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Pictures property of XtremeDiaper and AdultBaby.XXX.

"What are we, in third grade?" Penny rolled her eyes as she stared out at the Valentine's cards spread out in front of her on her desk. Signing them, distributing them, at all was dumb enough... Being forced to make one for everyone in her class was even worse.

She wasn't sure, if she'd had the choice, she would have given them to anyone, but there were three people specifically that she really hated the thought of being nice to, of handing some sugary sweet card telling them how much she wanted them to be her Valentine when, in reality, she wanted nothing to do with them. Just thinking about them made her blood boil as she sat there, squirming in her desk chair, punishment diaper crinkling beneath her, reminding her how all this had started.

She didn't even need the stupid, bulky things... But when she acted up, her step-mother was convinced making her wear them was the only solution to fixing her behavior. And, if she was really bad, she wasn't allowed to sleep in her own room anymore... The crazy old bat had set up a nursery just for her - an adult! - and only for when she 'deserved' it, which, perhaps since the woman had paid for it and had it there, was more often than seemed fair. Penny genuinely thought she'd gotten good at hiding them while she was at school, at wearing things that disguised them, kept anyone from finding out... She'd been wrong.

Thinking of the faces of those three girls, she clutched her pen a bit tighter, began to imagine what she'd actually like to write in their Valentine's cards... And, almost without thinking, started to scribble away. It was nearly a shock to look down and see it, angry black words staring back at her, barely even looking like her own handwriting.

She paused, frowning slightly. It really didn't... Honestly, if she didn't sign it, she could hand it out, and nobody would be the wiser. She knew she shouldn't actually do that, and yet... She glanced over at the pile of cards she'd already finished, debating whether to slide this into an envelope, add it to the stack. They were the same kind of cards as the other, but they were cheap ones, whatever she could grab at the dollar store. More than likely, multiple people would be using them, right? Or, if somebody wanted to hide their identity, these would be the ones they used, probably... If she sent them regular, nice cards, too, nobody would ever be the wiser...


"Are you trying to tell me this isn't your writing, young lady?"

Penny gulped, staring down at the card Mr. Fletcher had slapped down on her desk, recognizing it right away. "N-No," she fibbed. "It doesn't look like mine at all... I don't know who would write such mean stuff, but I..."

He raised an eyebrow, sliding another card next to the one already there. Penny fidgeted, feeling the eyes of the whole class on her as this happened. "That's funny," he said, "because this is the other card you sent to Vanessa. It's the same design, and, other than the penstrokes being a bit heavier, this writing looks exactly the same to me."

Seeing them again now, side by side, perhaps the penmanship wasn't as different as she'd originally thought... And there were only a few different designs in that box; she should have made an effort to do those three girls' 'real' cards back to back with the more sincere ones, to know they didn't match. She'd written the ones that told them how she really felt, then put off the others until the end, too close to bedtime to take a moment and check what was in those first envelopes.

"Th-That's just a coincidence," she defended herself weakly.

"Get up," he ordered, perching on the edge of her desk once she'd nervously followed orders, tugging at her skirt. "Over my knee."

"Wh-What are you doing?!" she squealed.

"Your mother has given me permission to discipline you in any way I see fit, and right now, I think you deserve a spanking." Penny could hardly believe her ears, nor could, it seemed, her giggling classmates. She shook her head in horror, only to be grabbed, pulled closer to him, bent over...

"N-No!" she gasped, feeling his hand on her skirt's hem. He wouldn't do that... Not here, not now! "Pl-Please, don..."

But it was too late. She heard the giggling stop for a second as she felt cool air, blowing far further up than it ought to be able to reach, just to be replaced by more laughter, and whispers about how the rumors had been true. "What is this?" the teacher asked, poking the girl's padding as she squirmed, face beet red. He didn't wait for an answer, pushing her skirt downwards instead, letting it slide over her diaper with a rustle, pooling around the girl's ankles, leaving the infantile garment beneath fully exposed. "Well?"

"Umm... U-Uh...." she stammered, not wanting to say it out loud.

"Little girls who still need diapers shouldn't be saying things like this," he told her, pushing the card into her hand, sliding the diaper down, exposing enough of her backside to start her spanking in earnest.

Penny's step-mother, unsurprisingly, agreed, and the girl's latest diaper punishment, which had been scheduled to end that Friday, was extended. 

"I-It wasn't me!" she tried on her step-mom, too. "It looked a little like my writing, but not that much, a-and it isn't fair that they assumed..."

