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Before she'd known it, she'd moved out of her dorm, away from her roommates - who Daddy considered bad influences - and into his house, which was big enough for her to have her own room. It was decorated like it belonged to a second grader, but it was far larger than the dorm room she'd had to share, so she could live with some childishness. 

From there, everything had really started to change. "You need to get more sleep," he'd told her. "You spend too much time in the mornings deciding what to wear... I think I'd better take over."

She'd assumed he would pick her sluttiest, skimpiest clothes, and she was fine with that; instead, he'd replaced her clothes with the uniforms. Some of them had short skirts, but they still only managed to make her look like a little kid, rather than a sexy co-ed in a schoolgirl outfit.

He'd given her a curfew, checked on her homework every night, forbid her from going out on the weekends. The last was the hardest, though he was the most strict about it, knowing she'd just go back to drinking with her old friends. If she'd complain that she was bored, he'd give her coloring books, or put cartoons on for her to watch. When she'd managed to sneak out, and came back drunk enough to wet herself in her sleep, he'd replaced all her underwear with Pull-Ups.

It shouldn't have been a surprise... Clearly, he'd been heading that way for a while, although she hadn't expected him to go that far. He'd started giving her chicken nuggets and mac and cheese to eat, making her drink out of sippy cups, checking her, as if he expected her to actually use her trainers, turned her curfew into a bedtime, and made it even earlier. He was turning her into a little girl... And, to her shock, she was loving it. The structure of his rules, and knowing what would happen if she broke them, made her feel safe, in a weird way, even if she wished she could have real panties again.

Then, he found out how bad her grades really were. They'd improved since she'd moved in with him, by a lot, but not enough for her to pass everything that semester... So, he'd taken away her Pull-Ups, giving her full-blown diapers instead, made her bedtime earlier still, and moved her into her new room. Her old one was still there, waiting for a time when, hopefully, she'd be ready for it again; for now, she was forbidden to even step foot inside. She belonged in the nursery.

She was allowed to get lunch at the cafeteria, but, at home, she got baby food now, and anything she drank came in a bottle, which made it harder to use cups at school without spilling all over herself. She was forbidden from using the bathroom, and, while she did risk it at school now and then, for the most part, it didn't matter... That mushy, icky baby food - which she suspected he made special for her, rather than buying it from the store - went right through her, leading to more genuine accidents than she cared to count.

She spent the end of the school year like that, and then Daddy had announced he'd enrolled her in summer school, to make up for the classes she'd failed. "If your grades are good enough," he'd told her, "you can go back to your old room, and your Pull-Ups." It was a little embarrassing how eager Alana was for that, how much she looked forward to sleeping in a real bed, rather than a crib, and how very mature training panties seemed, after so long in diapers.



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