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It turned out Lizzie hadn't lied to Penny. Even if she had, it would have been a fib, at best, and for a good cause, but that was the first thing she thought she she woke up, seeing the crib bars around her, and feeling the cool, clammy, squishy spot in her diaper that made it obvious she had, indeed, wet her bed again.

In a way, it was almost worse than doing it when she was awake... Before coming to this world, she had no idea when the last time she'd done that was, certainly not since becoming an adult, or even a teenager... Honestly, she wasn't certain it had ever happened, once she was potty trained. Now, she'd fallen asleep three times here, and woken up soaked each of those times. It was hard to deny the fact she was now and honest-to-god bedwetter.

It wasn't her fault... It was whatever this dimension had done to her, and it happened while she was a sleep, while she had no control. It was kind of scary, thinking of it that way, that she was losing command of her body... Although, she knew somebody would be in, at some point, to take care of it, to look after her...

Of course, she wouldn't need anyone to look after her, if it wasn't for all this. She'd taken care of herself on her own in her own world for a while now, and, at times, it was tough, but she could do it. Could she navigate this world of giants without someone's help? From what Penny and Gwen had told her, it didn't seem likely, not to mention the fact she had no idea how to diaper herself, which was a skill she would need here, apparently.

There were pull-up style diapers in the real world, and presumably here... Those, from what Lizzie had seen of them, wouldn't be nearly enough to keep her sheets dry. Even this double diaper was drenched, and, though she didn't think it was going to leak, it was closer than she would have liked to admit, or think about. Like it or not, she needed her diapers, at least at night.

And, according to her file, which was all anyone seemed to care about, she had to have them during the day, too. She didn't want to argue with Ms. Hudson, who seemed to be tired of having the conversation, and wasn't going to budge. The Amazon who came into her room that morning, however, was not Ms. Hudson.

Lizzie had been expecting the woman, so she was a bit shocked at first, blushing to be seen this way by anyone new, but she clearly worked here, and had seen so many people in diapers... Lizzie was sure she barely registered on the giant's radar at this point.

"Wow," she said, once she's removed the girl's pacifier and had the onesie unsnapped, checking the squirming Lizzie. "That is one wet diaper... Or two, I guess. Maybe we should think about triple-diapering you at night."

"Nooo!" Lizzie whined, blushing and covering her face. Double diapers were so huge, as it was... Three would be insane. She'd definitely be reduced to crawling, and even that would be a struggle.

"I'm just teasing," the woman chuckled, carrying her over to the changing table, removing the old diapers and wiping her off on top of the new one.

Lizzie was still embarrassed at the very thought, feeling tiny and vulnerable enough she didn't want to say anything, but knowing she needed to. If she waited until the diaper was on, it seemed extremely unlikely she could change the giant's mind... Honestly, it probably already was, since the diaper was already out, unfolded, beneath her... Until the tapes were done up, it could wait for that night - or naptime, she reminded herself. She'd had two naps the day before, so she had a feeling there's be at least one today.

"M-Ma'am?" she said. It seemed like the appropriate thing to call a stranger that was changing her diaper, especially one this large, although, looking at her again, she suspected she was older than the woman. It was hard to judge, when she towered over Lizzie so much, but the more she looked at her face, the more certain she was. She blushed, her humiliation growing, knowing someone younger than her was doing this, was about to diaper her, had so much control and power over her...

"What is it, sweetie?" the Amazon asked, as she continued her work.

"C-Could I maybe try some..." She was so tempted to try panties, to get back to what she normally wore, but if she pushed too hard, she wouldn't have a chance, certainly while she was in the midst of being wiped down, coming out of a very wet diaper. "Training panties?" It seemed safer... She still would have been mortified for anyone to see her in them in her own world; it was a big improvement anyway, however. "I'll try really hard to keep them dry, I promise!"

"That is so cute!" the woman grinned down at her. "Ms. Hudson told me you might ask that... And she told me to make sure to take a look at your file to see why I couldn't say yes. There's no way someone who went through as many diapers as you yesterday is ready for Pull-Ups today, silly!" 

