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In her confusion, it took a minute or two, standing there, listening to her mother repeat the same instructions she'd been giving to her before, only this time with her as the subject, to remember what she'd said. She had no idea how her parents had pulled this off, how they'd dressed her this way without her noticing, why they were acting like Sophia could handle any of the tasks they were laying out for her... Then, at last, she recalled her wish.

It wasn't as if her wishes usually came true or anything; after saying something like that, however, and winding up like she had, it was hard not to draw some connection. "All wight, I get it," she whispered. "Change me back!"

"What's that, sweetie?" her mom asked. "Do you need a change already?" Immediately, with no concern for her dignity, or, seemingly, any awareness that anything was wrong, she began to pat the diaper, checking it, yanking out the back. "You're fine, silly," she smiled. "Remember, you're supposed to do that in the potty now... You're a big girl, aren't you?"

"But Mommy!" Danielle whined, cheeks warming as she heard herself stretch out the word she'd intended to use.

"I know," the woman shook her head. "Give it another try, though, sweetie, and if you still aren't ready, we can wait a little longer."

"No!" Danielle pouted, but her parents were already running late, and hurried out before she could try to make them see the obvious, leaving her all alone with Sophia.

Her blush deepened, looking down at the girl. She was so young, so small... There was no way she really thought she was the one in charge, was there? Even if their parents had been fooled, she must know the truth...

"All right, squirt," Sophia said. "I'm gonna go get dinner started... I'll turn the baby monitor on, so yell for me if you need the potty, okay?"

"No!" Danielle crossed her arms. That wasn't okay! Sophia was nowhere near big enough to be playing with the stove, let alone any knives, or anything else she might need to cook... She couldn't even reach the counters without a stool! She couldn't let her do this!

"I know you want to play," Sophia smiled at her gently, "but we can do that after we eat, all right?"

"No!" Danielle stomped her foot, trying to think of something else to do to convince the girl, some more mature way to communicate, especially after hearing Sophia's calm, well thought out words. "I-I'm the big sistew, and I say you can't!"

"Oh, are we playing house?" Sophia asked. "That's a great game, Danni, but it still has to wait until after dinner."

"I am!" Danielle fumed, stomping her sock-clad foot again, not even able to get a satisfying thump without her shoes, making it feel even more pointless and ineffectual than it already did, given the lack of response. "Just look at us!"

"If you're going to throw a tantrum over it, you can just go straight to bed after we eat," Sophia threatened. "Maybe you should think about your attitude while I cook, and how you can improve it."

With that, the girl was gone, leaving Danielle all alone in her bedroom, surrounded with stuffed animals, and baby toys, and the smell of baby powder and ammonia. Danielle hadn't been in here by herself for more than a moment or two, usually to grab a diaper for her parents while they changed the girl in the living room, or to fetch a toy Sophia was having a meltdown over in the other room, since her sister had been born, and, as a whole, it was a bit overwhelming. Then again, that might also be a result of the wish landing her here in a diaper, like she was the one who belonged there, not her little sister.

The thickness of the diaper between her thighs didn't help with that, either. "Okay," she sniffled, poking at it, not liking that she couldn't recall how to take the icky thing off on her own. "I take it back! I want we... wespon... a'spons..." She frowned, stomping her foot again in frustration over the fact she couldn't even remember how to say the word that had gotten her into this mess in the first place. 

Things didn't improve at dinner. Sophia checked her as soon as she came into the room, like she actually thought she would have used her diaper, then led her into the dining room, where there was a rather fancy looking meal laid out, at least for just the two of them. It was a little intimidating, to be honest... It was much nicer than the chicken fingers Danielle had planned on warming up. Honestly, it was nicer than anything Danielle had ever cooked in her life. And, to make matter worse, it tasted incredible.

Danielle nibbled on her food, staring across the table at the other girl, struggling to reach her plate, even with the booster seat on her chair, feeling ridiculous at how much less mature she felt than her, and not just because of the diaper now. The wish had definitely done something to not only Danielle, but Sophia as well... And it didn't seem like a straight switch, either, because Danielle didn't feel like she'd ever been as cool or grown-up as Sophia was acting.

"Good job," Sophia praised her, clearing the table. "You didn't even fuss that much over the vegetables."

"I didn't fuss at all!" Danielle protested, although, even as she said it, she remembered the almost involuntary wrinkling of the nose she'd given them when she saw they were the last things left on her plate. And she had complained she was too full for them, but that wasn't fussing, it was true! She'd eaten all her other food first, and there had been a lot of it! 

"If you say so," Sophia said. "Why don't you go play some more while I clean up?"



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