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As a little Christmas present, here's a Christmas/New Year's story, commissioned by an anonymous Patron. This isn't a caption, because the photo doesn't match exactly, and it's way too long, but I do want to mention that the story is very much inspired by this picture of the adorable LilDiaperedSunshine, whose content you can find here. Happy Holidays, everyone!

"Are you ready?"

Nyssa frowned for a moment, the words stirring something in her, although she couldn't exactly say what. She felt like she'd heard them a million times lately, and yet, thinking back, she couldn't actually recall what she'd said after, how she'd responded. That, paired with the goofy grin on her employee's face, was enough to worry her slightly, which manifested, in the moment, as annoyance.

"Of course I am," she scowled.

The other woman's eyes widened, clearly having not expected that. "A-Are you ready... N-Nyssa?"

Again, Nyssa felt something, but the cadence of the words, the hesitance, didn't sound quite... right... to her, despite not really knowing what she expected. "Excuse me?"

"I-I mean, Ms. Gataki!" her employee blushed. "S-Sorry!" Before she could get an answer, she scrambled away. She was new... Nyssa was pretty certain, especially after that, she wouldn't be around for long. Nyssa didn't have time to deal with that now, however... She had a meeting to get to. 

It was a big deal, what they were trying to do, so it made sense they'd have to have a lot of meetings about it, to get everyone on the same page. Strangely, those were something else she couldn't remember as well as she ought to. Her doctor had told her she was too stressed, and she assumed this was a part of that. It felt like her employees were always fighting her at every turn, which didn't help, and, if she could have run the company without them, she would have already fired them, too.

They simply didn't seem to understand that this was her app, her million dollar idea - which was about to become a billion dollar one, if they played their cards right - and she'd only needed them to make it for her, and get the word out. They appeared to think, because they'd done that, they had some say in how she used it... They were wrong.

"There she is!" her old college roommate, and head programmer, Elaine, exclaimed. "Sit down, Nyssa, we're about ready to get started!"

Nyssa's nostrils flared for a moment before she calmed herself, reminding herself that, if anyone deserved to call her by her first name here, it was Elaine. They'd known each other long enough, and before Nyssa had even come up with the idea. It still irked her, but if she was going to let it slide for anyone, it ought to be her.

She was a little more annoyed when Elaine took control of the meeting, asking, "Well, how are the preparations going?" before Nyssa could speak up. Elaine had always been louder than her, bigger than her - not that that was much of an accomplishment - and more friendly than her - which wasn't, really, either - and that had helped them get their initial funding. She didn't run this company, however, no matter how much she seemed to think she did.

"The new version of the app is almost ready," one of the other programmers said, hitting a few buttons on his laptop and pulling up a view of it on the big monitor. It looked a lot like it always did, with its big button in the center, with Santa's face on it and the smaller button with a lump of coal on it, and the big space at the bottom for ads. Santa wasn't wearing his iconic hat, though, since it was out of season, and there were a couple extra buttons - one with Santa's list, and one that was clearly a camera.

It had been such a simple concept... Nyssa was shocked nobody else had come up with it. Kids were always so afraid they might not make the cut, might have misbehaved too much over the year for Santa to bring them presents... So, why not let them tell Santa all about what they'd done, so they could see? All they had to do was hit the button with Santa's face and confess, and Santa would tell them how naughty or nice they'd been, and tell them some things they could do to earn their way back onto the nice list.

And they almost all needed to... At first, Elaine had won out, telling Nyssa that, in general, kids weren't that bad, but if Santa told them they were on the nice list right away, they had little reason to open the app again and keep checking, and, thus, have ads shown to them, which was, of course, the real reason any of it existed at all.

During the Christmas season, kids were using it all the time, telling Santa everything, checking back in to either hit the coal button to double check what they could do for penance, or mark them done, or, while they were there, to keep from getting in more trouble for not telling him the whole truth, updating their list of sins. 

This year, however, Nyssa had decided they were doing something different, to keep kids from losing interest until the next holiday season. She wanted to encourage kids to keep using it year-round. She'd had Santa telling kids he was pretty sure they'd forgotten something, and adding on more naughty points for that, so they'd want to tell him as soon as they misbehaved, rather than waiting. Behind that new Santa's list button, there was a ranking of the most naughty and most nice kids, so they could try to stay off the former, and on the latter, list.

