could stop her, or realize what was happening, leaving her giggling, despite her attempts to look as serious as possible in her current outfit, "and now you're full after two bites? I know your belly can hold more than that."

"I-I was wrong!" Janet said, once she could speak again without laughing. "I thought I was hungry, but actually... ummm..."

"Actually what?" Hazel asked, setting the spoon down in the bowl for a moment, leaning forward. "What was it really, Prissy? Do you need to go potty?"

"No!" Janet blushed, shaking her head, though she supposed she had nobody to blame but herself for the girl assuming that. "No, I just..."

"Are you having trouble?" Zella smirked. "Should I have given you that enema after all? It's not too late, sweetie."

"No!" she squealed once more, squirming in her booster seat, diaper crinkling loudly beneath her. "I-I just have a bit of a tummy ache, that's all!"

"Oh, really?" Hazel looked her up and down. "Well, I think I know the cure for that." She picked up spoon, getting more of the pureed meal. "Open up!"

"No!" Janet whined, stupidly opening her mouth and giving Zella the chance to force the food in.

"That is just your favorite word today!" Hazel cooed, working faster, picking the bowl up to get it closer, allow her to refill the spoon much easier, giving Janet hardly any time to get even a syllable out before she'd slipped the spoon back between her lips, dropping the majority of its contents off, while making sure, most of the time, being certain to smear a little on the wiggling girl's face. "Just like when you really were a toddler... What's wrong, Prissy? Are you giving up all pretense of being a big girl, and accepting the truth?"

Janet sniffled, shaking her head, but she couldn't deny that she did feel an awful lot like a baby. She was wearing only a PJ shirt, diaper, and now quite messy bib, her spanking bottom strapped securely into a booster seat, face covered in baby food... It was hard to argue that any adult ought to look this way, or would have allowed themselves to be turned into this so quickly and thoroughly. It wasn't fair! She was the older one here, the step-mother, not a younger step-sister... If anyone deserved to be in this seat, it was Zella!

When the onslaught ended, she was too dazed, too stuffed full of disgusting mush, to glance up, to look away from her bib, making her glad Zella had put it on her after all, even if she could have eaten without spilling so much if she'd fed herself, assuming it had to be over... Until she heard a snap, and looked up, right in time to hear another as Hazel snapped a second picture, this one with a far better view of her face, ensuring anyone who saw it would be able to tell, underneath the layer of babyfood caked around her mouth, it was her.

"Maybe I should send this to dad, so he can show your Mommy how unready you were to be left here on your own," she teased.

"No!" Janet wailed yet again. She'd considered texted Harrison and asking for his help, but she didn't know how much she wanted to tell him... Certainly not this much. "Please, please, no!"

"Calm down," Zella chuckled, patting her on the head. "Don't pee your Pampers, sweetie... I'm not going to. That's just for my private collection... For now. As long as you behave yourself. I bet I have a picture of you looking exactly like this from our old babysitting days... I should try to find that so we can all look at them side-by-side and see how little you've changed."

Janet whimpered, started to shake her head, then paused. It wasn't such a bad idea, really... She didn't want to be compared to some toddler, and if the girl really was wearing this exact shirt, and these same diapers... Well, it wouldn't do much for her ego, but Hazel would have to see they weren't the same person, and accept that she'd been telling the truth all along about who she truly was.

"For now, though, we'd better finish your supper! Mine's getting cold, but that's what being a babysitter is all about, huh?" She smiled, picking up the bowl again, Janet's already full stomach lurching, seeing the thing was only half empty. 

"I-I'm full!" she pleaded.

"Oh, really?" Hazel raised an eyebrow, shoving in another spoonful. "Just like last time?"

"N-No, for..." Janet gagged down the goo, tried to speak before Zell was ready, was too slow. "F-For real this time!" she gasped out after she'd downed that serving as well. 

"For someone who isn't hungry, you're certainly eating pretty quickly," Hazel pointed out.

"Th-That's bec..." Janet attempted to explain, to predictable results.

"Don't worry, Prissy," Zella cooed. "I'm the grown-up here... I'll know when you've had enough. All you have to worry about is sitting back and enjoying your num-nums, okay?"

Janet wasn't sure that was possible, but she had no choice other than to try, Hazel refusing to stop, or even pause, until she'd scraped the sides of the bowl clean, getting every bit of the mush that had been inside into, or onto, her little victim.

"I think we'd better leave your bib on for the moment," Hazel chuckled, standing up as Janet groaned, certain she could feel her tummy bulging out against the waistband of her tight diaper now, that she had to have gained a few pounds from all that baby food. "I'll clean you up when I've had my food."

"I-I can clean myself," Janet offered, tugging at the straps on the booster seat so she could hop down and go do that, but, whether it was the food coma she could feel herself trying to slip into, or not being used to child restraints, she couldn't work out how to unsnap them.

"I'll handle it," Hazel smirked, as if she didn't believe Janet was capable of doing it herself without making a bigger mess. She sat down in her own chair, daintily cutting herself a piece of chicken. "Oh, wow," she smiled. "That's pretty good, if I do say so myself... Even cold."

Janet scowled, positive Hazel was playing up how tasty it was, after forcing her to gulp down the far inferior version. And, as the final blow, Zella picked up her glass for a sip, Janet finally looking at it, seeing it was full of wine, perhaps the same kind she'd gone down to get herself, back at the start of this whole fiasco. 

"Oh, silly me!" Hazel shook her head. "What was I thinking? I didn't bring you your drink, did I? I had it ready and everything..." She got back up, heading to the kitchen, returning a few moments later with a baby bottle, filled with an amber liquid. "I promise, this is almost as good as wine," she lied, handing it over. "And much more appropriate for little girls like you."

Janet pouted. "Can't I have a cup, or...?"

"Drink," Hazel commanded, and, reluctantly but obediently, Janet raised the bottle to her lips, sucking on the nipple. Just as she'd suspected, it was apple juice, a far cry from the fancy, sophisticated wine Harrison kept stocked downstairs, no matter what Zella claimed.

Hazel took her time, savoring each bite, really rubbing it in while Janet squirmed in her booster seat with her bloated tummy, face and bib covered in the remains of her own supper, nursing on her bottle of apple juice, Zella ordering her to, "Drink up!" whenever she tried to set it down on the table.

At last, it was over, and Hazel went to fetch a washcloth, scrubbing Janet's face, carefully removing the bib and whisking it away before finally undoing the straps, helping Janet onto her feet. "Now, then," the younger girl declared, "I don't expect you to do the dishes, because I used some knives, and I don't want you hurting yourself, but I think it would be polite if you'd thank me for cooking for you, don't you? And a big girl would show her gratitude by clearing the table at least..."

Janet stared at her, aghast, for a second. Was she serious?! Did she really want to be thanked for that gross mush she'd shoveled down her throat, well beyond the point where Janet wanted any?! Her expression seemed to say so... And, Janet mused, standing there in front of her, this might be a test. Maybe, if she got it right, Zella would go a little easier on her, perhaps even let her out of this diaper? That was probably hoping for too much, though she might get some kind of reward.

Should she...

Say thank you, as politely as she could?

Say thank you and take the dishes into the kitchen, like a big girl, apparently?

Say thank, clear the table, and do the dishes, to prove she's an even bigger girl than Zella thought?

Or refuse to thank Hazel for the disgusting 'food' and head back to the living room?


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