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They drove their animals to the food court, where Lyla's mom bought them kids' meals, and they happily chowed down on chicken nuggets and french fries, not caring about calories, or how unhealthy they were.

Or how much ketchup they were getting on themselves as they ate. Lyla didn't think about it at first, and she assumed Naomi was the same way. Lyla giggled, seeing the mess Naomi had made on her face, sauce smeared all over it, but, once she had, she noticed how she missed her mouth with the next bite she took, feeling a stickiness around it. They weren't used to their new bodies, she reminded herself... It made sense they might be a bit clumsy with them.

And her mom, and the people passing by, didn't appear to mind too much. Her mother chuckled, taking a napkin and wiping off their faces, but she didn't scold them, just teased, "Should I have brought the bibs?"

She'd taken it in stride, however, like it was perfectly normal, even cute, which was the same thing Lyla could see in the expression of the other shoppers. As a grown-up, she worked hard to ensure nothing spilled as she ate, or got on her face, or smudged her make-up... Now, she didn't have to worry about any of that, or about cleaning herself up as soon as any of that happened. Mommy would happily handle it.

Once they were done eating, they were allowed to unwrap the little toys that came with the meals, since Lyla's mom had been afraid they would distract the girls from their food if they got them earlier. They were cheap plastic things, barely even qualifying as 'toys', but neither minded too much. They were still toys, to go with the ones they'd just gotten from the store. A two-toy day... Lyla giggled, squirming in her seat, trying to think of how often that had happened in her childhood, other than birthdays or Christmas... It was definitely rare.

"Can you two be big helpers and take your trash over there?" Lyla's mother asked, pointing to the trash can.

Part of Lyla wanted to be bratty, to embrace being a child, and say no, and make her mom do all the work. It was no more than a few steps, really, and not a big deal, and there was no reason she couldn't do it... If she didn't have to, though, why should she?

Before she could complain about being tired, or her feet hurting, however, Naomi had already scrambled down from her seat, walking over toward the garbage. Lyla shrugged, deciding she might as well join her, only to see the other girl pause, knees bending, her expression turning serious. "N-Naomi?" Lyla asked again, like at the toy store.

The thing at the store had been vaguely familiar, but this... Lyla was positive she'd seen it before, likely while babysitting. What was it? What did it mean? She frowned, searching her memories, trying to remember.

"Uh-oh," her mom chanted, amused as she walked up behind them. "What's going on, girls?"

Lyla knew her calm demeanor ought to soothe her, to make her feel like it was all okay, but it was doing the opposite, especially when she heard Noami start to grunt, and then another sound coming from the girl's other end, much ruder. There was no way, Lyla thought, wrinkling her nose... Naomi wouldn't be doing that...

And yet, looking at her friend again, she saw her little pink dress had ridden up a bit, showing off something underneath that was very clearly not a pair of panties. It was so bulky, with a slight shine reflecting off the overhead lights, like plastic... Wait... Was she wearing a diaper?! 

Wait... Lyla gulped, squirming in place, staring over at a nearby shop window, and the mirror there, showing her a full view of her new outfit at last. She hadn't paid that much attention before, but now, really seeing herself, it was hard not to notice the snaps in the crotch of her shortalls, the slight bulge there... It had been a slight challenge to walk normally - not that she'd had to do a lot of that, with the animals - though she'd been so overwhelmed with everything else, it had barely registered.

Was she wearing a diaper, too?! Tentatively, she reached down, poking, hearing a soft crinkle that confirmed it. Honestly, she didn't need that, she simply hadn't wanted to believe it. Why wouldn't she be wearing one? She and Lyla didn't just look like little girls... They looked like REALLY little girls... Like overgrown toddlers... And what else would toddlers be wearing under their cute little outfits?

"Oh, my God," she whispered, cheeks darkening. 

She only blushed harder, looking back at Naomi, seeing a lump in the seat of her diaper, slowly growing as she continued to push, face red as well, though from effort, not embarrassment.

"Is someone making a mess?" her mom cooed, lifting the back of Naomi's dress, showing no concern for the fact that she was revealing her diaper to the world - Lyla included - giving them an even better view of her ballooning pants. "I think so!"

"Uh-huh," Naomi nodded, not seeming to mind, almost sound proud, or at least relieved.

"Go on," Lyla's mother urged, gently patting the bulge. "Get it all out, sweetie, then I can change you."

Change... That was why her purse was so big, Lyla realized, even before she staked out a spot on a nearby bench, pulling out a changing pad, getting a fresh diaper, baby powder, everything she needed...

