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"You, umm... You wanted to see me?" Lizzie stuck her head in the door nervously, nearly jumping out of her skin as she saw another psychology professor sitting in the chair opposite Ms. Torres's desk, glad she'd at least knocked before opening the door.

"Oh, of course," Ms. Torres said. "I'm so sorry, I forgot... I have a student here who needed to meet with me during her lunch break, because she's working during my office hours. Do you mind..?"

"No, it's fine," the other teacher nodded, getting up. "I was about to go get some food myself. See you later!"

Lizzie gulped, stepping aside to let the professor through, wincing at the loud crinkling even that small movement produced, especially when the woman stopped and looked at her. She was certain she'd been caught, and right in front of Ms. Torres, too. What was she going to say? What was her Mommy going to say? Would she pretend to be surprised, or act as if she'd suspected all along?

"Have they started bringing out the pizza yet?" the professor asked.

"I-I think so," Lizzie answered, her mouth dry, desperate for a sip from the cup she was carrying, although she didn't dare take one. "I wasn't over on that side, b-but I think I saw someone walk by with a slice..."

"Good," the professor replied. "I don't know why, but I've been craving pizza today."

With that, she left, and Lizzie gratefully bumped the door shut with her hip, scurrying over to the desk to set down the bag of food and cup, which Ms. Torres immediately claimed for herself, sipping the soda and opening up the bag to examine its contents. "Good job, dear," she said, after making sure her order had been fulfilled just right. "Thank you."

"Y-Yes, Mommy," Lizzie blushed at the praise, her eyes darting over to the door, hoping the other professor hadn't taken her time outside the door to overhear that. "S-So, can I...?"

"Of course," Ms. Torres smiled, sliding a small key over to her. "Good girls get rewards, don't they?"

"Uh-huh," Lizzie nodded, feeling a slight buzz of pride. It was silly, really, just a small thing, but earning rewards always felt good, especially this one. She reached out for the key, ready to go, when Ms. Torres clamped her hand over it.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

It took Lizzie a couple seconds to process what her Mommy meant, and, immediately, she blushed again. She'd been so shaken by the sight of someone else in the office, during what was generally her alone time with Ms. Torres, it had completely slipped her mind... As had locking the door behind her, for fear that the other professor would turn back and try to come in again for some reason, and find it suspicious that a professor and student were in a locked office together, alone.

"I-I'm sorry!" Lizzie blurted out. "I-I'll just go lock the door, and..."

"Is that the rule?" Ms. Torres asked. "I let it slip when you first came in, since you were carrying my food, but you've already waited long enough, I think."

"But Mommy..." Lizzie whined, squirming in place, until Ms. Torres began to slip her cupped hand with the key under it back across the desk, towards herself. "Okay!" she sighed, sliding her skirt down, exposing her cutesie, pink diaper in full beneath her shirt. When she was in Ms. Torres's office, there was no hiding her diaper; she was just a baby, after all.

"That's better," Mommy nodded, letting go of the key. "Go choose while I eat... My food is still warm, after all."

Lizzie snatched up the key and waddled over not to the cupboard, but to the door, making sure it was locked, certain, the whole time, that it was going to fly open before she got there, or that she'd feel the knob turn in her hands as she was securing it, and she'd be caught, standing in her professor's office in a baby diaper. Only when the lock was turned did she begin to calm down, and make her way over to the cupboard.

She was certain Ms. Torres had chosen this cupboard on purpose... There were lower ones, ones Lizzie could have reached without too much trouble; this one, even on her tiptoes, she had problems seeing into, much less getting things out of. The significantly taller professor, of course, had no issue, making it look simple, and emphasizing how small Lizzie herself was. She kept promising to get Elizabeth a stepstool, although the girl wasn't sure that was really going to make her feel any better.

As it was, however, even unlocking the cupboard was a chore, and, after a couple of times hopping up onto her tiptoes to slide the key into place and turn it, she still couldn't make out the labels of the things inside that well. She had to pull each jar down, one by one, to see what it was, and she was positive Ms. Torres kept all the worst ones on the bottom shelf on purpose.

