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A single caption commission for an anonymous Patron, as a start to a new, ongoing story that will continue next month. Picture property of ABDreams!

"Are you sure?" Maya asked gently. "I don't want to take things too fast..."

Bella nibbled her bottom lip uncertainly, staring up at her girlfriend. She didn't want to say no, although she doubted Maya would get angry... There was a reason she was asking, after all. At the same time, she hated to run the risk of being too boring, of letting things happen too slow and giving Maya a reason to look for someone else.

It was just all so new... If she was being honest, it probably was going a bit too quickly for her, but she wasn't sure that was really a bad thing. It had taken her so long to realize - and to accept - that she was interested in other women, and even longer to get up the courage to go out with one. Once she'd met Maya, however, she knew she had to take the plunge, and, so far, it had absolutely been worth it.

Maya knew she was inexperienced, and nervous, and she truly seemed to be doing her best to make everything as easy on her as possible. It felt like she knew so much, while Bella knew so little... It was certainly intimidating at times, no matter how hard Maya tried to keep it from feeling that way. It wasn't her fault, and Bella appreciated her efforts, but it was as if she'd found a whole other world to explore.

Maya promised her, over and over, that she didn't mind, and she was happy to wait until Bella was more comfortable. Honestly, even before she'd realized she was gay, Bella had been pretty tame and vanilla; part of her had hoped, now that she knew the truth about herself, that would fall away, and she'd feel more open to trying out new things, but a lot of her timidness had remained.

But this... This seemed innocent enough. Maya, for once, had been the anxious one, bringing it up, promising she didn't mind if Bella said no, or wanted to wait. Bella could see why, since it was definitely out of the ordinary... In the end, though, it was really just a form of dressing up, and that was easy. Even she could handle that.

"Uh-huh," Bella nodded. "Diaper me up, Mommy."

She giggled, watching Maya roll her eyes at her, shaking her head. "You're so silly," the older woman teased, reaching down and pushing Bella's shirt up to tickle her tummy, making the girl giggle and squirm, not even noticing that it had all been a ploy to unbutton her jeans until it was already done, and the zipper was being tugged down. "That's why you belong in these," she patted the diaper she'd set down on the bed next to Bella, producing a loud crinkle that made Bella blush, "and not big girl panties like those."

She'd undressed Bella enough to expose them, hooking a finger around the waistband as she spoke, pausing long enough to give the other woman one last chance to change her mind before lowering them, quickly slipping the diaper beneath her backside. Even like that, with it only underneath her, Bella could tell the thing was thicker than she'd expected, as she squirmed on her back, feeling the bulky padding there, lifting her off the mattress; after Maya had powdered her up, and pulled the diaper up between her legs, she realized it was even bigger than she'd thought a moment earlier.

She had some second thoughts, as she heard the ripping sound of the tapes being opened, felt the seemingly massive garment being tugged tight and secured into place, but by then it was too late. She sat up, feeling the diaper follow her every move, in a way very different from what it was like to have on her usual panties, those tiny, skimpy things she could forget she even had... These reminded her of their presence with every squirm, every shifting of her weight.

"Here," Maya said, giving her some baby toys. "You be a good girl and play here, okay? I'll go make you a bottle."

Bella nodded obediently, smiling as Maya kissed her on the forehead and left. She laid back down, on her tummy this time, wiggling her newly padded bottom. When Maya had told her there was something new she wanted to try, she never would have imagined it would be this... But, in all honesty, she truly didn't mind it. It would take a little getting used to, though, already, she had to admit the diaper felt pretty comfortable, and looked adorable. And she could tell it made Maya happy, which, in turn, made her feel good, since there were so many other things she was still too nervous to try for her.

She couldn't help blushing when Maya returned, holding a bottle of warm milk, to find her lying there on the bed, flipping through a baby book, although she wasn't sure if it was more at being seen like this, even by the person who had diapered her, or the fact that, when Maya told her, "You are just too cute! I might have to keep you in these more often!" she honestly kind of liked the idea.



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