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In the end, her desire to stay hidden, at least for now - she knew it couldn't last forever - won out, and she mumbled, "The theater, I guess," still not happy with the choice, but feeling certain it was the right thing to do.

"Aww, what's wrong?" Natalie teased. "You don't want to make new friends? You're going to be a very lonely little girl with that attitude."

"I don't wanna be friends with a bunch of stupid babies," Emily grumbled, tugging at the far too short hem of her yellow dress, well aware she looked like she was one of them at the moment.

"My, my," Natalie shook her head. "Someone needs an attitude adjustment, doesn't she? I hope this movie cheers you up, or we might have to take some drastic measures. Nobody likes a grumpy baby."

Emily gulped, feeling a shiver run down her spine. What did Natalie mean by that?! It could be anything... A spanking, a time-out, a mouth-soaping... Or even something more positive, like a trip to the ice cream parlor, which would still be embarrassing, sure, but definitely better than the other alternative that came to mine. All she really wanted to do was go home, to her own place, put on her own clothes, which did not include diapers, or training panties, or anything close to them, and climb into her bed to try and forget about this nightmare.

That wasn't exactly an option at the moment, however. Even if she could get away from Natalie here, she couldn't get out the doors of this store, and, if she somehow snuck past while someone bigger left, she'd have to pray some little had left their car nearby for her to steal, since her legs were too short to reach the pedals on a non-modified vehicle, or that she'd be able to go unnoticed until she stumbled across one. It was very unlikely a little would be shopping here, at least on their own, and, probably, they'd want to stay as far away as possible so they weren't mistaken as a runaway model, so she'd have a long trek, and no guarantee of safety. She could easily wind up in a way worse situation if anything went wrong.

And when she got home, what would she do? She didn't have her keys, and she didn't have any spares hidden outside, since she was confident she wasn't forgetful enough to leave her home without them. Her neighbors ought to recognize her - other than her size, and clothes, she looked the same as always - but would they look hard enough to notice before calling the police on whoever was trying to break in? Would they believe it could be her, no matter how identical she was to her old self?

Assuming she somehow got in without being noticed and dragged away to jail to be rushed through a trial and put in an orphanage, or getting adopted by a well-meaning neighbor who thought she was some poor little that had wound up in a life of crime and needed to be shown how to be a good girl again, would she be able to get up into her nice, comfy bed by herself? There definitely weren't any clothes there to fit her... Sleeping naked wasn't the worst thing in the world, but what would happen when she had to get up and use the bathroom? She didn't have any stools to help her climb up onto her extra-tall toilet... 

She hadn't had any littles over since moving into her new house; why would she? By the time she'd bought it, she had her daycares to take care of them in... No need to have them run around her actual home with their sticky - literally, although she'd heard plenty of stories about how much they liked to shoplift small items, too - fingers and leaky bladders... There were some Amazons who bought furniture that was more medium-sized, to better accommodate people shorter than them who visited... Others, like her, went with what was most comfortable for them, and if it was too large for anyone else, then too bad. She'd never dreamed it could so thoroughly backfire on her.

So, when Natalie asked, "Are you going to be a good baby?", even though Emily despised agreeing, and making it sound like she thought she was a baby, she nodded. "Say it," Natalie ordered. 

Emily sighed, wanting to glare up at her sister defiantly, but finding herself glancing down at her Mary Janes bashfully instead, her sense of rebellion quelled for the moment, after everything that had happened that evening. "I'll be a good baby," she mumbled.

"I doubt it," Natalie smirked, kneeling down in front of her, "but we'll see." Before Emily could say anything else, she popped the pacifier back in, twisting it, letting it inflate, silencing the smaller woman, keeping her from being able to protest as she produced another thing she'd kept with her from her many purchases. "Come on," Natalie smiled, looping the pink reins over Emily's shoulders, tightening them, snapping and locking them in place, "You know this is for the best. I have to look after you now, and I can't do that if I'm worried about you running off."

Once the reins were in place, pulling the dress up even higher, thanks to Natalie's efforts to ensure Emily wouldn't be able to squirm out of them, she might as well have been wearing a shirt instead. Natalie gave the leash a tug, urging Emily to keep up, to follow her outside the bathroom, out where anyone could see her in her ridiculous new outfit.

There was no choice in the matter; she could walk, or she could be dragged. She doubted Natalie would care, or really notice, either way, at least until they got out to the parking lot, where Emily could hurt herself if she put up too much of a fight and fell on the asphalt. Here, in the store, the linoleum floor wasn't likely to do anything other than startle her if she took a tumble. 

Reluctantly, Emily toddled along after Natalie, keeping as much distance as the leash allowed at first... Then, she noticed how much attention she was getting. The seat on the cart had kept her from seeing what her sister was buying, but it also protected her from the gaze of any casual passer-by... Now, she could feel all of them staring at her, heard a few stray, "Aww"s aimed in her direction.