"What are you doing, Mommy?" Lyla squeaked, feeling mortified for her friend.

"The bathroom is too far, sweetie," she told her. "Do you need a change, too?"

Without waiting for an answer - although Lyla squealed out a, "No!" as her mother worked - or any thought for her privacy, her mom reached down, unsnapping Lyla's shortalls, revealing that, indeed, she was in a diaper. Thankfully, it was dry, and clean... But any doubt that might have been remaining was washed away.

"Good work!" her mother praised her. "You'll be in Pull-Ups in no time at this rate!"

"No!" she whined again. She didn't want to be in Pull-Ups... She ought to be in underwear, real underwear... She had been, until that wish... 

Clearly, it had gone too far, and, as if she needed any more proof of that, Naomi happily toddled over, declaring, "Done!" and, without a care in the world, allowed Lyla's mother to help her onto the bench, showing no sign that it bothered her at all to get changed in public.

The wish was affecting their minds as well... It had obviously hit Naomi harder than her, but Lyla was certain she hadn't escaped, either. How else would it have taken her this long to notice she was diapered?! It had felt so normal... Now that she was aware of it, it was hard not to feel the bulk, notice how wide it had made her stance, how much of a waddle she had...

She had to fix this. It was her wish... She knew it was up to her. Maybe if she had the card from the machine, that would let her put an end to it... Too bad she'd left it, and they were on the other side of the mall now. She nibbled her bottom lip, looking at her mother, and her best friend, then over to where they'd parked their animals.

"Where are you going, Layla?" her mom asked, looking up from her task instantly. "You stay right here, young lady! Layla, don't you dare!"

Layla knew she was going to be in trouble if she was caught, that she might get a spanking... So it was a good thing she had her panda. Toddling along in her diaper, she doubted she could have outrun her mother, but on the panda, she had a chance.

She lost her mother quickly, though, not long after, she felt the panda start to slow down, then come to a stop, battery dead. She dismounted, waddling her way through the mall, searching for Zoltar desperately, panic - and, perhaps, the wish itself - dulling her sense of direction, making every hall look the same.

Finally, however, she saw it. The card was even sticking out, waiting for her, nobody having seen it and stolen it, thankfully. She grabbed it, flipping it over to see what it said, if it told her what she needed to do. Like the signs in their confusing fonts, she couldn't read anything on it... Although, she realized now, that wasn't the font's fault... She was a toddler. She didn't know how to read yet.

"Stop it!" she sniffled, ripping the card in half, looking down to see if her clothes had changed back. "I take back my wish!" she tried, tearing those pieces in two. "I-I just want to make everything normal!" she stomped her foot, ripping those pieces into even smaller pieces. It was all she could think to do... She didn't have her purse, or any more quarters to use the machine again. This had to work... She couldn't be stuck like this...

"There you are!" Lyla turned, seeing her Mommy and Naomi approaching. For a moment, she felt a jolt of fear, but then it was replaced with relief.

"Mommy!" she sniffled, toddling over to her, crying. "I-I was so scawed!"

"Oh, sweetie," her mother hugged her. "I told you to stay there... What were you doing?" Lyla shrugged tearfully, her mommy sighing. "Well, at least we found you, and you're okay. I think we'd better get you home for your nap, okay?" Lyla didn't want to take a nap, but she nodded anyway.

As they headed for the exit, she felt a pain in her tummy, and without thinking, she paused, knees bending, just like Naomi, feeling a wave of warm mush start to push its way into her diaper. She could feel herself grunting and groaning, knew that her Mommy, and Naomi, and everyone passing by surely knew exactly what she was doing.

Some dim - and growing fainter by the moment - part of her recalled her wish, how she hadn't wanted to keep up an image. If she'd done this then, she would have been mortified... Now, nobody cared, not even her. In fact, she thought it was even kind of cute... She was a toddler, after all, and this was just part of that. Where else would she do it, except in her diaper?

"Let's get you changed," her Mommy smiled. Lyla nodded absent-mindedly, then gasped, eyes widening as she spotted a pair of coin-operated riding horses.

"Can I wide?" she begged, pointing.

"Sure," Mommy chuckled. "Why not?" Mommy led the girls over, helping them up onto their steeds, Lyla giggling as her bottom sank into the squishy mess in her diaper, then slid coins into the slots, watching them start to buck for a moment before heading over to a nearby bench to start setting up the changing pad yet again.


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