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An Independence Day caption. Picture property of AaliyahTaylor.xxx.

"I'm just going out to see the fireworks," Amber rolled her eyes. "What are you, my mother?"

"Are you sure that's all?" her roommate, Bea, arched an eyebrow, looking the other young woman up and down, taking in the skimpy bikini she'd 'just happened' to pick out for the activity. "We could easily watch them from here, together."

"Yeah, of course," Amber shrugged uncomfortably. "What else would I be up to?"

They both knew the answer, but, realizing she couldn't change her roomie's mind, Bea gave up. "Whatever. It's your funeral."

"It's our pond, too," Amber told her. Technically, it wasn't true... The pond was entirely on their neighbor's land, and, even if it hadn't been, it was only the shore, really, that the landlord they were renting the house from owned. That didn't stop Amber from going swimming in the water once in a while... Especially once she saw the husband of the couple the pond really did belong to.

"I would be careful if I were you," Bea had warned Amber, more than once. "His wife is pretty scary."

"I just like to swim," Amber would claim, as if she didn't also enjoy the attention she got from him, if he was around, which seemed to be happening more and more often lately. 

For the Fourth, they were having a cookout, with lots of their extended family running around the backyard. Amber didn't care so much about them, but he was, of course, on grilling duty, his grill set up facing the pond. She gave him a little wave after she sauntered out, slipping out of her tiny, red cover-up, which had hardly deserved the name, letting him take in all of her, before hopping into the water.

She swam and splashed around, giggling to herself as she pointed out the smoke rising from his grill, since he was apparently too distracted to notice it on his own. She'd never actually done anything with him before, and she wasn't sure if she would have or not, should the situation arise... He was a bit old for her, though still hot enough that it was fun to tease, and, from time to time, imagine him walking around the pond to greet her as she stepped out of it, to lay her down on the shore, his wife way off in their house...

His wife generally stayed up closer to the house, and, if Amber saw her at all, it was while she was tending to her flowers, or taking care of the garden. However, as Amber took a break from swimming, climbing back onto the shore, ready to stretch out in the fading light of day, giving him a little show while she waited for the fireworks to begin, there was no mistaking who was waiting there for her.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" the woman demanded, hands on her hips, clasping a couple objects Amber couldn't get a great look at.

"I"m just swimming," Amber shrugged, trying to ignore her memory of the warning Bea had given her earlier, and the dirty looks she could feel, even all the way across the yard and over the pond. "It's hot out today, and I have the day off. Is that such a crime?"

"Oh, so you're hot, are you?" the woman smirked. "Is that why you're barely dressed, young lady?"

"It's a swimsuit!" Amber rolled her eyes. "This is what they look like nowadays. They make them in two pieces nowadays. What, are you mad I'm actually giving your husband something to look at for once?"

The woman's nostrils flared, her head shaking. "You little brat," she growled. "You want to give him something to look at?"

Amber took a step backwards as the woman stepped towards her, raising her hands, suddenly regretting her choice of words, and activities for today. "I-I was just joking!" she squealed. "Hey!" She gasped, grabbing for her bikini top after the woman snatched it off her, tossing it aside, Amber's other hand desperately struggling to cover her breasts. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" the woman asked. "You're just a spoiled little girl... I promise, you don't have anything my husband hasn't already seen." She dragged the girl over to a tree stump, pulling her over her lap, removing her bottoms as well before delivering a hard swat. 

"Ouch!" Amber squealed, squirming, trying in vain to get away. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"What your mother should have done a long time ago," the woman said grimly.

"You can't spank me!" Amber gasped, wriggling frantically, realizing how wrong she was as her brain processed what was going on, hardly able to comprehend it. "Ow!" She could practically feel the woman's handprint already swelling, turning red on her backside, as she gave her another smack. "Stop it!"

"Why should I do that?" the woman asked, spanking her again twice in quick succession, switching between cheeks. "You wanted to put on a show, didn't you? Believe me, you're getting a nice audience now..."

"No!" Amber blushed, kicking her feet helplessly. "Please, stop it!" She didn't like the idea of their family seeing her this way, of course, but it was mostly him... After so long, tempting him from afar, she didn't want him to watch her getting treated like a naughty child. 

"So, you do know a few manners," the woman said. "Or you were taught the magic word at some point." To her surprise, Amber was released, allowed to stand up, rubbing her bottom. "If I ever catch you near my husband again, little missy, that won't save you."

"I-I won't!" Amber promised, tears stinging her eyes.

"So pitiful," the woman shook her head, standing up, gathering up the two pieces of Amber's bikini. "I barely even started, and you're already blubbering."

Amber blushed, but the insult wasn't the main thing on her mind. "H-Hey, give that back!"

"No," the woman smirked, "I don't think you deserve it, especially after that sad display. But don't worry... I have something else for you that I think it far more appropriate. You didn't think your little show was over already, did you?"


Amber winced at the sound of the stair creaking under her foot. She'd known that was the noisy one, too... She'd reminded herself to skip it, told herself she would, yet, the moment she'd gotten inside, fighting to catch her breath without being too noisy after her mad dash across the back yard, all she could think about was getting upstairs to her room without being seen, or heard.

"Back already?" Bea called. "The fireworks haven't even..."

Amber blushed as she turned to see her roommate step out of the living room, pausing at the sight of her standing there on the steps. She'd been in too much of a hurry to put her cover-up back on after the woman had diapered her, right there on the shore of the pond, with God only knew how many people watching - Amber had hidden her face the whole time, not wanting to see any of them herself - not that it would have done her much good, as small as it was.

"N-No," Amber shook her head, rubbing her bottom, sore from even the few spanks she had gotten, "I got plenty of fireworks..." Her cheeks warmed further as she saw her roomie raise her phone for a few quick snaps, knowing there was no way to get up the stairs in time, or cover her bare chest and her diaper at the same time - or, probably, even just all of the big, bulky diaper. "Stop it!" she whined again, but, as with the woman from across the pond, she had no luck at all convincing Bea with those words.

"So cute," Bea grinned. "And so fitting... Maybe she's on to something..."



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