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Ruth smiled to herself, taking an extra moment to look at herself in the mirror, taking in the view. After those long weeks, getting treated like a baby by her own daughter, it was nice to see her old self there, as mature and sexy as ever, with, perhaps, an extra twinkle in her eye after the revenge she'd gotten.

In normal circumstances, she never would have done it - or she didn't think she would have, at least - but it was only fair now. It had felt so good, giving that brat the spanking of her life, taping her into a double diaper, and sending her onto the school bus in a tiny skirt. She'd be humiliated, yes... But Ruth had spent weeks being absolutely mortified, and Lynn had to know what that was like.

The only good part about her own punishment was that Madalynn had made her use the vacation days she'd been saving up at work for years, so she hadn't had to see anyone there during it. That was, she told herself, why everyone was looking at her the way they were as she strutted inside; they were jealous about her 'time off', and likely terrified she was back to keep them in line again. God only knew how lax things had gotten without her... She'd probably have to call another meeting, for real this time.

She started with her secretary, however. She knew, obviously, that she had been under Madalynn's hypnosis, but she still couldn't forgive the woman for the way she'd treated her that first day. "What is all this?" she asked, stopping at her desk, staring down at it, nose wrinkled. "Did you think just because I was on vacation, you could let this place turn into a pigsty? Your desk is an extension of my office, young lady, and if people see that it's a mess, it reflects badly on me. Clean it up."

The secretary gave what Ruth assumed was a nervous laugh, a weird look on her face. "I haven't changed anything since you left," she shrugged. "It's just pictures of my family, and..."

"I don't care," Ruth shrugged. "Get rid of it, or you're fired."

Satisfied, she stepped into her office, ready to start running things again... But, the first thing she needed to do, of course, was plug her phone into the PA system. She waltzed over to her desk, plugged in the cord, hit play on the file...

Instantly, everything changed. She gasped, cheeks turning retroactively red as she looked down at herself, seeing what she was actually wearing. It wasn't a dress, or a suit... It was a childish t-shirt, a big, pink bow on her head, and a pair of pink training panties. She'd walked through the office like that... Drove here like that...

Then again, glancing around the office, she did fit in there. Her desk was gone, replaced with a large changing table, the PA system hooked up and sitting on it, waiting for her. It was fully stocked with diapers, surrounded with oversized stuffed animals, and a crib in one corner. This wasn't the office of a powerful woman... It was the nursery of a little girl. The secretary's hypnosis must not have ended that first day... She must have been getting this ready for her...

And, as she now remembered, her own hypnosis hadn't ended, either. She hadn't beat it, gotten her revenge on Madalynn, done any of that... She was still being punished, still fully under her spell, which meant... She whimpered, feeling a now very familiar sensation in the seat of her trainers. Desperately, she reached back, trying to stop it, to keep from messing her pants, the closest thing to real underwear she'd had since that brief moment, the first day, between the end of work, and going home.

"How are you doing?" the secretary asked, opening the door wide, not appearing to care that the whole office could see in. "Ruthy!" she scolded, not having to check to know the answer, though, when she got close enough, she still gave the messy lump a hard swat. "I guess you aren't ready for these, are you?"

"N-No, Nanny," Ruth sniffled, unsure why she'd called the woman that, yet unable to think of any other name to use for her. "I-I'm sorry."

"You know what this means," Nanny told her, helping her up onto the changing table, pulling out a diaper. "If you'd just stayed in your diapers like the baby you are, it would be fine, but since you tried to be a big girl and failed, you're going right down for a nap."

"But Nanny..." Ruth whined, feeling her thumb slip into her mouth, having reached her time limit without it.

"No," the woman shook her head. "This is no little accident, young lady."

Ruth whimpered as the diaper was taped around her, realizing as Nanny helped her back down that the door had been open the whole time. She didn't get any pants, or a skirt, or anything to cover it... Nanny just led her outside, among her workers. "Let's tell them all good night," she said, leading Ruth around, one by one, tugging bashfully on her shirt, which didn't cover her belly button, much less her diaper, to bid everyone night-night. None of them seemed surprised at all to see her that way, or hesitant to give her a pat on the bottom, or a kiss on the forehead, treating her like a real toddler, with no sign of fear, or respect, for her left. 

And why would they have either? They'd just seen her get changed out of a pair of poopy trainers, into a diaper, where she belonged... And she could hear the music playing over the PA from her phone, telling them - and reminding her - that was how she was meant to be, how she would be remaining until Madalynn took pity on her... If that ever happened.



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