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A short story commission from an anonymous Patron, featuring a cameo from the main character from this story.

"Etiquette... Yeah, right," Ashley mumbled under her breath, looking around the school she'd just been dropped off at. The Amazon who had abducted her, and taped her into this diaper, and forced her into this tiny, frilly dress, had said it would help teach her what she needed to 'get by in this world,' which the woman - who had only called herself 'Mommy' in Ashley's earshot - claimed her capture demonstrated Ashley needed. 

Of course, after getting checked in, and ushered into a hallway with a rather fearsome-looking lock on the one door out, Ashley had been greeted by what looked more like a daycare, a whole gaggle of littles, decked out in diapers and baby clothes, toddling around, playing with blocks, sucking on thumbs and pacifiers... Ashley grimaced, hands balling into fists at the thought of being stuck here, and the woman who had done this to her.

"Right?" another woman, one with long, black hair, and an air of sophistication despite the diaper poking out from beneath her short skirt. "Who do they think they're fooling, calling it an 'etiquette school?'" Ashley wouldn't have been surprised if this person had been to a real one, the way she held herself tall, the proper way she spoke... She felt almost as intimidated by her as she did by the people running this place, although the girl's outfit certainly helped with that.

"Anyone who voluntarily goes to any kind of 'school' staffed by Amazons deserves it," Ashley shook her head. "The woman who kidnapped me is making me come." She refused to give in, to call that awful person 'Mommy'. "I assume you a..."

"Hey!" a shorter woman, one with bright red hair and a grumpy expression, cut in. "Screw you! I do not deserve this! For your information, everything I could find about this school online made it sound legit! How was I supposed to know that when I showed up here for a tour, this would happen?" She gestured towards her simple, pink smock, one that Ashley saw several other girls wearing. Obviously, there were big, poofy diapers under each of those skirts, including the redhead's, though, from the way she was tugging at it uncomfortably, Ashley almost wondered if she was going to manage to yank it off, despite the little-proof tapes it surely had.

"Sorry," Ashley said. There was no point doubting her, or making enemies. "I-I didn't..."

"Hi!" yet another girl toddled up to them, waving happily, seemingly blissfully unaware, or uncaring, that she was wearing just a shirt and diaper, without even the pretense of a skirt or pants to cover the latter garment. "I'm Annie! You'we new hewe! Wanna pway?"

All three of the other girls were taken aback, glancing at one another with varying degrees of pity, terror, and disgust on their faces. Was this what this school wanted to turn them into?! Was this what they needed to 'get by in this world'?

"Maybe later, dear," Shannon was the one to speak up first. "Why don't you go find us some good toys so the other children don't take them all?"

"Otay!" Annie giggled, turning and waddling away, stopping after a few steps, knees bending. It wasn't until Ashley heard the rude sounds emerging from her backside, saw the bulge starting to form in the seat of the girl's diaper, that she realized what was happening. 

The redhead beside her couldn't help herself, letting out a, "Eww!", nose wrinkling as she gripped the hem of her skirt. Shannon looked a bit pale as well. Annie, on the other hand, paid them no mind whatsoever, finished up, cheerfully going on her way, diaper sagging heavily. "You can't let that happen to me!"

"It can't happen to any of us," Shannon shook her head, seeming shaken. "If we stick together, they won't get in our heads."

"Right," Ashley nodded, watching Annie trail away worriedly. "We're all in this together, right? I'm sorry, what's your name? I'm Ashley, and this is Shannon."

"I'm Jessie," the red-headed girl introduced herself finally. "And I am never turning into that."



The girl jumped a little at the sound of her name, having been caught daydreaming. She swallowed, looking around the circle of students nervously, trying to get some indication of what the question had been, squirming anxiously... And feeling a squish beneath her.

She wanted to feel grossed out, the way she had only a couple weeks ago, when this had all started, but, at this point, it was more disappointment. The first few times had been so humiliating, so disgusting, she'd nearly burst out in tears, and had to be comforted by Shannon and Ashley, told it would be okay... Now, it was happening more and more without her even realizing it. What was worse, she was starting to get used to it.

It had been happening at home, too, which was part of the reason she was still here. Her mother had encouraged her to check this place out, thinking it would help give her the skills she needed to get a good job after losing her last one... Jessie tried to tell her what it was really like, to convince her to let her quit, but, as she began having accidents, acting more childish at home, it only seemed to prove to her mom that she belonged here, no matter how hard Jessie fought to explain that it was making things worse, that everything they'd read about it beforehand was a lie.

