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A caption commission from Invada to see a version of The Bullies where things go a bit differently, as suggested by Talon Boice. This is set after the first set of the original captions. Picture property of ABDreams.

Andrea grinned as she checked over the code again, making sure she had it just right. She wanted this to be perfect... Once Bailey ran it on her computer, there would be no stopping it, no getting rid of it, at least not before it had done its job. Not even Andrea, who knew how she'd written it and how to reverse it, thought she was capable of turning it off quickly enough.

Perhaps it was overkill... Bailey was no hacker, probably barely knew how to turn her computer on by herself. But just in case she saw her laptop acting strange, and knew someone who was better with them than her, Andrea was doing everything she could to prevent her from having a chance.

Was it fair? No, not really. But Andrea didn't want her to have any shot of avoiding this, of getting away from the punishment she'd earned. And, from what she could tell, looking at what she'd created, the girl wouldn't.

Grinning, she took a swig from her drink, setting the cup back down on her desk without thinking, feeling it bump against something, but not thinking about what it was until she heard a sound coming from her speakers, glanced over and saw her monitor taken over by a black and white swirl...

"No!" she gasped, stomach starting to twist in that same pattern. She'd accidentally started it up! "No, no, no," she whimpered, reaching for her keyboard, tapping away before she remembered what a stupid mistake that was. She should have turned off the monitor, or the computer itself... But that had been the first suggestion she'd planted in the hypnosis, preventing the victim from thinking of that.

It was already working on her. If she'd needed any more proof, she frowned, looked down at her chest, saw a wet spot there, and, a moment later, realized she was drooling. "Stooop!" she whined futilely, angry at herself, and her work, but too far gone to do anything about it as she sat there, feeling her adult mind turning to mush.

"Andrea!" Elle exclaimed, opening her door. "I haven't seen you in ages, sweetie! Come on in! You look exactly the same... What's up?"

Thinking ahead, Andrea had added in an alternate scenario, something in case Bailey threw the rest of the box's contents away before trying out the DVD. Bailey was supposed to return to her 'babysitter,' Andrea, and ask to be diapered. It wasn't ideal, since it would take a while for her to arrive, and the hypnosis might wear off by then... Andrea couldn't go to herself, however, so she hadn't known what was going to happen, until she'd walked down the street, to her childhood babysitter's house, and knocked on the door.

Seeing her, Andrea felt her cheeks burn, thinking of how much she'd disliked being looked after by her, how she'd loathed the girl for treating her like a baby, even when she was really too old to need a sitter, acting like she was so much older and wiser, when there was really only a few years difference, which made Andrea resent her even more for somehow convincing her parents she was qualified.

Andrea felt her face turning redder, from effort this time, followed by more embarrassment, as she felt her knees bend, her bottom sticking itself out as, right on Elle's front lawn, in front of the whole street, she began to poop her pants. She wrinkled her nose, blushing, feeling her underwear stretching out, sagging as she loaded them with warm mush, helpless to stop herself, no matter how much she wanted to.

"Uh-oh," she mumbled, sticking her thumb in her mouth when she was finished. "I think I need a diapie."

"I'd say you do," Elle shook her head in shock, and amusement. "I don't have any with me, but come on... We can walk to the drugstore." 

"Fank yew," Andrea burbled from behind her thumb, while, in the back of her mind, she was screaming, knowing that the moment it happened, the moment Elle taped her into that diaper, it was truly over... But, try as she might, she couldn't stop herself from toddling along beside her, load in her pants, off to the destiny she'd crafted for Bailey.


"Oh, come on in, girls," Elle smiled, glancing up. "I'm glad you could make it... She kept asking for you."

"Holy..." Bailey's hand flew to her mouth, barely able to stop herself from bursting out laughing. "Is that Andrea?! Why is she dressed like that?!"

"Y-Yeah," Isla blushed, squirming anxiously beside her. "That's weird..."

"The poor little thing had a bit of a mental breakdown," Elle told them. "I've been looking after her, like old times, trying to teach her to read again, and how to use the potty, but she is just hopeless at both."

"B-Bailey!" Andrea gasped, eyes widening to see the two bullies there, staring at her. She reached towards them, whimpering - this was supposed to be them, not her! But there was nothing she could do about it now... She couldn't remember the whole word of what she'd done - hips-something? - much less how to do it, and she certainly couldn't spell anymore, much less type.

"See?" Elle said. "I'm not sure what she wants, but I thought maybe if you spent some time with her, it might help." She gently slid herself out from under Andrea's, head, standing up. "I'll let you have some privacy... Give a shout if you need anything."

"Don't worry," Bailey grinned, taking out her phone, starting up the camera with a grin, "I think we'll be just fine..."




im so happy you took my suggestion :)