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A short story commission from an anonymous Patron to continue their commission from a while back, with a Christmas theme.

There was no way anyone at work could know Josh's secret, what he did on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays... So why did it feel like the exact opposite?

It had started that morning, when he'd arrived and been assigned to re-stocking the childcare department. He didn't normally work there, although he had caught himself finding any excuse to cut through it, to stare at all the items, many of which he'd seen at the school.... Especially the diapers.

It was a bit distracting, honestly, trying to get anything done there, re-living the games Miss Autumn and he had played with the various things. It was also, thankfully, one of the least crazy parts of the store on the day before Christmas Eve, and he hadn't seen many people to force him to pay attention.

The first one that showed up took him by surprise, because he didn't even hear her. "Oh, diaper boy?" she called.

He blushed, setting down the package of diapers he'd been putting on the shelf, turning around, fully expecting to see Miss Autumn there, to bashfully ask her not to call him that at work, even though, really, he kind of liked it, as long as none of his co-workers heard. It wasn't her, however, but someone older, just calling him that because of what he was working on at the moment, he supposed.

"Sorry to interrupt," she said. "I'm wanting to switch brands... Do you have any recommendations?"

"Uh, well, Pampers are always good," he told her, cheeks darkening, hoping she didn't ask how he knew that.

As if reading his mind, she teased, "Are those your favorites?" before grabbing a few cases. "Thank you very much. Merry Christmas!"

He hadn't really thought about it, but he'd probably worn every kind of diaper there by now, at least once... He was likely the biggest expert the store had, although that wasn't something he'd brag about in public. Which ones were his favorites? He was still pondering, and rearranging, when he heard another voice.

"Joshie? Is that you?"

He looked up, shocked to see, "Mrs. Hooper?" She'd been a teacher of his, long ago, back in the second grade.

"It's wonderful to see you!" she beamed. "You're looking good! I remember back when you were so small you could probably fit into these," she said, taking a package of Luvs from the shelves. "You always were a tiny little thing."

"Y-Yeah," he agreed, swallowing.

"You know," she winked, holding the package next to him, tilting her head. "I bet you could still squeeze into them now!" He chuckled nervously, waving as she excused herself, saying she had more shopping to do for her granddaughter.

After all that, he was definitely glad it was a Monday. When his shift ended, and he was punching out, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and checked it to see a text from Miss Autumn. "What's clean and soft and red all over?" she asked. He had no idea what even to guess, so he sent back a shrug emoji. "You'll see when you get here!" she replied.

That really stoked his imagination, and it ran wild as he drove over to the school, his heart thumping when he arrived to see the parking lot still full, parents filing out with their kids. He recalled Miss Autumn having told him about a Christmas program going on that day, and that they'd have to start a little later... Too bad it had taken him that long to remember. Since he was already there, he parked, and waited for the parking lot to empty, using his phone to fruitlessly try to find out the answer to his teacher's little riddle.

Finally, it seemed as though it was safe to head in, and, indeed, he didn't see anyone until he reached the classroom, slipping in to find Miss Autumn cleaning up. She glanced up at the sound of the door closing. "Welcome back!" she exclaimed.

His cheeks lit up, as they always did, to see the behavior chart with his name on it, beside the other children's, the spots from each of his previous visits marked with one or two stars. He could feel himself sinking back down out of adulthood at the sight, even before she led him over to the changing table, telling him, "That outfit is far too grown-up for someone your age!" and stripping him down, helping him up onto the waiting table. "So, have you figured it out yet?"

"No, ma'am," he shook his head. "I have no idea!"

"That's all right," she smiled. "You wait right here." She sauntered over to the large Christmas tree over in the corner of the room - one he'd helped decorate, one visit - and picked up a large present, carrying it back and putting it between his legs. "Go on," she urged. "Open it! See, it's for you."

She showed him the name tag. It did have his name on it, and he was super curious by now, so he eagerly pulled off the ribbon, opening up the lid of the huge gift box... And revealing a package of Huggies. But not just any Huggies... These were Santa-themed, red, adorned with pictures of white fur - like the trim on Santa's coat - and a belt around the padding. He'd seen them briefly, while unloading the truck, but they'd sold out quickly, so there had been nothing for him to put in their empty space earlier that day.

"Thank you!" he exclaimed, blushing at how happy they made him.

"Makayla helped me pick them out for my 'special little boy,'" Miss Autumn said, as she pulled one of the diapers out of the package, starting to tape it onto him. "I told her they were perfect for him, and as I was writing out the tag, she mentioned she had a co-worker with the same name."