Lizzie blushed, wiggling on her back. "Th-Those weren't my fault," she whined. "I-I'm not used to the food here, and the doctor gave me..."

"Excuses, excuses," the woman shook her head, showering baby powder down onto Lizzie's crotch. "That's the problem with you littles. You just can't take responsibility for your own actions. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?"

"N-No?" Lizzie felt like that was what she was supposed to say, despite the fact that, in her case, the biggest accidents really hadn't been. She suspected it was the same for a lot of the littles who were born here, too, but there was no point arguing that case here and now, and without knowing that much about this world's culture.

"Then you admit you filled your diaper twice yesterday?" the Amazon asked.

"Y-Yeah," Lizzie blushed. She hadn't denied that part to begin with... It would have been pointless to pretend it hadn't happened. "B-But..."

"And who knows what happened before you went in for your exam," the woman shook her head, pulling up the front of the diaper, taping it snugly into place, putting an end to any faint hope Lizzie had of changing her mind. "Ms. Hudson suggested this... I wasn't going to do it, but you might just need it."

Lizzie's eyes widened as the Amazon reached down, pulling up a second diaper. "No!" she sniffled. "Th-That's just for bedtime! I don't need two during the day!"

"I guess we'll find out if that's true or not today," the woman smirked, lifting her up by the ankles, sliding the diaper under her already padded bum. 

Once it was on, Lizzie was carried over to her closet, set down on her feet, struggling to stand up straight, to keep her balance, while the woman fetched a fresh, yellow dress with the duck on it, tugging it down over her head. The massive, double diaper made the hem of the dress ride up further, showing off even more of the diaper than before, ensuring everyone would know not only the she was diapered, but how bulky those diapers were.

The pacifier was replaced in her mouth, the ring turned to keep her from taking it out, or speaking. Without thinking, Lizzie began to suck on it automatically, feeling tiny, and helpless, and babyish, even before she tried to follow the woman out of the room, and, after two steps, fell flat on her backside.

It didn't hurt at all, the thick padding preventing that handily, but it was still embarrassing, and she felt tears appearing in the corner of her eyes as she sat there. This was exactly what she'd worried about, whenever she'd been put in double diapers before... And now she was expected to spend the day in them, not just be confined to her crib?! It was so unfair!

"Shh, shh," the Amazon walked over, picking her up, bouncing her in her arms. "It's all right, Lizzie. You're still a little sleepy, aren't you? Come on, let's get you some breakfast, okay?"

Lizzie knew that wasn't why she'd fallen, but she couldn't point that out. All she could do was shake her head, thinking about her second messy diaper of the day before, after Ms. Hudson had fed her.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," the woman reminded her. It didn't matter... She was already carrying Lizzie towards the cafeteria.

Lizzie kept a look-out for Penny and Gwen, especially the latter, sure she'd never live it down if they saw her being carried around like this, or wearing double diapers. She didn't spot them, but she suspected Gwen, at least, was at the tables, and she was strapped into a high chair, the Amazon walking away once she was secure, and returning a few moments later with a heaping bowl of oatmeal.

"I'm not hungry," she pouted, after getting a bib tied around her neck, and her pacifier removed. What she really wanted to say was she didn't like oatmeal, never had... Glancing around, that was what everyone, at least the ones in the high chairs, were being fed, so she doubted she had a choice.

"Don't you want to grow up big and strong?" the woman asked.

Lizzie knew she'd done all of her growing already, and that spending the day being carried around because her diapers were too big would probably undo any benefits to her strength a bowl of oatmeal would give her. When she opened her mouth to say that, though, the Amazon took the opportunity, sliding in a spoonful of the mush.

It was even worse than she'd imagined. It was so thick, and gooey, and bland, like something you'd give to an actual infant who wasn't ready for strong flavors yet. She wrinkled her nose, blushing, struggling to swallow the stuff down, watching as the next spoonful was prepared. There was so much in the bowl... One spoon of it had almost been too much for her. How was she going to choke all of that down?!