"I bought you these cards," the woman interrupted her, showing her the pictures Mr. Fletcher had apparently sent her. "And I've seen your handwriting when I assign you lines... It looks exactly like this. You're lying, too... Sometimes I wonder if you want to get back out of diapers."

"I do!" Penny whimpered.

But it wasn't happening that weekend, the way she'd hoped. She should have been able to wake up that Saturday in her bedroom, in a real bed, wearing panties... Instead, she opened her eyes still in the crib, still in her childish, pink jammies, and still, worst of all, in a diaper, damp from having been put to bed extra early while her dad and step-mother had a date night.

That was always the worst, knowing they weren't in the house, that she should be able to do anything she wanted... Yet, also well aware they could peek in on the security cameras at the house anytime they wanted, and, if she wasn't in her crib, she'd be in big trouble when they returned. She'd learned that the hard way, and, despite it meaning having to wet her pants when, otherwise, she easily could have made it to the bathroom, she knew it was better to do that than face the consequences of breaking curfew.

She'd half-expected her step-mother to have come in and changed her when they returned, but apparently she hadn't. It would have been too easy, she supposed... Having to toddle up to her in a soggy diaper and ask for a fresh one was incredibly humiliating, and the woman wouldn't want her to miss out on that; it was part of her punishment. 

Of course, it was a hard she wouldn't be able to do now, because the woman also hadn't lowered the side of her crib. Penny knew how to do it, and could easily reach the lock, but that was another no-no... Deciding when she was finished with a nap, or ready to get up, was something little girls still in diapers got to do.

She sighed, sucking boredly on her pacifier, waiting for her step-mother to come in, ready to whine about how she hoped she didn't get a diaper rash from this, only for the door to open and someone to walk in. It wasn't who she'd been expecting, however... Not by a long shot.

"V-Vanessa!" she gasped, turning as pink as her PJs. For a moment, she tried to think of a way to hide the bulk of her diaper beneath them, though, honestly, at this point, she wasn't sure why. Vanessa, along with the rest of her class, had seen her padding quite clearly, and she was sitting in the middle of a nursery... "Wh-What are you...?!"

"Hey, there, Penny," the girl smirked. "How did you do last night?" She strutted over, leaning over the bars of the crib, tugging out the waistband of Penny's pajama pants, and diaper, peeking inside, giving her a diaper check. "Oh, my God," she snorted. "You're actually wet! I didn't even have to do anything to you! You really do need these, don't you?"

"No!" Penny squeaked as Vanessa gave the seat of her diaper a pat. "L-Last night, I... I-It wasn't... Wh-What's that?!"

She knew the answer... She'd seen the small, plastic bulb the girl was holding, though only a couple times, only when she was very naughty. She sat down firmly on her padded bottom, but she was no match for the bigger girl, and, in no time, her diaper was being pulled outwards again, the bulb getting pushed into her, emptied with a squeeze. "Vanessa!" Penny whimpered, sure she felt her tummy rumbling already. "I-I'm really sorry about what I said, you can't make me..."

"I'm not making you do anything," Vanessa told her. "If you want to go to the potty, you can do that."

"No, I can't!" Penny shook her head desperately. "Y-You have to put down the side of the crib, or else..." 

"Or else the little diaper baby's gonna be in trouble?" Vanessa teased. "Would that get you in more or less trouble than me marching you out to see your Mommy, and telling her how you must have pooped your Pampers in your sleep?"

Penny's eyes widened. "I-I didn't! You know I didn't!" Her step-mother already suspected she was a bed-wetter, even though it only happened on those nights when she was tucked into her crib ridiculously early... If she thought Penny might mess herself overnight, too, she'd never sleep in big girl undies again! Which was, she realized in horror, looking at the other girl's expression, exactly what she wanted.

There was no way the day could get worse, not when it had started out like that... She knew she was no match for the mini-enema, and, sure enough, in what felt like no time at all, despite her begging for help, she was groaning and grunting, filling her pants right in front of Vanessa.

Part of her wanted to try to tell her step-mother the truth, to explain that, unlike Vanessa's lies, she hadn't been fast asleep when the girl had come in, and she definitely hadn't already been messy. It was hard not to feel timid, standing there with a loaded diaper under her PJs, or to see how Vanessa, in her cute little dress, was clearly more grown-up and trustworthy than her.

So, instead, she apologized to Vanessa for the card as sincerely as she could. "That's all right, sweetie," Vanessa told her, leaning down for a hug, giving her lumpy bottom a few pats, barely stifling a giggle as she watched Penny fidget, wrinkling her nose. "I know you're just jealous of us actual big girls."

