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"Did you have a nice day?" Diana glanced behind herself, blushing as Donna strolled up behind her, patting her on the head condescendingly, the same way she had when she'd been a toddler, as if nothing had changed.

And, in a way, it hadn't. Donna's hands immediately moved downwards, giving the thick, adult diaper Diana was wearing beneath her T-shirt a pat as well, shaking her head as she felt the dampness there. "Diana!" she scolded, sighing. "Again? You're almost making me wonder if this is on purpose!"

"It isn't!" Diana insisted. "I swear!"

It was strange... She'd hardly have considered 'bladder control' to be one of the gifts she'd gotten, all those years ago, that allowed her to become Wonder Woman, but here she was... Obviously, it hadn't been a specific power she'd been granted, though perhaps it was part of her enhanced strength. Or maybe that time she'd spent as a toddler had affected her more than she'd thought.

Whatever it was, she knew before this, she'd have had no issue lasting the whole day without peeing herself. There were plenty of adventures she'd gone on with Superman and Batman where she'd proven that... Now, however, it seemed like as soon as Donna left to go out on patrol, her bladder was already aching, and there was no way she could last until the girl returned.

"We have to be sure," Donna had told her when she'd presented her with the adult diapers. "We don't want you making a big mess all over your nice things."

Diana had been so confident she wouldn't need them... Then, within an hour, she was soaked, and waiting miserably for the teenager to return. Of course, if Donna would simply leave the bathroom door unlocked, it never would have happened, but when Diana pointed that out, as calmly as she could manage - which still involved a few tears of humiliation and some stomping feet, Donna said, "I'm not here to keep an eye on you, so I wouldn't know if you made it on time or not. It's just easier this way."

Donna kept the diapers in the bathroom, too, so Diana couldn't change herself - not that she had anywhere to hide the diaper if she did - and locked the door to what had been Diana's own bedroom to keep her away from her panties, or other clothes she could have put on over the diaper. And, 'to make things easier', she'd taken that master bedroom for herself, forcing Diana to sleep in the guest bedroom.

She was a prisoner in her own apartment, and there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't dare venture outside, not wanting to run into anyone dressed as she was, especially not Susie and her mom; she couldn't even order herself new clothes, and underwear, online, because she knew the packages would be left downstairs at the front desk. For Wonder Woman, who was constantly busy saving the city, it was handy, knowing things wouldn't be left outside her door where anyone walking by could snatch them up... Now, it only helped keep her trapped here.

Not that long ago, a simple lock wouldn't have foiled Diana for long... She could have easily broken down any door in her apartment, although she likely wouldn't have stooped to that, since she'd also have been smart enough to figure out how to pick the locks. Now, even at her adult size, she couldn't do either. She could have gotten her diaper off by herself, but with nothing else to put on to cover her lower half, and no other place to relieve herself, there was very little point.

"What do we have here?" Donna asked, pushing past her to the kitchen counter, where Diana had been working. "Were you getting stuff ready for me to cook? That's so sweet of you!" she exclaimed, still sounding more like she was talking to a small child than a grown woman, older than herself. "You didn't cut this up, did you?"

"N-No," Diana shook her head. She was 'allowed' to warm things up for herself in the microwave, and that was it. Donna insisted that, since she was resistant to injury, she should be the one to handle all the knives in the kitchen herself; her ability to withstand heat meant she was the only one allowed to use the stove. It was ridiculous, obviously - plenty of adults, and even kids, with no powers did all of that with no problem.

Then again, Diana was so used to them, part of her had to wonder if Donna had a point. She wasn't used to being careful not to slip and cut herself while chopping vegetables, or using an oven mitt, except on the rare occasion when she had someone over to her apartment. Before she'd gotten her powers, the other Amazons typically took care of that for her, so she'd never had to think about kitchen safety the way she did now.