It felt like a long, torturous process, her jaws growing tired well before the halfway point... And, worse than that, her bladder starting to ache for relief around the same point. She squirmed in the wooden seat, trying in vain to press her thighs together, to stop the inevitable. Anytime she'd swallowed enough of the oatmeal that she thought she could speak clearly enough to ask for the bathroom, to prove she really did have some potty training, the Amazon was ready, waiting, shoving more in before she could get a syllable out.

Finally, she gave in, letting go, feeling at first a trickle of wetness seeping into the padding beneath her, only for it to turn into a stream, then a torrent, everything her bladder hadn't released into her overnight diaper coming out now. 

"See?" the younger woman teased. "It's a good thing you didn't get those trainers... You'd have earned yourself right back into diapers already!" 

Lizzie's cheeks burned, hating that the other person knew what she was doing. She didn't think it had been that obvious, but apparently she was wrong... Of course, the woman had probably been working here long enough to know exactly what to look for. Still, Lizzie had thought she'd had some privacy, a tiny bit of dignity.

She couldn't even point out that it hadn't been an accident, and she'd done it on purpose - although she didn't know if that would help her case or not - since she had oatmeal to eat, and, once she was done, a bottle of apple juice to gulp down. And, after all that, the nipple of the bottle was replaced almost instantly with the nipple of her pacifier.

"Hmm," the Amazon removed the high chair's tray, giving Lizzie's diaper a good look before slipping her fingers in past the outer layer. "You'll be all right for now."

Lizzie pouted up at her. She was wet! She couldn't just toddle around here in a soggy diaper! But she didn't really have a choice... She knew she could undo the tapes on the diapers on her own, so she was at the mercy of the Amazons... If they decided she didn't need a fresh diaper yet, she wasn't going to get one. 

She glanced down, glad to see that, as far as she could tell, the state of her diaper wasn't too obvious from the outside. Maybe it would sag a bit more if she stood, but the woman didn't bother with that, simply picked her up, carrying her out of the cafeteria, through the halls, and into a classroom.

Even without knowing her 'diagnosis' from Dr. Miller, she would have known it was preschool. She blushed, looking around at the little desks, at the posters with their big, blocky alphabets and numbers, the toys... She'd graduated college, she certainly didn't need to be back in preschool! It helped a little to see the other adults, most around her age, or just slightly younger, or perhaps a bit older, there, but not much. She still didn't belong here, no matter how much the soggy diaper around her waist made her feel like she might.

"Where do you want to sit, dear?" the Amazon asked.

She would have liked to hide in the back row, but, without her glasses, she knew that wasn't an option... Her test at the doctor's office had proven that. Unfortunately, the front row was all taken up, too, so she couldn't sit there. She pointed at an empty seat in the second row, hoping it was close enough, getting slid in, the pacifier finally removed, though set on one corner of the desk, waiting, in case she earned it in class.

"Be a good girl," the Amazon waved her finger at Lizzie. 

"What a baby!" she heard one of the other students giggling. "Can't you even walk on your own yet, baby?"

"Yes, I can!" Lizzie turned in her seat, glaring at the boy behind her. 

"Calm down, children," the Amazon at the front of the class told them gently. 

Lizzie glared at the boy, sitting there in his baby blue shorts and shirt, a kitten on the shirt, and a diaper poking out from the top of the shorts, then stuck her tongue out at him, turning around before he could do the same back. It was childish, obviously... But she was dressed like a child, in preschool like a child, being treated like a child... Why not act a bit like one? It was what everyone expected, and even seemed to want, from her.

"Would you care to come to the front of the class?" the Amazon asked her. 

Lizzie nibbled her bottom lip, eyes darting to her pacifier, kind of wishing it was still in place. She couldn't say she did... She'd always hated introducing herself at new schools... And her diaper was so thick, she didn't want to try to walk anywhere, especially after just insisting she could walk on her own. This was a teacher, however, and an Amazon, so Lizzie didn't know if it was a real question, or a rhetorical one... And she was still pretty close to the front of the class...