Once the girl was gone, Penny ate her breakfast oatmeal, her step-mother insisting it was more important she finish it up before it got cold, rather than taking the time to change her first. She was left in her nursery to play, still blushing as she thought about her visitor, right up until she heard the door open again, and looked up to see...

"V-Veronica?" Perhaps, after Vanessa, it wasn't as huge a shock, but she still would have rather not let anyone from school see her like this.

"Hi," Veronica waved. "Are you having fun, cutie?"

"I-I'm really sorry!" she blurted out. "I shouldn't have written those cards, a-and I didn't mean any of it!"

"Wow," Veronica chuckled. "If all it takes is one messy diaper to make you so sweet-tempered, Vanessa should have done that a long time ago. That's right," she grinned, seeing Penny's shocked expression, "she sent me the video." Penny blushed, almost feeling like she was pooping herself again, knowing Veronica - and, in that case, probably Serena, too - had seen her doing it.

"Th-Then you know she got even for you guys," Penny said. "A-And I apologized, so..."

"You did," Veronica nodded, "But... You still said some very naughty things, little lady, things someone who hasn't worked out how to keep her diaper clean yet shouldn't be thinking, much less writing, or sending to someone else... And I only know one way to get rid of them."

Penny wasn't sure what she meant until her step-mother walked in, handing the other girl one of her bibs, and a bar of soap. "Will these do?" she asked.

"They should be perfect," Veronica smiled. "Thank you so much. You're sure you're okay with this?"

"Oh, yes," the woman nodded. "I would have done it myself if you hadn't said yes to my offer."

"Y-You don't give me mouth-soapings!" Penny protested as she was led to her high-chair, locked in place.

"No, I haven't," her step-mom agreed. "I haven't caught you saying those kinds of things before, either... And, if it ever happens again, you bet your diapered bottom I will. For now, I think Veronica here has earned the right to give you your first. And when she's done, you're not only going to apologize for everything you wrote about her, you're going to thank her for helping teach you the lesson you so clearly need."

The bib was tied around her neck, the soap pushed inside her whimpering mouth, worked all around, filling her mouth with suds until she could feel them dripping out, dribbling down her cheek. Veronica took her time, giving the bubbles time to work their magic, to start almost burning, until she allowed Penny to spit them out into a bowl, wiping her face off with a baby wipe.

"Here, rinse out," she urged, giving Penny a baby bottle of water, and then, after Penny had swished the first couple mouthfuls around and spit them out, and swallowed the rest, re-filling it not once, but twice. "Are you ready for round two?"

"No!" Penny wailed. "I-I'm sorry! Th-Thank you for teaching me, b-but I learned my lesson, and..."

"I don't think so," Veronica shook her head. "Your Mommy told me I could take as long as I needed, until I was convinced you were sincere... And that's not going to happen until I've had you drink so much water you can't help yourself, and you soak your diapies." She reached under the high-chair's tray, giving them a pat. "And it'll be fun to see you drooling and pouting while I scrub your mouth out in between your ba-bas. It'll be so clean by the time I'm done, you not only won't ever think of saying any bad words again... I bet you'll forget half of your other big girl words, too."

That, of course, didn't really happen... Penny remembered all her words, and could think of quite a few to describe the awful girl, but, knowing what she wanted, she reduced herself to a babbling toddler anyway, trying to speed things along, to make it stop.

It didn't take long at all for her overworked bladder to beg for relief, and, despite wanting to prove to her step-mom she didn't need diapers after that morning, she let it go, hoping that would be good enough for Veronica. It wasn't. The girl checked her, mused for a moment, declared, "Still mostly dry," and shoved another bottle of water at Penny.

In the end, she wasn't satisfied until Penny's diaper was leaking, dribbling down the inside of her thighs as she squirmed in her high-chair while Veronica went to fetch her 'Mommy', who wasn't particularly impressed with the girl.

"Why didn't you ask her to let you take a break before you went this much?" she asked. "Now you've made a huge mess!"

"I would have let you go to the potty," Veronica lied. 

Her step-mother took her wet outfit, taped her into not one, but two new diapers, and, once she'd heard that Veronica was satisfied with the apology, left Penny to play like that. "Babies don't mind running around in only diapers," the woman told her when she complained. "And, the way you're going through them today, it seems like that must be what you are."

