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A one-off caption commission for an anonymous Patron. Picture property of PornForThePeople.

Amanda shivered as she heard the sound of footsteps behind her, quickly popping the pacifier back into her mouth, trying to pretend it had been there the whole time. She wasn't sure if it was better or worse when she turned and saw her roommate standing there, surveying the scene, rather than the other woman...

"What happened here?" Inita asked, kneeling down on the bed next to her.

It was a stupid question, which Amanda would have been happy to point out normally, though, after the day she'd had, she found it easier than usual to hold her tongue. Or, perhaps, that was simply because she was too busy blushing as Inita looked at her more closely, her hand reaching out to give Amanda's pink bottom a pat.

"Oh, still warm," Inita chuckled. "That must have been quite the spanking!"

"It was," Amanda mumbled around the pacifier. Not that she had much to judge it off of... She didn't think her parents had believed in spankings, and, if they had, they'd stopped dishing them out well before Amanda could remember. The only spanking in her memory now was the one that had been given to her that day, after the strange woman had stripped her and pulled her down over her lap...

It had been one of the most humiliating things Amanda had ever experienced, lying there, squirming helplessly, feeling the hand of what was practically a stranger smack against her bare backside, harder and harder, until she began to bawl like a baby. And, eventually, do something else quite babyish...

"And what in the world is this?" Inita asked, poking at the diaper.

Amanda winced, hearing the crinkle. After wetting herself in the middle of her spanking, she supposed it was hard to blame the woman for taping her into that - although it was certainly weird that she'd just been carrying that around in her purse - before forcing her to stand in the corner and think about what she'd done... 

"Oh, of course," Inita said, tapping the ring on the pacifier's shield. "You can't talk, can you? Honestly, the silence is kind of nice..."

Seeing as the woman had a diaper with her, the pacifier had hardly been a surprise... Amanda should have expected it the moment she opened her mouth when the woman returned, finding her no longer in the corner, sitting on the bed with her arms folded, ready to give her a piece of her mind about just what in the world she thought she was doing, waltzing into her house and treating her this way.

The woman hadn't made her go back in the corner... Instead, she ordered Amanda to lie there on her bed, paci in, and wait for her, sliding the diaper down before she left. The girl felt exposed, certainly, but her bottom was still pretty warm, and sore, so the fresh air didn't feel too bad...

"Just tell me one thing," Inita grabbed the pacifier, pulling it out, but keeping it held there, in front of Amanda's face, ready to replace it at any moment. "Did you deserve it?"

"What?!" Amanda's eyes widened, blushing, shocked her roommate would even suggest that she could have done anything to deserve this fate. "No! I-I just forgot you'd told me there was someone coming to look at the spare room today, and I told her she had the wrong house and should..."

Initia pushed the pacifier back into place, shaking her head. "She already told me the truth," she said. "I just wanted to see if you'd own up to it. I guess I have my answer." She stood, giving Amanda's spanked bum a swat before heading out the door, leaving the girl there, mumbling pitifully behind her pacifier. 

In the hall, Amanda heard Inita say, "The room is yours, if you want it. Feel free to stay as long as you want," and then, a few moments later, the other woman returned, bulging, red enema bag in hand. Amanda gulped, squirming in place as she watched her new roommate come closer and closer, having a very bad feeling that this was going to be a very regular sight for her in the coming weeks and months...



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