She'd been trying to teach herself, however. It took far longer, although she felt as if she were getting there... She'd only nicked herself a little today, and on the same finger she'd hit last time, so she hoped Donna forgot that she'd taken that Band-Aid off the day before. If nothing else, it would help her blend in a little better; it was starting to feel like she was really going to need those skills, though. Donna still seemed convinced her powers would return, and they shouldn't bother Magala about them, or that, once she tracked the lasso down again, it would help, but she never appeared to make any real progress with that.

At the same time, it also didn't look - from watching the news, anyway, Diana's only interaction with the outside world - like Donna was doing as much crime fighting as she ought to be, either. Diana told herself the girl was young, that she was new to all this... And, when she'd been Wonder Woman, she wasn't sitting around all day, watching reports of the evil-doing she wasn't taking care of, so perhaps this was normal. 

"Are you sure?" Donna asked, hands on her hips. For a moment, Diana was so lost in her thoughts that she forgot what they'd been talking about, although it only took a moment, and a glance over at the vegetables she'd been depositing into a pan, to recall.

"Y-Yes," she lied. "You cut them up yesterday, remember? I-I was just getting them ready, because you said you'd try to be back around now, and I thought I'd make things a little easier on you..."

"That's a nice thought," Donna said, "but I'm sure I didn't do that. You know better than to lie to me, don't you?"

Diana shivered, nodding. "I-I'm sorry, Donna... I-I didn't hurt myself, though! I can help out more!"

Donna sighed, shaking her head. "Who do you think you're fooling?" Diana blushed, staring down at her feet, knowing her meager attempts at outsmarting this teenager had utterly failed yet again. "Honestly... I don't know what I'm going to do with you! Maybe I need to leave you with the neighbor... I can't trust you on your own, can I?"

"Yes, you can!" Diana insisted. "I-I won't do it again, I promise!"

"That's what you said last time," Donna reminded her. "And here you are, again, in a wet diaper, lying to me, playing with sharp objects and cutting yourself... At least when you were a baby, you were easier to keep track of!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Diana told her, shivering as she imagined herself splayed over the girl's lap, fresh diaper waiting beside her, bar of soap in her mouth, getting her backside spanked with her own heavy, wooden hairbrush before getting padded up again and forced to stand in the corner, soap still in place. Donna had administered all of those punishments separately at one time or another, but for everything she'd done that day, Diana wouldn't be surprised if she pulled out all the stops. 

She felt her clammy diaper growing a bit warmer, blushing at the realization she was wetting herself in fright of someone who, if she'd had her powers, she would at least be a match for, who she could probably overpower thanks to size and experience, who, now, Diana had no chance against. The soreness, and slight pinkness, of her backside under her diaper from the last spanking she'd earned proved that, along with the gag-inducing memory of the last time Donna had cleaned her mouth out with soap.

"You are so lucky I'm here for a reason," Donna shook her head, "or you'd be in big, big trouble."

"A reason?" Diana frowned.

"That's right," Donna smiled. "I did it... I tracked down where Cheetah is hiding your lasso."

Diana gasped, although she did her best not to let her hopes get too high. There was a chance, if they got this back, she could get her powers back, become Wonder Woman again... It might not happen, but even if it didn't, she'd feel much better knowing exactly where it was. "Really?!"

"Yeah," Donna nodded. "I'm heading there tonight to try to bring it back, so I don't have time to discipline you the way you so clearly need. I have to concentrate and prepare, so I can win this time."

Diana nodded eagerly, although, as she did, she couldn't help remembering the sight of watching Donna fight Cheetah on the news, and losing badly, or the other tales Donna had told her of later encounters, all of which had ended in very similar ways. Just because Donna knew where to go didn't mean her getting the lasso was guaranteed...

"Take me with you," Diana said.

"What?" Donna's eyes widened. "Are you serious? I can't even trust you in the kitchen on your own... I can't take you to a fight."

"I know how to beat her," Diana insisted. "I've done it before, plenty of times, and you haven't managed it once... And we need this lasso, right? This will bring back my powers?" She wanted to believe that, and, from the number of times Donna had spoken about it, she was pretty sure she did; really, since she had the gift of wisdom, Diana knew she should probably trust her instincts. "Then we can't afford to lose again."