He blushed again, thinking of the woman he worked with, and how close she'd been to finding out the truth, without having any idea. Once he was in his diaper, Miss Autumn helped him into a pair of holiday-themed footed pajamas, a drop-seat in the rear, with a pair of reindeer feet at the bottom for feet. "That's much better," she told him, helping him off the table and leading him, by the hand, to one of the smaller side-rooms that branched off from the classroom, to a refrigerator. "Can you be a big boy and carry that bag for me?"

He nodded, obediently picking it up, following her back into the classroom, to on oversized bean-bag in the reading corner. "Good boy!" she praised, taking the bag and setting it down, sitting on the bean-bag, pulling a picture book off the rocking chair beside it, then patting her lap. "Come on, sit down," she urged. He settled down onto her lap, blushing to hear his diaper crinkle beneath him as she leaned over, picked up the bag, and opened it to reveal a pair of plastic-wrapped bowls of pudding and a snowflake bib.

"You missed story time and snack time," she told him. "So we'll just catch up on both right now!" She tied the bib around his neck, then handed him one of the bowls, taking off the plastic wrap and handing him a rubber-coated baby spoon, holding the book out in front of both of them, one arm on either side of him, encircling him.

It was The Night Before Christmas, something he'd heard a million times before, but whether it was the outfit, or the setting, or something else, he found himself getting fully invested in it, Miss Autumn having to stop partway through to wipe the mess off his chin with his bib, then unwrap the second bowl for him.

"What a good boy you are," she cooed as they both finished their tasks at the same time. "You ate all of it all by yourself, and barely got any on your bib!"

After that, it was time for arts and crafts. There was a big roll of paper attached to the wall, a fresh piece rolled down and taped into place, just for him. "The other boys and girls all painted a huge Christmas tree together," she explained. "Since you didn't get to join them, I thought you could make one of your own, to go with it. Do you think you can do that, sweetie? I know it'll be hard without any help." 

He nodded, happy to prove himself, not even minding too much when she undressed him down to his diaper before bringing over the bowls of paint. "I don't want you to get your nice outfit messy," she said.

"Umm, can I have a brush?" he asked, staring down at the bowls.

"Don't be silly," she shook her head. "You're too little for that. This special finger paint, just for you!" She headed off for a moment to turn on some Christmas music, leaving him staring down at the paint in just his diaper, blushing, before shrugging and getting to work. Like with the story, it didn't take him long to get engrossed in his painting, to the point where he barely noticed himself start dancing to the music, bopping along.

He had no real idea how long he went... It didn't really matter, he just knew he had to finish his picture, no matter what! He did pause for a moment once as he squatted down next to the paint to get some more, hearing a soft grunt, feeling a bit of push from his tummy, but he didn't think anything of it once he'd stood back up and got back to painting and dancing.

It was only when he'd finished, and was washing his fingers off in the bucket of water she'd set out, and felt her come up behind him with a gentle pat to the rear, and an even gentler teasing of, "What a good boy, making a nice lump of coal in your diaper," that he realized what had happened. Probably, it should have worried him, he mused, as she had him sign his name, telling him she'd hang it up where it belonged and handing him a gold star sticker for the day. He'd come out of classes with wet diapers when he didn't remember going before, but he'd always had to consciously do this.

As she led him over to his chart to put the sticker on that day, and heard her say, "You did such a good job today, Josh!", all he felt was happiness, though, and pride. This was what little boys did, after all... And he wanted to be the best little boy he could for Miss Autumn. This just proved she'd been right all along to put him in diapers, and that, as they customer had called him earlier, he was definitely a diaper boy now, through and through.

Miss Autumn changed him, and they played a little longer, but, all too soon, she was helping him back into his normal clothes - the waistband of his new, red diapers peeking out from the waistband of his pants, 'just in case' - and she was leading him to the door. "Merry Christmas," she smiled. "I can't wait to see you again."

He nodded bashfully. As much as he was looking forward to Christmas, it was too bad it was on a Wednesday, so they were going to have to miss their next session.

"Look," she pointed upwards, his head tilted up, confused, until he saw the mistletoe hanging above them. Almost before he'd fully processed the sight, she'd leaned down, giving him a hearty kiss that felt like it lasted forever. "Sorry, Josh," she teased as she pulled away, seeing his bright red cheeks. "Was that too much?" He giggled, shaking his head, feeling a little dazed.

"Good night," she grinned, sending him away with a pat on the bottom, closing the door and starting to clean up as he waltzed out to his car, certain there was no way any of his other Christmas presents could possibly top this one.



I remember reading part 1 but I can't seem to find it anymore. Where can I read part 1 again? :)


Sorry, I forgot to go back and tag the first part. It's done now, or you can just go here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/27482771


Another chapter please