Even the best things in the cupboard didn't come close to what she'd seen in the cafeteria... Her mouth had watered, watching other students walk by with plates full of chicken fingers, glistening with grease, french fries, sandwiches... Even the salad she'd fixed for Ms. Torres, with very precise toppings, and amounts of each, sounded far better than anything she had to choose from for her own lunch.

Her nose wrinkled as she turned the first jar she'd grabbed to look at around, and saw the label. Prune baby food... It felt like Ms. Torres had bought a whole truckload of that, since, when she got to pick Lizzie's lunch, she always went with that, and when Lizzie was in charge, it was always the first or second one she checked. She quickly put it back on the shelf, and took another, but it was pea, which was barely any better. The ham and the chicken and rice were both pretty disgusting as well, and, of course, they were the next two she found.

She was, of course, perfectly capable of eating real food - she did it every morning, and every night - but Ms. Torres insisted she eat this nasty gunk for lunch every day. She happily kept the cupboard stocked herself, so that was one less meal Lizzie had to worry about paying for... She couldn't imagine how babies put up with it, though. They must just not know any better yet.

There were a few good ones, of course. Usually, Ms. Torres gave her two of the gross ones, then one of the few Lizzie actually liked for dessert, although, when Lizzie got to pick out her own, she tried to go for all 'dessert'. Applesauce was probably the best, not only because it tasted nice, and sweet, but because it was essentially just applesauce... She could pretend it wasn't babyfood at all, even if she was being spoon-fed it, with a bib tied around her neck.

Carrots weren't bad, either. It had thrown her off at first, getting that taste without the satisfying crunch she normally associated with it, yet, she got used to that quicker than she expected. And, while the fiber she knew bananas contained worried her, banana blueberry was too delightful of a combination to pass up; besides, she didn't think they were as bad in that regard as peas, and certainly better than prunes. It definitely tasted miles more pleasant than either.

Since Ms. Torres only gave her one of those per day, at most, she didn't buy as many of them as she did of the other kinds she kept stocked, so finding them was a bit of a crapshoot. They were probably up on the top shelf of the cupboard, but Lizzie was scared to try that, after last time... If she really stretched, she could pull the jars down off of there, though getting them back up was almost impossible, and Mommy had made sure there was no extra room on the bottom shelf to put any she didn't want from the top.

"You must be hungry," she'd teased, after seeing all the jars of prune Lizzie had yanked from the top shelf, desperate to find something more appetizing. "Well, if you think you have enough room in your little tummy for all these..."

Lizzie had done her best to at least get her to stick to the usual three jars, but Mommy hadn't stopped until she'd shoveled all of them into her mouth. Inevitably, during one of her afternoon classes, Lizzie had felt her tummy begin to rumble... She'd squirmed, considering asking to be excused, yet, it was already too late; that wiggling revealed a sticky spot already in the seat of her diaper, one that grew bigger the more she moved, until, at the end of class, when she finally had no choice, other than to stand up to leave, she'd had to swallow a gasp of shock and disgust as she pooped her diaper.

It had been absolutely mortifying; despite spending most of her life wearing diapers of one kind or another, she'd only done that once or twice since her initial potty training, when she'd been very ill, and still significantly younger. Standing there now, as an adult, helpless to stop the flow of mush she could feel pumping into her diaper, making it swell beneath her skirt, growing larger, and tighter, and even more babyish... She'd almost burst into tears right there.

Mommy didn't let her keep any spare diapers in her bag, and there was no way she was going all the way back to her apartment like this, so, instead, she trekked back here, to the woman's office, every step reminding her of the humiliating, infantile thing she'd done, blushing furiously whenever somebody passed by within a few feet of her. That time, she hadn't knocked, had just thrown the door open, nearly in tears, only to find another student there, taking advantage of Ms. Torres's office hours.

She'd barely been able to keep it together, waiting out in the hall, determined not to sit down in one of the chairs outside the office, steeling herself for the moment the other student left, and would have to pass by her, trying to will her diaper not to stink too much. If they'd noticed, they didn't say anything, thankfully, although there was a chance they heard Lizzie burst into tears almost before the door was closed behind her.