"It's too dangerous," Donna told her. "You could just tell me what you know now, and..."

"No," Diana cut her off. "Look, I'm big again now... Even if I don't have my gifts, I'll be more use to you there than here. We really need this... Please, just give me a chance!"

Diana blushed, squirming as she saw Donna's eyes shift to her wet diaper, silently pointing out what had happened when she'd given her a chance to stay dry that day - the same thing that happened every day - but the girl gave in, finally. "All right, all right... You're staying back out of the way, though, got it? I'll be able to hear you perfectly fine wherever you are, so you just hang back and observe, and don't try to get involved."

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Diana answered automatically, not thinking about how silly it was, her saying that to someone so much younger than her. "Oh, and one more thing... I'm not wearing these." She poked at her diaper.

Donna looked as if she were going to argue the point, then, to Diana's surprise, caved in. "Fine. But you'd better make sure you use the bathroom before we go. I'm not pulling the jet over for a potty break."


Diana could almost believe everything was back to normal, that they'd solved it all already, as she sat in the invisible jet, shifting slightly in her seat, having to get used to the feeling of her regular panties again after being in diapers for so long. Up there, she could see more of the city than was visible out of her apartment window, and the rush of air whooshing past always made it difficult to hear what was going on below her, so she was nearly able to pretend her enhanced senses were back. She even had her old uniform back, although feeling the weight of it on her, when she was so used to running around in little more than a T-shirt, helped remind her that things were not as they should be.

But they were better than they had been for a long time, and, if Donna could manage this, they'd be even better when they were finished here. She couldn't help feeling anxious, thinking of being anywhere near Cheetah right now, without her powers, especially when, the last time the villain had seen her, she'd been a toddler. She was lucky Cheetah hadn't come after her, once seeing that... 

In all the excitement over growing big again, she'd forgotten all about that awful encounter... And, apparently, so had Cheetah. Either that, or she'd assumed Diana was being babysat somewhere away from her own home. If she'd shown up while Diana was home alone, however, Diana might as well have still been a toddler; there was no way she could have defended herself.

Thankfully, that hadn't happened, and now, if the gods were merciful, she wouldn't need Donna protection anymore. In fact, once this was all over, she could be the one in charge again, the way things should have been all along, the one helping and looking after Donna, showing her everything she'd learned about being a superhero from her time in Man's World. She wasn't sure how much the girl would listen to her - or how well she'd be able to slip into the role of the teacher, or adult - after all they'd been through together, but she hoped the return of her powers would help with that.

Donna landed the jet in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, just outside of a forest. Even in the fading light, Diana could tell it was beautiful, although she couldn't stop herself from asking, "Are you sure this is it? I don't see anything."

"You don't?" Donna frowned, pointing out the front of the jet. "There, through that window... She's walking around."

Diana squinted, but she could barely even see the shape of a building - and had missed it entirely at first glance - much less a specific window, or anyone moving inside. She had no reason to doubt Donna, who she knew definitely had better eyesight than her at the moment, so she shrugged, climbing out of the plane and heading in that direction.

"Make sure you stay behind me," Donna cautioned as they walked; Diana was well aware that was for the best, but it didn't make her feel any less ridiculous, cowering behind a teenage girl. They walked along the tree line for as long as they could, although it didn't take long before they had to make a break across the yard, where there was far less cover. 

Getting closer to the building, Diana could tell it was a building now, a mansion, huge and imposing, with so many windows she had no idea where to look when Donna told her she saw someone moving inside. She just had to trust Donna knew best when it came to when and where they had to move. By now, she'd been trusting Donna with everything for so long, it was almost second nature, no matter how much it felt like she ought to be leading this assault.