And, to make sure everyone knew they were doing this, they were having a big New Year's event, where they exposed the naughtiest person from the previous year, and star in a series of advertisements about their reformation over the coming year. Nyssa had wanted to make them be Baby New Year's, but that had been a big fight, and, despite how close they were to the event, she wasn't sure where they landed on it... Not that she needed to, since it was other peoples' jobs to arrange that. The other employees seemed to think that would be 'too mean', which was something they'd said to her a lot.

"You can't have them asking their parents to spank them!" Elaine had told her once. "If they think they won't get any presents if they don't, they'll actually do it!"

"Well, they probably deserve it," Nyssa had sniffed. She'd never been spanked as a kid, but she'd met plenty of children who clearly needed it.

"I've talked to Pampers, and they're in," one of the other workers spoke up.

Nyssa smirked; there was a battle she'd won... Apparently. After discovering a lot of kids were confessing bedwetting, or daytime accidents, Nyssa had reached out to the other company to partner up, to show those kids ads for diapers, and make wearing diapers a part of earning their way off the naughty list. Elaine hadn't liked that either, claiming it wasn't the kids' fault.

"I never wet the bed," Nyssa had informed her. "Or had accidents when I was older than a toddler. It wasn't that hard."

After news stories about friends of kids seeing those ads, or those punishment entries on the coal list, bullying them about it, everyone had wanted them to cut off their ties with Pampers, and it had been a huge battle, the end of which, like so many things lately, she couldn't exactly recall... But, after hearing that report, Nyssa knew she'd won.

"The photo shoot went well," another employee reported. She took over the monitor, showing an image of what was clearly Nyssa's office, wrecked. Papers were everywhere, the trinkets from her desk thrown here and there... If she hadn't just came from there, and known that wasn't current, she would have been especially steamed. They'd obviously cleaned up, but she was still annoyed, starting to stand up and demand who'd given them permission to use her office, and do this to it.

And then the picture switched, and she saw... herself. The pictures were starting from the end, it seemed, because she was standing on her desk, kicking a pile of paperwork over, looking very much like a little girl in the middle of a tantrum... And, worst of all, there was a very obvious wet spot on her skirt, as if she'd wet herself. 

She squirmed in her seat uncomfortably. She could remember, a few days ago, being embarrassed when she went home because she'd apparently put on the wrong skirt with her suit, and had been walking around, not quite matching, all day... And shocked to find she was in a pair of panties that looked more like something she'd worn as a kid than what she preferred now, that she assumed had been at the very bottom of her drawer, and she'd grabbed them without thinking, or noticing how thick the cotton was, how childish the little heart polka dots were. But now, here she was, in the right skirt, having peed herself in it, and the underwear she'd actually chosen for the day.

"We're still finalizing the copy, but the pictures are perfect." Nyssa watched in horror as her office turned more and more orderly, the wet spot on her clothes shrinking as the photos went back in time. How was this possible?! How had they gotten those pictures?! Had they found someone who looked like her, and faked it? Why?! Or... Was that what she'd been doing during one of her missing chunks of time?!

"Wonderful," Elaine smiled. "And you found the right candidate for our new employee?"

"Oh, yes," another worker grinned. "We just need you-know-who to sign her contract, but that won't be any problem."

Nyssa frowned. Were they talking about her? Why did they need another new hire? Or was it to replace the girl from earlier? She was clearly incompetent... She supposed it made sense that the other workers, who were around the girl more often, would have known that before her, and were preparing to find someone else.

"Great," Elaine nodded, turning back to the other programmer. "And the webcams are in place?"

"Check it out." He took control of the monitor again, showing off the app, this time moving his mouse over the camera icon, clicking on it and showing... Nyssa's living room.

"She has her tree down already?" Elaine raised an eyebrow.

"She never had one up," the other programmer shook his head. "So much for the Christmas spirit, huh? But I think the angle looks good. We can have her adjust it if we need to. I figure the playpen will..." 

He started to move his mouse around the big empty space in the middle of the living room, but Nyssa couldn't take it any more. "What the hell is this?!" she demanded.

