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A multi-picture caption commission from an anonymous Patron. Pictures property of ABDreams!

"You know, we can always just hire somebody else to do this," Danielle reminded her parents. Obviously, she meant 'they' could do that, but that was fair, really... It was their other daughter it would be for. 

"Of course we can," her mother replied. "But then you wouldn't get to spend so much time bonding with your sister before you go back to college."

"Lucky me," Danielle mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes. It wasn't like she didn't love Sophia; she just would have liked to go hang out with her friends instead. One benefit of dropping out of college was not having school to go to for a little while... And all her friends that were still in high school were on spring break, so she could be going out with them, having a good time, now that she'd gotten home from the job her parents had made her get. She knew she should have gone in her uniform, rather than coming back to change...

"Her potty is right over here," her mother said, pulling it out from beside the changing table, moving it beside some of the girl's over-sized stuffed animals, as if Danielle wouldn't be able to find it if it wasn't out in the open. "I'm putting you in charge tonight... She's so close to being ready to potty train, so keep an eye on her, and if it looks like she needs to go..."

"I know, mom," Danielle sighed. It seemed to be a running theme with her parents, putting her in charge of more and more ever since she'd moved back in. Apparently, they wanted to make sure, once she went back in the fall, she was responsible enough to handle it; all Danielle wanted to do was have fun while she had some time to herself. Between her job, and babysitting, however, it felt like that never happened. It was worse than it had been at the university!

Being the big sister was still kind of new to her... Sophia was her only sibling, and she was young enough that the semester and a bit Danielle had spent at school was a decent chunk of her life that she'd spent away from the girl. She was cute enough, sure, and Danielle loved her... But that didn't mean she wanted to be left in charge of potty training her, as if she had any idea how to do that!

"Man," she grumbled quietly, while her mother droned on about what to do while they were away, "I wish I didn't have so much responsibility..."

"Just make sure she doesn't get into any trouble," her mother said. "She can be a handful."

"Yeah, I know," Danielle told her, blushing at the sound of her voice. She wasn't sure why, but it sounded different... Higher, almost, squeakier.

"Aww, how sweet," her mother chuckled, walking over to her. "She can be, huh?"

"Yeah," Danielle wrinkled her brow. Of course she could be... That was what they were just talking about. She let out a squeak as her mother gave her a friendly swat on the bottom, not least of all because of the way it felt, and the sound it produced... It hadn't been hard, yet the impact was even lighter than she'd expected, like she had some sort of protection... And that crinkling noise...

"Well, you keep an eye on her for me, okay?" her mother winked. "And let me know if she does anything naughty."

It was blindingly obvious from her tone she didn't mean it, that she was being condescending, the same way she would have been with Sophia, if she'd spouted off with something along those lines. When she turned to the toddler, however, it changed, becoming more like what she'd just been using for Danielle. Sophia had changed, too; she looked a little older, perhaps, though still quite a bit younger than Danielle... And yet, she was wearing a tiny version of the uniform Danielle had on. 

Or the one she had been wearing a moment ago... Danielle fidgeted, feeling a breeze on her legs, along with a bulkiness she wasn't used to, hearing that crinkling again as she moved... After seeing what her sister was wearing, she was scared to look down, terrified she knew what she'd see, but she couldn't help herself; she had to know, for sure.

She'd been exactly right. Somehow, she was standing there, in the middle of her sister's bedroom, dressed the way the much younger girl had been seconds earlier - in a white shirt, socks.... and a diaper.



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