She looked to Shannon, sure she'd been paying attention, and knew what she should say, but the girl was playing with the ears of the stuffed rabbit she'd started to carry around absent-mindedly, not even noticing Jessie's distress. Thankfully Ashley, on the other side of her, lowered her hand to the side of her leg, extending three fingers.

"Three?" Jessie tried.

"Very good, Jessie," the teacher nodded. "Or should I say Ashley?"

Jessie shot Ashley an apologetic look as the teacher stepped closer to her. "Do you think helping another student cheat is appropriate behavior, Ashley?"

"W-Well," Ashley fidgeted. "My Mommy says you should always give someone a hand if they need it."

Jessie wondered if Ashley realized how casually she'd said that name, something she'd refused to do at the start of their time here. She barely even sounded angry this time, the way she had the first few times Jessie had noticed her slipping up. Jessie made a mental note to tell Ashley about it during the next play-time, though the girl would probably be annoyed enough at her for getting her in trouble. Normally, Shannon would have heard it, too, and she had a way of pointing those things out calmly, without getting the person upset that they were slipping further and further into this school's trap... However, Jessie wasn't sure Shannon had heard, or at least processed, any of this conversation.

"That's true," the teacher acknowledged. "But she'll never learn if you just tell her all the answers, will she?"

"I-I guess not," Ashley shrugged. "I'm sorry... It won't happen again."

Jessie gulped, telling herself her friend was only saying that to appease the teacher, that they were still going to stick together... But, looking around the room at the other students, and the three of them, she couldn't help but wonder if it was really going to matter either way.


"But I wanna play shapes!" Hoppy insisted, in her funny little voice, Shannon giggling despite herself as she listened to the bunny.

"There isn't time!" Ashley whined, stomping her bootie-clad feet in frustration. "You hafta stop playing with this! It's not real! You're the one talking, dummy!"

Shannon's eyes widened, brimming with tears, as Ashley ripped Hoppy away from her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ashley quickly said, handing the bunny back. "But don't you see? We hafta do something, and quick! We're already wearing this," she gestured at her outfit, a shirt and diaper, the same as what the other two girls were wearing, just like Annie had been, back on that first day. "We hafta get outta here fast, or it'll be too late!"

"Are you causing trouble again, Ashy?" a grown-up asked, and, automatically, Shannon felt her head nodding, turning to see Hoppy's doing the same. "Come on, you know the drill."

"No!" Ashley stomped her foot again. "I don't wanna go to time-out!"

"And that's why you're going," the grown-up said, giving her a pat on the diaper. "Go on and play, you two."

"Three!" Shannon pointed out, lifting Hoppy up, since the grown-up clearly hadn't noticed her.

"Sorry, three," the woman smiled.

"Do you think she's right?" Jessie asked worriedly. "I-I mean, she might have a point... She said..."

She kept talking, but Shannon and Hoppy were busy playing, like they'd wanted to do all along. Shannon was picking up the shapes, and Hoppy was telling her which holes they were supposed to go into... The bunny wasn't very good at it, although Shannon didn't mind too much; that just meant the game went on longer.

After a few moments, she noticed Jessie squat down a little, mid-sentence, a look of concentration on her face as she started to grunt. Shannon watched curiously for a moment, seeing her diaper ballooning outwards, filling up, before the girl happily plopped down on the other side of the toy, starting to play, too.

Shannon had no idea how long it was before Ashley came toddling up to them, red-eyed, her diaper also drooping and dirty. "I-I'm really sorry," she told them, in a way that made it obvious one of the grown-ups had talked to her, and told her she had to say that. "I-I shouldn't have taken your toy, or called you a dummy, or..."

"It's okay!" Hoppy squeaked. "We're still friends!"

"Yeah!" Jessie smiled. "The three of us are a team!"

"Four!" Shannon pouted, glaring.

"Yeah," Ashley nodded, her eyes widening as she looked towards the door. "Mommy!" she squealed excitedly taking off at the quickest toddle she could in her bulky, messy diaper, rushing for the door to be picked up by another grown-up, who bent down, scooping her up, playfully giving the bulge in her diaper a pat as Ashley giggled, cuddling up against the woman's chest happily.

"Come on," Jessie urged, bouncing on her own mushy bottom. "We gotta get all these shapes in the right holes!"

"Right," Shannon nodded seriously, looking to Hoppy for help. "The three of us can do it! We're all in this together!"


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