"Nyssa, quiet down," Elaine snapped, and, to her surprise, her next words were blocked, muffled by something in her mouth, something she felt herself sucking on subconsciously... Something that turned out to be her own thumb. She scowled, trying to pull it out, but couldn't. "Did nobody trigger her?!"

"I-I tried," the new girl raised her hand meekly. "I-I thought I had, but I guess I screwed it up..."

"It's all right," Elaine told her, while Nyssa struggled to yank her hand away from her face, and tell them all how not 'all right' this was. "Are you ready, Nyssa?"

Nyssa didn't remember much after that... But they were in the crunch time now, so things were pretty hectic. She was just glad when it was New Year's Eve, and she could dress up in her gorgeous ball gown and head into the office for their big event.

She milled around for a while, munching on snacks - more than she'd expected, to be honest, since it felt like any time she tried to pass one up, a nearby employee would ask, "Aren't you hungry?" and she'd realize she was. Even stranger was the fact that none of them appeared to be eating, or at least not the same snacks as her.

"Hello, everyone!" she told the camera broadcasting the whole thing live. "I'm Nyssa Gataki, creator of the Naughty List app. I hope everyone used our app, and got all the presents they deserved this year! If you didn't... Well, sometimes there just isn't enough time in the Christmas season to make up for all the naughty things you do throughout the year. That's why the Naughty List is going year-round!"

She smiled, waiting for the applause from her employees to die down before looking back at the teleprompter for her next line. "Now you know you won't forget to tell him anything, because you can do it right away! And, to prove it works, we found the person who was the naughtiest this year, and they're going to spend the year with us, getting reformed, by someone who knows exactly what it takes to get on the nice list... Mrs. Claus?"

She frowned, not sure what she was being told to talk about, until a large woman, one who dwarfed her, even in her heels, dressed as, indeed, Mrs. Claus, stepped out, and into frame with her. Nyssa squirmed uncomfortably, standing next to her, wishing she'd worn even higher heels, or padded her bra a little more.

"It isn't just up to me, though," 'Mrs. Claus' broke in, taking over from the anxious Nyssa. "We're going to let you watch all of it, and you can vote on whether you think they've truly changed their ways or not. Won't that be fun?" She nudged Nyssa, who let out a nervous chuckle. "Well, then, would you like to reveal who the naughtiest person of the year is, Nyssa?"

"I-It's Ms. Gataki," she replied reflexively.

"We'll see," the other woman smirked.

Nyssa looked around the room, wondering where she was supposed to gesture, who they'd found for this, before shrugging, hoping her workers were prepared, and starting to read again. "The naughtiest person of this year, who will also be our Baby New Year," her eyebrows raised, feeling smug to see that, to know her employees had changed their mind on that, too, "is..." She paused, seeing her last line, stomach churning. "W-Wait..."

On the monitors, she saw clips of articles about the Pampers incident, of memos she'd sent about possible punishments for the app, the pictures from the photo shoot... "N-No," she shook her head. "Th-That's not true!"

"That's right," Mrs. Claus interrupted, as the live footage began to run again, her hand clamping around Nyssa's arm, holding her in place. "The naughtiest person of the year is our very own Nyssa here! As you saw, she's been a very bad girl... And, after being so mean to people who have accidents, apparently she has something to tell Santa, herself!"

"N-No!" Nyssa said defiantly. "Th-That wasn't real! I-It was Photoshopped, I wouldn't... I've never..." She frowned, feeling something strange... Without thinking about it, or being able to stop it, she felt her bladder giving way, felt her panties warming up, before a torrent of pee started to cascade down her thighs, soaking through her gown, forming a puddle beneath her. She didn't have accidents, and this didn't really feel like one anyway... It felt like she'd done it on purpose, but, obviously, she wouldn't have done that on her own! Yet, there had been something in her mind, something triggered by what Mrs. Claus had said, that had forced her to.

"Nyssa!" Mrs. Claus scolded. "And right in your pretty party dress! Well, it's a good thing the Naughty List is partnering with Pampers again... They made a special diaper, just for you!"