Carefully, she slid down out of the desk, gasping as her feet touched down, and she wobbled for a moment, nearly tumbling down right away. She hadn't had to stand since wetting herself... She hadn't realized how much her diaper had swollen from use, how much bigger it was than it had been before.

She heard the boy behind her chuckle, though, and that propelled her onwards, to prove him wrong. She nearly made it, too, taking her time, waddling along slowly, only to stumble at the last minute. She couldn't catch herself in time, falling forward, bracing herself for impact...

"Whoa, there!" the teacher said, catching her, lifting her back up and setting her on her feet, facing the class, seeing the boy there, clearly amused. "Are you all right?"

"Y-Yeah," Lizzie blushed.

"Good," the woman smiled, kneeling down beside her. "Now, my name is Mrs. Borges, and I'm going to be your teacher. Would you like to tell the class your name, and what kind of things you like to do?"

"H-Hi," Lizzie waved awkwardly at the other students. "M-My name is Lizzie, and I like... umm...." What was she going to say? She enjoyed books, and movies, but she doubted many of the ones she enjoyed were things she'd be allowed to watch, or read, considering her new, childish status. And this was another dimension... How many of the same directors or authors did they have?

"Do you like to color?" Mrs. Borges suggested after a moment.

Without thinking about how immature that sounded as a hobby, glad to have an out, she nodded. "Very good," the teacher smiled. "Well, you ought to fit in here just fine, then." Without asking, she picked Lizzie up, carrying her back to her desk, preventing any further tumbles.

Despite how almost insultingly infantile it was, Lizzie did her best to participate, to be a part of the class. Even from just the second row, however, it was hard to see what the teacher was doing, and, after a couple failed attempts at making out what animal the woman was drawing and making the wrong sound, hearing the other kids do something different, she began to trail off, to wait for them to start before joining in, then going quiet altogether.

Part of that also might have been the growing fullness in her tummy. By now, she knew what it meant, and that, here, she couldn't hold it for nearly as long as she was used to. She squirmed at her desk, desperate not to do that, to show that boy how much of a baby she truly was... But what else could she do?

Mrs. Borges seemed nice... Would she help her? It was worth a shot... And, really, it was her only shot.

"Yes, Lizzie?" the teacher asked. "What does this animal say?"

Lizzie shrugged, not even bothering to squint and try to make out which creature she'd drawn this time. "I dunno."

"Seriously?" She didn't have to look to see it was the boy again.

"Timmy," Mrs. Borges told him, her tone turning sterner than Lizzie had heard it before. "Would you like a hint, dear?"

"No," Lizzie shook her head desperately. "M-May I please use the potty?"

"That was a very good job asking, Lizzie," Mrs. Borges praised her, starting to walk back over to her desk. "However..."

"No!" Lizzie whined, not knowing what it was, and not really caring... She knew what the end result was going to be. She pouted, hands shooting between her legs, backside bouncing.

The teacher paused, mid-step. "I suppose that answers my question, although I was pretty sure I remembered what I saw in your file. Once you're at a higher potty training level, you can be excused for the potty, but, for now, you'll have to wait, sweetie. We'll be having a break in a few minutes, and then everyone who isn't potty trained can try to use the potty, if they want. So, if you can wait until then..."

"She can't," Timmy teased.

"Yes, I can!" Lizzie fumed at him, feeling even more annoyed at the brat as she felt him reach forward and give her diaper a poke... Until she realized that poke didn't feel quite right... She blushed and frowned, fidgeting, feeling a squelch beneath her...

He was right. Was it a lucky guess? Was he like the Amazon who had woken her up, who had seen it so often he could tell? Or had her dress ridden up while she was sitting, and he'd seen the lump forming? Whatever the reason, he'd known it was happening even before her... She was already messing herself.

"Lizzie's a stinky baby!" Timmy giggled.

"Shut up!" she growled, trying in vain to stop the slowly advancing wave of mush pushing into her pants.