It was quite unsettling. She felt like they would all have happily snatched the leash away from Natalie, and kept her as their own, if they could. If they really wanted to, they could cut the reins, pick her up, run away with her, off to some place Natalie would never find them, and nobody would ever believe her story about who she really was - until, maybe, Natalie got the drug approved, and they realized what she'd been babbling about all that time truly was possible, though, from what Natalie had told her, that would take a while. She wouldn't even be able to call out for help, with the pacifier in her mouth... 

She hurried to catch up, to walk a little closer, desperately missing the authoritative click of her normal heels against the floor. The flat Mary Janes weren't nearly the same, especially since the crinkle of her trainers was drowning out any noise they might make. 

Things didn't get any better once they reached the theater. This movie was apparently more popular than she'd realized, the lobby full of littles, most very obviously diapered, with their caretakers, arguing over which snacks to get, or that they were allowed to have. The theater might be dark, Emily thought, squirming and tugging at her dress again, but private wasn't going to be the right word for it.

"Two for the Naomi and Oliver movie," Natalie told the woman selling tickets.

"Oh, are you sure about that?" the woman asked, glancing down at Emily, giving her a smile and a wave before returning her attention to Natalie. "Trust me, you don't want to see this... It's just right for those silly little things, but anyone bigger than them will be bored to tears."

"Well, I can't just leave her in there on her own," Natalie said. "She's far too small for that."

"I can see that," the woman chuckled. "Don't worry, though, we don't just let them fend for themselves, we'll have ushers there to keep an eye on them. And we have several more mature movies that run at the same time, for the grown-ups."

Emily mumbled desperately behind her pacifier; she was sure Natalie knew she was trying to tell her she would rather see one of those. Instead, her sister interpreted the sounds to the worker as, "She is just so excited! I suppose I don't want to ruin her fun by getting fed up with her little movie..."

"No, you wouldn't," the other woman agreed. "And believe me, you would."

Emily groaned, knowing if the movie was painful for adults, she'd hate it... After all, no matter how she looked, she was still an adult. That didn't stop Natalie from buying her a ticket, however, or from taking her to the refreshments and buying her a souvenir bottle emblazoned with those annoying Naomi and Oliver characters, filling it with nice, old apple juice from the machine. 

She debated on the snacks a little longer. "I know we just ate," Natalie said, clearly to herself, since she hadn't removed the pacifier, "but you might get hungry during the movie... And it can be nice to have something to munch on."

Emily wasn't particularly hungry, though she agreed with the sentiment; if nothing else, she'd have something to do other than watch the screen if she had food. "You definitely don't need candy," Natalie continued, surveying the choices. Emily tugged at the leash, pointing at the bags of popcorn, the obvious choice, yet obviously the best one there. "What? Oh, no, sweetie, I don't think so..."

Emily grumbled, stomping her foot - thankfully, Natalie was already back to looking at the snacks by then - as her sister instead started to debate which of the others would be right for her. There were tubes of yogurt, puffed rice, little refrigerated bowls of applesauce and other mashed veggies that might as well have been baby food, but, in the end, she settled on Cheerios.

Emily had harbored a faint hope that she'd be able to get away here... That, once Natalie had left, she could hop out of her seat, avoid the ushers, who were probably bored teenagers who couldn't care less anyway, and sneak out the exit behind the screen. She'd have the same issues she would have at the store - though more time to work through them, without Natalie on her trail, since she wouldn't know she was gone until the movie was over - but her chances of finding a car she could drive here were definitely better, and she could worry about the rest later, after she discovered if she really did know how to hotwire one from seeing it done in movies. She, of all people, should have known it wouldn't be as easy as that, however.

As they walked into the theater, it was obvious the workers had expected their tactic to keep grown-ups away would work... Most theaters had at least a few child seats sprinkled throughout, with the option for parents to request an insert that fit over a normal-sized chair if they ran out of those. This theater was the opposite... A couple regular seats, all unoccupied at the moment, and a sea of ones for littles, a lot of which were already filled. Emily had seen this set-up a few times, when she'd brought the kids from daycare on a field trip, as a special treat.

Natalie found the seat she'd bought for Emily - right in the middle - and lifted her up into it, pulling the strap on it tight around her waist, clicking it into place before grabbing another that went between Emily's legs, ensuring she couldn't slide down. Finally, she swung the chair's tray into place and locked it down, securing it with a tiny key the woman at the box office had given her. Only Natalie and the ushers, in case of emergency, had one, to prevent some crazy person from wandering in and taking a little that didn't belong to them... Or the littles from getting up and leaving on their own.

Emily felt like she was back in a high chair, only not quite as tall. Her feet didn't come anywhere close to reaching the floor, and probably wouldn't have even without the extra boost of the child's seat, to get her high enough to see the screen. The tray was big and plastic, to make it easier to clean, and Natalie set the bottle and cereal down on it, within Emily's reach, opening the box of Cheerios to make it easier for her sister to get to them.

