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Chloe hadn't been happy about that, of course, but when she whined to her mom about Brooke barging in on her, the woman had shrugged, said it was probably for the best... After all, Brooke was going to find out eventually anyway. 

That had really upset Chloe, more than Brooke had expected. "No!" she pouted, stomping her foot again. It had, certainly, struck Brooke as odd that the girl had only bothered to put on a shirt before going downstairs to tattle. "Mom, you can't do this! It isn't just us here now... And I'm not a little girl anymore!"

"You weren't that little last time, either," her mother pointed out. "And this is the only way I can make sure you don't cheat, or try to hide anything. You can have your pants back when I know you really aren't having accidents. Besides, your father already knows... I asked him to pick up another package on his way home."

"Mom!" Chloe gasped.

"Well, the stores are all going to be crowded tomorrow, with everyone who didn't bother to buy their turkey until the last minute," her mother told her. "And they'll be closed Thursday, obviously, so we needed to make sure we got them today, or we might not have another chance for a few days."

"But I don't need any more!" Chloe rolled her eyes. "This one isn't even mine!"

Her mom sighed. "Then where did it come from?"

"I don't know!" Chloe glowered, crossing her arms, then looking over at Brooke, seemingly seeing her for the first time. "She did it!"

Brooke didn't even have to defend herself; her step-mother did it for her. "She just got home," she shook her head. "Besides, I doubt she even knew about your little problem." That was true... Brooke hadn't, it had simply been a very fortunate coincidence. She'd wanted to show how immature her step-sister was, but she hadn't realized that was already such a well-known fact.

She almost felt bad about the next part of her plan, although it was too late to call it off now. She had another Goodnite tucked away at the bottom of her bag, having assumed Chloe, or her mom, would throw away the first one - which would make what happened now even better, if they used the trash can in Chloe's room - and had intended to hide it under Chloe's bed, or have it sticking out of her drawer, just enough that, sometime in the night, someone might notice.

And, right on cue, once Chloe had stormed back up to her room to sulk, those 'someone's started to show up. Brooke wasn't able to beat her step-mother to the door, and she wondered - although she wasn't sure if it would be a bad thing or not if it happened - if the woman would tell them that Chloe was under the weather or something. Instead, when she asked what they were doing there, and they told her they were there for the sleepover, she shrugged, saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, she forgot to mention she was doing that... Come on in, girls. How is college going? You all know where her room is, right? Just head on up... Don't bother knocking, I know she'll be excited to see you."



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