She'd never even seen this house before, however, despite fighting Cheetah for so long. She certainly wouldn't consider Cheetah to be her greatest opponent or anything, but it was hard not to feel bad when Donna had managed to find this place in only a couple weeks, after Diana had been sparring with Cheetah off and on for years. She wanted to ask Donna how she'd discovered it, though she knew this wasn't the time... If Cheetah spotted them, she could be on them in a matter of seconds, before they had time to prepare. 

Donna was very good... She spotted floodlights, ones almost certain to be triggered by motion sensors, and was able to figure out where they needed to move to keep them off, knew exactly when to move and when to freeze, and was more than capable of dragging even the fully grown Diana behind her when they needed to go especially fast. She didn't appear to have any trouble lifting the woman over the fence surrounding the house, either.

To Diana's shock, there were no henchman waiting, guarding the door. Cheetah had never really been one for them - Diana assumed the woman thought they'd only slow her down - but she'd expected to see some here, at least. Maybe she didn't think anyone would be able to connect her civilian identity to her villainous self, which, until now, was true, or maybe she was confident she could handle it all on her own.

"This is it," Donna warned her as they ducked down by the fence, pointing out the lights surrounding the house. "There's no way we can get closer without some of those turning on. She's going to know something is up... The longer we take making our entrance, the more chance there is that she'll spot us before we can get in."

"So... What do we do?" Diana frowned. She was positive there was some alternative, something she couldn't think of because she was so unused to thinking in that way now, and because her gift of wisdom and tactics had been gone for such a long time. "Should be try to break the lights?" There were plenty of windows in the mansion; surely at least one had been left unlocked by accident, if they could just keep to the darkness until they were able to find it...

"No," Donna shook her head. "We go in the front door."

"Wait..." Diana's eyes widened, but Donna's hand had already wrapped around hers, dragging her along straight for the main entrance. Diana flinched as the lights came on, nearly blinding her after spending so long sneaking through the dark, struggling to keep up with the teen, not wanting to slow her down, or be the reason they were caught.

The door was locked, of course, although Donna tried it anyway. "Worth a shot," she shrugged. "Are you ready?"

"I-I guess," Diana gulped.

"Remember, stay with me," Donna warned. "And stay behind me." Diana nodded, but she doubted Diana even had a chance to see it before she turned, kicking the doors open with a loud thud. The noise was nothing compared to the blaring alarm that started up a moment later, however, so piercing that Diana had to pause in her tracks, covering her ears and wincing. She didn't even have her enhanced hearing; she also didn't have the gift of strength and durability that surely extended to her eardrums, and would have made this more tolerable.

When she was finally able to look up, her companion was nowhere to be seen. "Donna!" she called, looking around frantically, not knowing if even Donna could hear her over the alarm. She definitely couldn't hear the girl, if she responded... And, if Cheetah was coming, she knew she wouldn't have any warning. The woman moved so fast, Diana's normal eyes could barely see her, and with this awful noise, there was no way she'd hear footsteps, no matter how quickly there were approaching.

Part of her wanted to stay there, cowering in the corner of the entryway, well away from any action that might happen. Whether she had powers or not, however, she was still Wonder Woman, and she had talked Donna into letting her come along for a reason... She'd said what she had so the girl would bring her along, but it was still true; Donna might need her help winning this fight. And, even if she'd been regressing when it happened, because of Donna's appearance in her world, it was ultimately Diana's fault they were here in the first place, that she'd lost her lasso and needed to get it back.

"Okay," she psyched herself up, doing her best to push the blaring alarm to the back of her mind, to ignore it as much as she could. "Let's do this."

She stepped forward, out of her corner, surveying her options. There were plenty of them; this place was huge, and she'd never been fast enough to spot the movement Donna had insisted she saw from the windows, so she had no clue where Cheetah was, or had been. From the outside, however, it had looked like, perhaps, there were more lights on upstairs, so she went to the huge staircase in the foyer and headed up.

If she'd needed any further proof that she didn't have her powers, having to stop at the top of the steps to catch her breath would have done it. To be fair, she had been cooped up in her apartment for a while, and they had run across a lot of the quite expansive yard to get here, but there was a time when she could have run up the stairs without a second thought; she probably would have flown up them instead, though. 