"Natalie, please, I don't wanna watch this!" Emily blurted out as soon as Natalie removed the pacifier, putting it on the tray as well. "I wanna see your movie!"

"My movie is for big girls... And you aren't a big girl, are you?" Natalie didn't wait for an answer. "I'll come back and get you once it's over. Be a good girl for the ushers."

Before Emily could say anything more, Natalie was gone, leaving her all alone, in that sea of babies. Emily whimpered, squirming in her seat, blushing as she felt the strap between her legs rub against her trainers, pressing the padding up against her privates in a way that, to her chagrin, was not entirely unpleasurable.

"Ew," she said out loud, wrinkling her nose, hating that she could even have that thought. 

Even that was embarrassing, making her blush again, realizing she'd spoken out loud. She wanted to be still, and silent, at least until the lights went down, to keep anyone from seeing her. She'd chosen to come here to keep anyone from recognizing her, but there was a good chance any of these babies could be enrolled in her daycares... She didn't want to give them a reason to so much as glimpse in her direction.

Unfortunately, once the movie started, the lights didn't fade out, to give her some privacy. They dimmed, ever so slightly, then stopped. "Hi, everyone!" Naomi exclaimed from the screen, waving. "Are you excited?"

A chorus of "Yay!"s erupted around Emily, making her feel even more uncomfortable to be there, in the middle of them all.

"Are there any Mommies and Daddies still here?" Oliver asked, hopping onto the screen beside his friend. "If there are, this is the time to put on your special glasses! This movie is for good little boys and girls only!"

As far as Emily could see, there are no adults there - other than her, of course - but she could see the ushers, teenagers, as she'd suspected, huddled up by the exit, pull some dark glasses out of their pockets, putting them on. The sight made her stomach twist, made her wonder why that was necessary, what was going on...

"All done? Great!" Oliver declared. "Then it's time to start!"

The screen exploded in color, so bright and vibrant Emily couldn't help glancing up at it, feeling her eyes widen, trying to take it all in. She felt disoriented, like she was falling into the colors, even as she felt the restraints around her, holding her in place, unable to look away.

Something was wrong. She tried to shake her head, feeling her mouth fall open, a line of drool already starting to make its way down her cheek. Her tummy continued to squirm and thrash inside her, the bad feeling that had come when she'd seen the glasses only amplifying now, as she could practically feel her mind emptying itself, turning fuzzy.

The kids at the daycare loved this show, and, while she couldn't bare to watch it herself, she did, too, if only because they were always so well-behaved afterwards, always wanting to be such good little girls and boys... She'd always assumed they saw themselves in the characters, that they wanted to emulate them, since littles, like all kids, loved to play pretend... But what if there was more to it than that?

Part of her thought it couldn't possibly be hypnosis, that the makers of the show couldn't have gotten away with that for so long, that it wouldn't be working on her if it was, since her mind was too sharp, too mature, too grown-up, to fall for that... And yet, as the show's theme song started up, and she heard the rest of the theater begin to sing along, her own mouth began to move with the words, too, words she'd heard only in passing, in the distance, when the show was on...

She wriggled in her seat, cheeks blazing as the strap rubbed against her again, distracting her from the song for a moment, long enough to realize she needed to get out of here... Who knew what sitting through this whole movie would do to her?! But how could she do that?! She rattled the tray, which refused to budge; Natalie had the key.

Natalie, and the ushers... She glanced over at them. They were chatting quietly to each other, not paying attention to her, or the screen. Perhaps, if she could find some way to make enough noise, they'd let her out, if only to keep her from bothering the other kids. Natalie wouldn't be happy about that when her movie was over - if they didn't go fetch her out of it right away, which might be even worse - but it could be worth it...

Of course, there was another option... She squirmed, feeling the strap between her legs again, helping clear her brain for a brief second. If she could keep that up, it would give her something else to concentrate on... But she could already feel herself getting wet down there... She didn't want to have an orgasm here, in her training panties, especially when Natalie would almost definitely find out about it... The thought of that made her whole body turn red, made her remember all those little girls she'd caught, humping their stuffed animals, and lectured about how that was something for big girls, not them... It was better than giving in and letting this movie have her mind, though, wasn't it?

Then again... She felt her eyes drifting back towards the screen, towards those two awful characters, who looked so much cuter and more appealing now, who she found herself laughing along with, wanting to do whatever they told her... She shook her head, whimpering, having so much difficulty recalling there were other things she could do, and why she should, fighting to make a decision... Should she...

Give in, and watch the movie like a good little girl?

Make a fuss, and hope she got taken outside, like a naughty girl?

Or distract herself like a very naughty girl?



The glasses idea is truly wonderful and evil I love it so much. What a wonderful chapter can’t wait for the next part