As if to emphasize that, Penny's lunch was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crusts cut off, and baby carrots. She ate them with her hands in her high-chair, then was put down for her nap, where all the water Veronica had forced her to drink caught up with her again, not helping her case that she wasn't a bed-wetter one bit.

It wasn't too long after that when her door opened yet again, and, this time, it was hard to must much surprise at the sight of Serena. "I'm sorry," Penny told her right away. "Really, really sorry... You don't hafta do anything to me!"

"I'm not doing anything to you," Serena chuckled. "I'm here to give you something." She held up a jar of baby food. "A snack!"

Penny wrinkled her nose without thinking, looking at it, at the color, at the no doubt smooth, yet mushy consistency. "I'm not hungry."

"That's not very polite," Serena shook her head. "I'm trying to be nice, Penny."

Penny forced a smile, realizing that, like the other two, she was probably at this girl's mercy. "Thank you, though... I-I'll eat it later, okay?"

"No, I want to see how much you like it," Serena said, walking over to the high chair, picking up the bib. "Why don't we have a little picnic?" She sat down on the floor in front of Penny, tying the bib in place, opening up the jar. "Won't that be fun?"

Penny sighed, but, really, compared to Veronica and Vanessa, this wasn't so bad. "Sure," she tried to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "A blast."

Serena got a big spoonful, flying it around like an airplane before pushing it into Penny's mouth, the other girl nearly gagging at the taste. Some of it wasn't bad... She recognized banana, but there was something else, too, and it was much less pleasant. Even the banana wasn't great, thanks to the mashed-up texture, though, if it hadn't been for the mysterious second ingredient, she might have been able to tolerate it.

"Isn't that good?" Serena cooed.

"Y-Yeah," Penny nodded, regretting it when Serena shoved a second spoonful into her mouth.

"Why don't we play a little game?" Serena suggested. "If you guess what it is, you can stop eating it."

"Banana!" Penny blurted out.

"So clever," Serena told her condescendingly. "And what else? Here, let's get you some more to give you a better shot."

It took a few more before Penny could finally place it. She hadn't had many of these, but, once she thought of it, she had no doubt she was right. "Banana and prune?!" she wrinkled her nose, thinking of how much she'd already eaten.

"Very good!" Serena smiled... But she dipped the spoon in again. 

"That's it, right?" Penny asked desperately. "Y-You said if I guessed it, I could stop..."

"There's one more thing in there," Serena told her. Penny struggled, fighting her way through spoonful after spoonful, trying to think of what it could be, throwing out suggestion after suggestion. Once Serena had scraped up the last of it and forced her to eat it, she smirked and said, "It was banana, and prune... And lots and lots of laxatives. I don't know how you didn't guess that."

Penny gasped. "Th-That's not fair!" she whined.

"And, since you lost, I think it's time for someone to go to bed."

"No!" Penny pouted, staring out her window. It was even earlier than it had been the previous day... And, if what Serena said was true, there was no way she'd make it all the way through the rest of the afternoon, the evening, and all night without messing herself again, making it look like she really did have a problem, proving, no doubt, in her step-mother's eyes that she couldn't be trusted out of diapers... Maybe ever.

"Your Mommy told me I could give you any punishment I wanted, because of what you wrote... And a nice, early bedtime is what I choose," Serena smiled, helping Penny into her crib, pulling the side back up.

"Y-You gave me that food," Penny whimpered. "Isn't that punishment enough?"

"That was a treat!" Serena acted shocked, insulted. "I made that just for you, Penny... And what do you say when somebody makes you something?"

Penny glared at her from behind her crib bars, stuck there in her booties and double diapers, in for an extremely long and messy night because of her, and her friends... But knowing, at this point, there was nothing she could do about it. She'd done this to herself, really, giving in and actually passing out those cards... It was an over-reaction, to say the least, yet she'd earned this nevertheless. 

"Thank you," she sulked. "A-And I'm sorry."

"I know you are," Serena patted her on the head. "I am, too... Sorry I won't get a video like Vanessa's." She giggled, heading out of the room, flipping on the night-light, despite the abundant sunlight coming in through the window, and turning out the main light, leaving Penny to her fate.




Hey, can you write what time "early bedtime" means?


My own post story mini thought. During the night the early bedtime has her already wer and the cramps and pressure are too much, she uncontrollably messes her diaper. She trys and trys to not fall back asleep to stay awake till her mother comes in in the morning so she can try to explain she want asleep when it happened only for sleep to slowly but surely take hold of her leaving her for her mother to find.