Nyssa watched in horror as a changing table was wheeled out, one more than big enough for her, stocked with stacks and stacks of huge, bulky diapers. Mrs. Claus grabbed one, showing it off to the camera. It had the Pampers logo proudly blazoned across the front, but it was far thicker than any baby diaper Nyssa had ever seen - not that she'd had much of a reason, without any kids, or nieces or nephews, or anything of her own - and the print was lumps of coal, angry looking Santa faces, pictures of lists with Naughty scrawled on top in red, and Nyssa's name written at the very top. They clearly really had been made just for her.

"No!" she shook her head, stomping her foot. "I don't need diapers!"

"This," Mrs. Claus gestured to her dress, "and those pictures say otherwise. Now, while we get her ready, let's see her new home for the year... Or longer, if you don't vote to say she's learned her lesson by the end of the year!"

Nyssa was no match for the bigger woman, getting stripped, lifted onto the changing table, and strapped down. She blushed and squirmed helplessly, having to look away as Mrs. Claus slid the fresh diaper under her, getting out a can of shaving gel. Instead, she saw the monitor, where they were showing her apartment.

She didn't see the master bedroom, where she'd spent most of her time that day, before showing up here. The guest bedroom, on the other hand, was completely transformed, the bed replaced by a crib, and a changing table much like the one she was currently on, a rocking horse and chair sitting in opposite corners of the room. In her dining room, there was a huge high-chair; in the living room, from the same perspective as that webcam shot from the meeting, an oversized playpen.

During that part, she actually saw herself in the corner of the frame, walking by in a daze, not looking twice at the thing. That made some sense - she didn't remember seeing it - but not a ton... Had whatever they done to her extended to there? Had they mesmerized her to keep her from seeing what they were doing?!

Whatever the case, she could tell, from that glimpse of herself, that the playpen was tall, big enough to keep her from escaping on her own. And, the fact that the footage from there seemed to be from the camera they'd been using in the meeting made her wonder if the same was true for the other rooms, if those were accessible from the app as well, and she'd interrupted before the programmer could show them off.

She gasped, pulled away from her thoughts as she felt the diaper being drawn up between her legs, forcing her thighs apart, feeling so thick, and bulky, and thoroughly infantile compared to her normal underwear. "N-No," she whimpered, trying to push the woman's hands away, but she was already working on the tapes, pulling the sides nice and snug before securing them in place, diapering the little CEO for the first time in decades.

To 'complete' her ensemble, Mrs. Claus pulled a red, cropped sweatshirt over her head. Nyssa could see there was something written on the front in gold letters, but, until she pulled it out a little, she couldn't quite read it. When she did, she wished she hadn't... All it did was declared her the 'Naughtiest.'

Mrs. Claus lifted her down off the changing table. Standing there, without her heels, her padded bra gone with her gown, the outfit it had been replaced with doing nothing to hide her diaper, she felt smaller than she had in a very, very long time, which was making it very hard to figure out how to take control of the situation again, to prove that this was her company, and that she couldn't be treated this way.

Before she could, the cameras switched back on, showing the world her new look. She blushed, trying to tug the shirt down low enough, then attempting to hide behind Mrs. Claus, who easily moved her back in front, making sure she was seen. "Now, Nyssa," she lectured, "I'm going to be your Nanny for this next year, so I want you to be a good girl for me, okay? I don't want to have to punish you... But, if I do, you had several ideas for how I should, didn't you? I think it would be a great idea to try them on you and see how they work... Don't you?"

Nyssa's face was practically glowing as she fidgeted, feeling the diaper between her legs, forcing her into a bow-legged stance, crinkling with every tiny movement. "Y-You can't do this to me," she whined.

"We can," Mrs. Claus assured her. "You signed the contracts to set all this up..." She had them waiting on one of the shelves of the changing table, and, sure enough, Nyssa recognized her signature instantly. "And doesn't it make sense, sweetie? You get to be the face of your own company's new advertising campaign!"

Her face, and probably her diapered bottom, were going to be splashed everywhere... "No, no, no!" she stomped her feet, the only thing she could think of to do in the moment.

