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"All right," Daddy said, giving Alana's diaper a pat as he taped her fresh diaper into place, helping her down off the changing table. "Why don't you have a seat? We need to talk."

"A-About what, Daddy?" Alana asked, gulping, worrying she'd done something naughty and gotten caught. She wasn't sure what, but there was surely something she'd done to deserve a punishment... There usually was, no matter how hard she tried to be a good girl. 

"Nothing bad," he chuckled. "Well... Not really, anyway. Go on, sit."

There were a couple chairs spread throughout the nursery, but Alana knew she wasn't allowed to sit on them; they were for grown-ups, not little girls in diapers who might leak onto them. She started to sit on the floor, only for Daddy to point to another spot, next to the step-stool she used to get up onto the changing table, or her crib, when he didn't want to pick her up. On it was perched one of her teddy bears.

"Now," Daddy sat on one of the chairs, once Alana had plopped down, "you know I've been working hard to close a deal at work, right?"

"Yeah," Alana nodded. How could she have forgotten? He'd been leaving snacks for her in the fridge, but she wasn't allowed to use the stove to make any real food, or to change her own diapers, so she'd had to wait for him to get home from the office to do either of those things.

"Well, we're almost there, but to finalize everything, I have to take a trip far away for a week." Alana pouted for a moment - that was a long time - before starting to smile, realizing what this meant. Without Daddy there to check what she was wearing, or eating, or where she was sleeping...

"I'm afraid it'll be over Father's Day weekend," he continued. "I know you were trying to plan something, but I couldn't get them to budge on the dates."

"That's okay, Daddy," she told him. Honestly, she had wanted to do something special for him, but she hadn't figured out what yet anyway, and time was running out. "We can do it after you get home."

"Good girl," he kissed her on the forehead. "I'm glad you're being so brave about this. There is one other thing I should tell you, though... Even when I'm not here, all of your rules are still in place. I'll lay out your outfits for the week, and have food made and waiting for you in the fridge that should last the whole time. You'll have to change yourself, of course, but that's it... And you'll have to get permission first."

"Okay," Alana agreed, slightly disappointed, until she reminded herself there was no real way Daddy could know if she was doing all that.

"And that's why Mr. Bear is here," Daddy said. "He's going to be my little helper for the week. He's going to help you with your homework, and keep you company while you eat, and you'll go to him when you need a fresh diaper. He's going to be your Daddy for the week."

"What are..?" Alana looked up at Daddy, confused, then over at the bear, realization washing over her as she turned back towards Daddy. "Did you put a nanny cam in Mr. Bear?!"

"Don't you worry about that," Daddy smiled. "But make sure to give him his proper respect... His name is Daddy Bear now."



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