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A continuation of a caption from much earlier in the year, commissioned by an anonymous Patron. Picture property of Aunt Elli.

Cassie used to love pranks... After the past couple April Fools' Days, however, she was starting to change her mind about that. After the one she'd pulled the year before, her girlfriend had started treating her more like a child; this year, she'd been the one to get pranked, which had ended with her sitting in a messy diaper and onesie, eating babyfood in front of Mommy's friends while they all enjoyed a nice Easter feast.

Halloween was different, though... Sure, people should expect to be pranked on April Fools' Day, but most pranks had become so innocuous lately that it barely even counted. On Halloween, however, you could still get away with some real mischief... That was half the point of Halloween, once you were too old to go out and get candy.

Or, it was if your Mommy allowed it, anyway. "Pleeease?" Cassie begged, even getting down on her knees. "I went to that party with your friends last weekend... Can I just go hang out with mine tonight?"

"Hmm..." Mommy crossed her arms, staring down at her as she thought. "You were mostly a pretty good girl at the party..."


Cassie blushed, knowing exactly where the 'almost' came in. She'd come very close to winning the costume contest, but the judges had declared that, after what they'd seen on Easter, her outfit didn't really qualify as a costume. Cassie had been... less than pleased by that verdict, or by the sucker they'd given her as a consolation. "It was late," she said, in her own defense.

"It was," Mommy agreed. "And it is true that I haven't made you wear your diapers regularly for a couple months, so it was mostly a costume. And I did already spank you for your tantrum... All right, you can go." Cassie grinned, until Mommy continued, "But I'm not making you another costume."

"But Mommy..." Cassie pouted; Mommy wouldn't budge. Nor would she let Cassie go out on Halloween without one, so she was forced to go meet her friends in the same cutesie little dress she'd worn to the party, with the same pacifier between her lips, and a similar - though, of course, not exactly the same - diaper beneath her skirt, peeking out a bit even when she was standing still, and far more any time she moved.

Cassie felt incredibly out of place around her friends, who either hadn't bothered to dress up, or were in some of the sluttiest clothes Cassie had ever seen them in. She was sure her 'costume' itself would have gotten her teased by itself, but then Mommy escorted her to the door, kissed her on the forehead, and sent her out with a pat on the backside and a warning to, "Behave yourself!"

"It's a good thing you're with us," her friend, Emily, in her sexy cat outfit, told her. "If we found you out on the street, we'd take all your candy!"

They were, honestly, too old for this, but they'd been doing it since they were teenagers, and it was hard to give it up now. Or, in the past, it had been... Now, despite how young she was dressed, Cassie's heart wasn't in it as she egged and TPed and tried to jump out and scare younger trick or treaters who were out without their parents; all she could think about was how mad Mommy would be if she knew what was going on.

Thankfully, they'd gone a few neighborhoods over, so, even if anyone saw her out there, they shouldn't recognize her, which made her feel a little more safe, and, as the night wore on, she started to feel more and more bold, getting back into the hang of things. All this time, being treated like a kid herself, had made her soft... She'd needed this, she told herself. She wasn't a baby, she was an adult, and, even if what she was doing wasn't exactly the most mature thing in the world, it was better than sitting around in her diapers, watching cartoons!

So, when her friends dared her to go up onto the porch and stomp in a jack o'lantern by herself, it practically seemed like her duty to follow through with it, to prove she was still the big girl she knew herself to be. Unfortunately, she wasn't big enough to keep from squealing in shock when the front door opened, or to stop herself from tripping over her own feet and falling on her padded backside as she tried to run away.

"Just what do you think you're doing here, little girl?" the woman who had appeared from the other side of the door demanded, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her to her feet, as Cassie looked around, hoping her friends would be there to defend her. They were nowhere to be seen. "Where are your parents?"

"I-I'm not a little girl," Cassie protested. "M-My parents aren't here, and..."

"Then why are you wearing a diaper?" the woman asked.

"I-It's a costume!" Cassie told her. "It's Halloween, duh!"

But, like Mommy's friends, the woman wasn't fooled as she yanked Cassie into her house, slamming the door behind it. "Then why is it wet?" Cassie blushed, swallowing as she stood there awkwardly, unsure what to say. "It's a good thing I have lots of old toys foe my niece here," the woman said, dragging out a box of baby toys. "Because you aren't leaving until you tell me how to get your Mommy or Daddy here so I can tell them what you were up to, and send you home with them."

If Mommy came here, she'd be sure to see all the chaos her and her friends had caused on the way, too, and know - despite Cassie's promise that they weren't going to do any of that this time - they'd done it. She'd been able to keep herself out of diapers for so long, other than her 'costumes', but this would ensure she was in them at least through the end of the year...

The woman spread a blanket out on the floor, pushing Cassie down on top of it. "You just stay there and play as long as you need," she told the girl, "I can wait. And I'll be sure to let your parents know exactly how much time it took for you to do the right thing. I'm sure if you get put in diapers at your age, you also get spankings, and I'd be more than happy to offer up my hairbrush so they can do it right here in front of me, to apologize for your behavior."

Cassie gulped, nervously sucking on her pacifier as she stared up at the woman, one hand drifting down to her short skirt. She knew she'd wet herself a little, earlier in the night, though it felt much wetter now... She suspected she'd had an accident when she'd fallen during her failed escape. That, on its own, would mean diapers for a while, even if she could somehow get out of this mess without Mommy knowing the whole story...

She had no idea how she could do that, unfortunately. The woman seemed determined to see this through, and Cassie knew she was right, and it would be worse for her the longer she waited. Cassie used to love pranks... But now, they might wind up being what finally pushed Mommy into keeping her as a full-time baby, until she was a sweet, innocent little girl who would never dream of causing any sort of mischief, for fear of what that might mean for her poor, perpetually padded posterior. Either way, she knew, for a fact, that she wouldn't be getting any more treats that Halloween... She wouldn't consider a spanking a trick, since she was definitely expecting it at this point, but it was definitely more that than it was a treat.



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