"Oh, dear, another tantrum?" Mrs. Claus tutted. "Well, I suppose it's only natural... You're up far past your new bedtime. The only reason you're still awake is because you're Baby New Year, so you have to be. And look at that... It's almost midnight! But we don't have a ball to drop... Hmm... What do you think we should do, Nyssa? We need something big, and round..."

Nyssa had no idea what she was talking about... Unfortunately, her body did. Unable to stop it, she felt her knees bend, her face turning a new kind of red as she began to strain, and push... And she felt something coming out, pushing against the seat of her diaper before starting to spread, slowly filling her diaper with warm, thick, gooey mush.

She was pooping her Pampers... And, what's more, she was doing it live, for an audience of at least all her employees, and however many people were tuned in to the stream. She was absolutely mortified, feeling her diaper expand around her, ballooning outwards to hold all her mess, no doubt amplified by all the special treats she'd been encouraged to chow down on.

"That might be the first good thing you've done all year!" Mrs. Claus quipped, giving Nyssa's diaper a few pats, making the girl squirm and blush, feeling the contents squelch and shift at the impact. "Wow, you really filled that to the brim, didn't you?"

"N-No," Nyssa shook her head sheepishly, her voice tiny, weak, not at all like that of the strong CEO she'd started the presentation as. 

"And there you go, ruining it already," Mrs. Claus sighed. "Why would you even try to lie about it, Nyssa? Everyone can see the truth. But don't you worry... I know how to deal with liars. I bet you do, too."

Nyssa was afraid she did, but, before they got to that, Mrs. Claus produced a silver diaper cover from the changing table, shiny and glittery, made to look like it was shaped out of crystals, like the one in Times Square. She could barely get it over Nyssa's swollen backside, though she managed it, pulling it tight and letting it snap shut as the girl blushed and whimpered.

Then, Mrs. Claus sat down and yanked Nyssa over her lap. Nyssa squealed in surprise, and then fear, realizing she'd been right, and she knew exactly what was going to happen. "We have to make sure everyone can see the ball," Mrs. Claus told her, positioning her so that her backside, and the loaded diaper around it, was on prominent display. "Oh, but we need something to drop, don't we... Hmmm... Oh, I know."

She held out her hand, and Elaine placed a large, wooden hairbrush in it. Nyssa gulped, squirming helplessly over her new nanny's lap. This couldn't be happening... She'd made this app, and this company! How dare they treat her like this?! She was going to fire every single one of them... Although, how she was going to do that from her playpen, in her stinky diapers, she had no idea.

"Is it time? Count down with me!" Mrs. Claus told the camera, and Nyssa's employees, all of them shouting at once, "10! 9! 8!"

They couldn't really expect her to go through with this... Could they?! They had hired this 'Mrs. Claus' for the night, at least, and she seemed to be in on it, happy to join in... But could she really be there for the whole year?!

"7! 6! 5!"

Nyssa gasped, realizing only then that Mrs. Claus's arm, hairbrush in it, was raising higher and higher with each number, preparing for a good, hard, first swat, sure to be followed up with plenty of smaller, though still certainly effective, especially through her dirty diaper, smacks. "No!" she sniffled, kicking her feet helplessly. "Stop it!"

"4! 3! 2!"

Time seemed to stop for a moment, Nyssa trapped on Mrs. Claus's lap, the hairbrush waiting, poised to strike. This was a dream, she told herself. It had to be... The hairbrush would come down, and she wouldn't feel a thing... And she definitely wasn't going to be kept under the thumb of this nanny for a whole year... Or longer, if her employees decided, since they could manipulate the polls to say whatever they wanted, even if the people who used the app decided to take mercy on her, after the Pampers controversy, and seeing those memos she'd written about punishments.


For a second, Nyssa was sure she was right, and, at worst, she'd wake up in her own bed. Then, she heard the whistle of wood swinging through the air rapidly, and a sharp whap as it hit the seat of her diaper, all her hopes of snapping out of this vanishing as she felt the sting of the impact, the squishing of her diaper, the soreness that was already starting on her backside at the very first spank.

"Happy New Year!" everyone else exclaimed, streamers soaring across the room, people kissing and celebrating while the Naughtiest girl of the year began to sob, squirming in vain, trying to escape the punishment she'd been earning for so very long.


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