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Ruth knew she was being silly, that it was her own house, and she shouldn't be scared to go inside. Madalynn's bus had definitely gone by now, however, so she was inside, waiting on her... And, as ridiculous as it would have seemed, just the day before, she had a real reason to be afraid of her.

She was glad she'd stopped after work to do what she'd wanted on her lunch break. It didn't feel quite the same, after a day trapped in her office, wetting her pants, unable to leave to use the bathroom even if she wanted to, with her secretary shooing her back inside when she tried, threatening her with a spanking if she didn't stay in 'her room'. Ruth wasn't sure if she'd go that far... She also didn't want to find out.

Ruth was back out of those awful, hot, bulky, crinkly diapers now, though, back in real panties. It was a good start, anyway, to reclaiming her adulthood. The next step would be having that talk with her daughter, letting her now how utterly unacceptable what she'd done to her was, and telling her what her punishment was. At first, Ruth had wanted to throw away the rest of the diapers, once she had her underwear... Then, she had a better idea. She'd keep them, take her into the house with her, and put Lynn in them, to show her what it felt like. She'd threatened the girl with them many times, but now was the time to follow through.

To do that, however, she had to go in... So, with a sigh, she gathered up her courage, and the bag of diapers, and stepped out of her car, across the lawn, into the house, not noticing the sound of music playing, her familiar surroundings giving her strength as she stormed into the living room. "All right, young lady," she announced, dropping the pack of diapers, crossing her arms. "I don't know who you think you are, but you've clearly gotten too big for your britches. I am your mother, and you cannot..."

"Shh," Madalynn said, standing up, pushing a large pacifier into Ruth's mouth. Ruth spit it out instantly... Or so she thought. Somehow, the nipple was still there, only wetter... She tried again, and again, getting more confused every time she failed to get rid of the thing. "There," Lynn smiled, patting her on the head. "Good girl... You've had eighteen years to talk. This is my turn. Just sit there and suck your paci."

Was that what she was doing?! Ruth blushed, reaching up to grab at the pacifier's ring instead, to yank the thing out, but that only made her mouth grasp tighter on it, sucking harder, feeling drool starting to dribbling around it, from the corner of her mouth.

"I am tired of being treated like a child," Lynn informed her. "And it is going to stop now. In case you haven't figured it out already, I'm the one in charge... And I'm going to be giving you a taste of your own medicine."

Ruth frowned, shaking her head, trying to mumble, "I am your mother!" again past the pacifier. 

There was no way Madalynn could have understood the sounds she managed to eke out around the thing, though she must have figured out the gist of what she was trying to say anyway... Not that it was hard. "Oh, really?" she raised an eyebrow. "Then take that pacifier out. Or stop me from putting you in one of these."

She knelt down, grabbing a diaper from the package, pointing at the floor. All Ruth wanted to do was knock the awful thing out of her hand, or run away; all she actually did was sit down obediently, lying back, allowing her daughter to push back her dress, slide her brand new panties off, and tape the diaper around her waist, nice and snug.

"Such an obedient baby," Lynn teased. "But babies don't need to wear clothes, do they?" Ruth couldn't answer, although she doubted it would have made a difference. Madalynn stripped her down to her diaper, leaving her sitting there on the floor while she perched on the sofa behind her, grabbing a binder, and a set of baby keys.

"Here," she handed the latter to her mother. "You might as well keep yourself occupied... I know babies can get fidgety, and we have a lot to get through. You see these?" She patted the binder. "These are your new rules... I don't expect you to read them, of course - there are no pictures. And don't worry about remembering them, either... I have no doubt you'll follow them all to the tee.

"From now on," Lynn announced, "you will be calling me Mommy. I'll call you baby, or little girl, or stinky-pants, or whatever seems most appropriate at the moment. You won't be able to go more than five minutes without sucking on your pacifier, or your thumb, if that isn't available. Oh, here's a good one." She grinned sadistically. "Your potty training is hereby revoked."

Ruth whimpered, her hands toying with the keys automatically as she felt a trickle of warmth in her diaper, along with something else, something she hadn't experienced yet, and had been terrified to. She blushed, hoping that slowly growing mushy sensation around her bottom wasn't what she feared, yet certain it was, even before the smell hit her. Suddenly, she was very aware of the music that had been playing all along, knowing exactly why Madalynn was so confident in her obedience. And, like it or not... There was nothing she could do about it. 



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