The alarm was a bit quieter there, blessedly, or she'd gotten used to it, although she still couldn't hear anything else happening to give her a hint as to which direction to go from the top of the stairs. She finally had to choose one at random and hurry down it, peering into room after room of ornate furniture and displays of ancient art and artifacts, things that seemed like they belonged in a museum, and perhaps had been stolen from one at some time.

At the end of the hallway, there had still been no sign of either Cheetah or Donna, so she had to turn around to check out another, rushing back down the hall, feeling more and more worn out the longer this went on. At this point, the fight could easily be over already... Or, if it wasn't, by the time Diana found it, she might be so tired, she wouldn't be any help at all! She shook her head, trying to find another, hidden reserve of energy, knowing she'd explored only a small fraction of this mansion, with plenty more to go if she didn't get lucky with the next hallway she ventured through.

'Lucky' probably wasn't the word she would have thought of when she found the room... She gasped at the sight of it, hardly able to believe her eyes, unable to resist stepping inside to confirm it was truly there. 

Sure enough, it was, and, by reaching out one shaking hand, she confirmed that it - or, one piece of it, anyway - was real. "H-How are you here?" she asked out loud, as if the furniture could speak, could answer her.

It was a nursery; that by itself wouldn't have been too astonishing, though Diana would have felt sorry for any child being brought up by Cheetah. What was odd was the fact that it was, for the most part, Susie's nursery. There were a few other, new things sprinkled in there, pieces that the little girl hadn't had, or her mother had gotten rid of before Diana's stay there, like a rocking horse and a small refrigerator with a glass door, through with Diana could see rows of bottles, already filled with milk and various juices, and jars of baby food in every color of the rainbow, all just sitting there, waiting.

Then, to her surprise, she got an answer. "It's been waiting for you," a voice said from behind her, a moment after the alarm bell finally stopped, making the words feel even more ominous.

Diana spun, gasping, recognizing Cheetah's voice, although, as she turned, she had something else to worry about. She could feel her costume shifting, moving in ways it shouldn't, starting to slip off. "No, no, no!" she whimpered, grabbing for it, trying to catch the eagle breastplate before it fell, dragging the rest down with it. They'd fixed this! How could she be turning into a child again?! And now, of all times...

As she grabbed for the eagle in vain, however, she was able to see that, unlike last time, her body wasn't growing younger after all. She was certainly shrinking, the costume falling right off her into a puddle around her feet, and, when she stared up at Cheetah, the woman looked every bit as huge as she had when she'd appeared in Susie's apartment, if not more, yet Diana's body hadn't changed back into that of a chubby, little toddler... She still looked the same, like the adult she ought to be, only now she was the size of an infant.

How had Cheetah done this?! Had she found some ancient artifact with this power? Or had she discovered a way to use the lasso to do it? Whatever it was, Diana knew she had no defense against it, could do nothing except back away, trying to cover herself with her hands, and shout, "Donna! Help!", wincing as she heard her shrunken vocal chords, making her voice sound almost as  high and childish as it had when she'd been a toddler.

She gulped as she saw a pair of red eyes appear in the darkness behind Cheetah, eyes she remembered all too clearly from that night, long ago, in the woods, when she'd lost Donna. That was it, she thought frantically... Dark Angel had returned, looking for Donna, and had teamed up with Cheetah, and that was why she'd shrunk. She wanted to call out, to warn Donna, tell her to go contact Superman, or Batman, or anyone, certain the girl would be no match against Cheetah and Dark Angel at the same time...

And then, those eyes slithered forward, out of the shadows, advancing closer and closer until Diana began to recognize something else about the shape of the body attached to them, her own eyes widening, filling with tears as Donna stepped into the room, sidling up beside Cheetah. "Oh, don't worry, Diana," she purred, staring down at the tiny Amazon. "I don't think she needs any help... I'm pretty sure she has it all under control."


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