"Lizzie!" Mrs. Borges scolded. "Timmy shouldn't be making fun of you, especially when his potty training level isn't much higher, but that's not a very nice thing to say. Would you care to apologize?"

"N-No!" Lizzie grunted, hating that she was having this conversation as she filled her diaper, that everyone was surely looking at her now, seeing her doing something so incredibly babyish, and all knowing.

"Well," the teacher shrugged, "I guess you can wait until naptime for a change, then."

"No!" Lizzie squealed, already upset at having been denied one change that day. This was far worse... Being expected to spend the morning in a messy diaper, like a silly little toddler who was too young to care about the state of her underwear! Last night, she'd gotten changed almost right away. During her exam, she'd had to wait a little bit, but it hadn't been that long... And that had been more than enough for her. "No, no, no!" She kicked her legs, feeling tears returning to her eyes as she banged her hands on her desk in frustration. "I want a new diaper, and..."

Mrs. Borges pushed the pacifier into her mouth, which only made the girl more angry, thrashing and whining wordlessly and throwing a tantrum right in her desk, on her ever-expanding diaper, until, at last, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Lizzie, bleary-eyed, turned to see Ms. Hudson standing behind her, looking disappointed.

She blushed as she was picked up, carried out of the classroom. She calmed down in the woman's arms, feeling a little less vulnerable, a little safer... At least until the Amazon removed her pacifier. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?" she asked.

"Th-They were being mean to me," Lizzie sniffed. "A-And she wouldn't let me use the potty, a-and everyone was staring at me, a-and..."

"Lizzie," Ms. Hudson said gently, "do you want to spent your time in daycare instead of preschool?"

Lizzie's cheeks warmed as she shook her head. Her demotion to preschool was mortifying enough... To be sent back again, back to a time when she was too little and immature to even be expected to do anything other than play all day...

"Your teacher told me you weren't participating," Ms. Hudson told her. "And then a tantrum... She said it seemed like Dr. Miller might have made a mistake with her assessment."

"Sh-She didn't!" Lizzie insisted, before blushing even deeper. "I-I mean, she did, but in the opposite direction!"

"She's willing to give you another chance, but not if you're going to behave this way."

Lizzie clearly wasn't going to convince anyone she belonged in a higher grade, so preschool was, as sad as it was to think about, her best option. "I-It's not my fault," she sniffled, squirming as she recalled what the other Amazon had said that morning. "I-I couldn't see the board."

"You couldn't?" Ms. Hudson asked. "Or are you making up excuses?"

"I-I couldn't," Lizzie replied. "R-Really."

"Well, I'll talk to her," the Amazon promised. "You still have to behave yourself, though. Will you do that?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Lizzie nodded. 

"Would you like to go try again? And apologize?"

Lizzie wanted to ask for a fresh diaper, but she doubted that would work right now. She knew it would be better to rip the band-aid off, and face up to her behavior now, rather than waiting... However, her humiliating morning, and especially that tantrum, had taken a lot out of her. "I-I can try," she said quietly.

"Hmm," Ms. Hudson frowned. "Actually, I think you'd better rest today. Yesterday was such a big day for you... I'm not sure what I was thinking, having you start class today. We can try again tomorrow, okay?"

Lizzie knew it was a good idea, no matter how much of an opportunity it gave her mind to build things up. Mrs. Borges was nice, and she'd surely accept her apology... And Timmy was a brat, who probably wouldn't no matter when Lizzie did it, until the teacher made him, and, likely, would force him to apologize, too.

"O-Okay," she agreed, letting herself be taken back up to her room, waiting until they were on the steps to ask, "C-Can I get a clean diaper, too?"

"Sure," Ms. Hudson smiled. "After your nap. Even if it was partially my fault, you still need a bit of a punishment."

Lizzie pouted, but there wasn't much else she could do about it, other than shrug and grumble, "Yes, ma'am."



I love Ms. Hudson!


This story is absolutely adorable! Great work as always

christian hunter

Ms. Hudson has strong mom vibes in this chapter