Mommy had been very sweet and gentle with her, taking the time to calm her down and clean her up, promising she'd tell the teacher of the class she was missing that it was her fault she hadn't been there, that Lizzie had been helping her out, and Ms. Torres had lost track of the time. Unfortunately, as she finished up, and prepared to send Lizzie back to her apartment to take a nap, she'd let it slip that it probably hadn't been an accident.

"In a way, I think this is good," she'd said. "It seems like such a waste for your nice, big diapers to only be used for your pee-pees... A little baby like you shouldn't have to worry about making it to the bathroom at all."

And that was why, now, as Lizzie searched desperately for the right baby food, Ms. Torres stepped up behind her, giving the rear of her diaper a pat before pulling out the back waistband and peering inside. "No present for Mommy yet?" she asked, half teasing, half disappointed. "You didn't sneak away to the potty, did you?"

"N-No, Mommy," Lizzie shook her head. "I just haven't had to go yet."

"Well, we can fix that," Ms. Torres said, taking the jar of prune baby food from Lizzie's hand.

"Nooo," Lizzie whined. "I didn't pick that, I'm still looking!"

"Well, you can have this in addition to whatever you choose," Ms. Torres told her. "We want to make sure you stay nice and regular, don't we?"

As much as Lizzie disliked messing her diaper, she did want that. Mommy couldn't stop her from using the bathroom, but she'd bought a jar of suppositories that she promised to use on the girl if a whole day went by when Lizzie didn't come to her with a full diaper, or send a picture of her wearing one at home. Lizzie went with the latter, of course, although she still had to wait to change until Ms. Torres gave her permission, leading to her spending a lot of time standing up at her kitchen table, doing homework while she waited.

"Mommy, no, please," Lizzie sniffled. "I'll go later, I swear...."

Ms. Torres stared down at her, then shrugged, setting the jar back on the shelf. "You'd better, young lady. Now, if you don't want your nice, pretty, purple food, what do you want?"

"I can't find it!" Lizzie huffed, stomping her foot. "I can't see anything up there, and it isn't fair!"

"My, my," Ms. Torres shook her head. "Someone's a cranky baby. Are you sure you don't need to go poopy yet?" Lizzie blushed. "Here, let me help you out." Lizzie let out a squeak as Ms. Torres picked her up, lifting her into the air so she could see the shelf more easily. Unsurprisingly, all the good flavors were hidden on a second row, behind the other flavors, although, with Mommy's help, Lizzie could reach them just fine, and get just the right ones. She blushed, feeling so tiny, in the woman's arms, so much like a real toddler... She couldn't help suspecting this was all on purpose, that it was no accident, on the day she was allowed to choose, nothing she wanted had been easy to find.

She didn't mind it nearly as much this time around, however; she might want to be more of an adult, but there was something comforting in knowing that Mommy was bigger and stronger than her, and able to take care of everything. That was probably the desired effect... She was likely playing right into Mommy's plan, whatever that was... Mommy was also much smarter than her, though, so that was almost definitely going to happen anyway. At least this time, it ended with her getting her applesauce, so she didn't mind, even if Mommy still refused to let her feed herself, or eat without a bib.


It was early enough, when she got the text the next morning, she couldn't imagine what it was about, although having to go see Ms. Torres first thing in the morning was certainly worrying. It wasn't that she disliked going to visit her... It was kind of nice, really, having a quiet space to go and hang out, and, usually, get some homework done, in exchange for wearing her diapers openly, and letting herself get fed baby food. Being told to make sure it was the first thing she did, however, sounded ominous.

She knocked first, having thoroughly learned her lesson, then creeped inside at the sound of the professor's voice. "Morning," she said cautiously. It was possible this wasn't anything bad, that Ms. Torres had just wanted to greet her - and, perhaps, ensure she had on her diaper, not that she really had a choice - and send her on her way.

"Good morning, dear," Ms. Torres smiled. "Did you forget something?"

It was still quite early, and, with no context, Lizzie had no idea what the woman could be talking about. "Umm... I-I dunno," she shrugged, not wanting to say no, since that was almost definitely not the right answer, yet she had no idea what the correct one was, so she couldn't give it.

Ms. Torres reached down, pulled something out of the drawer, setting it down on her desk; instantly, Lizzie knew exactly what this was all about. She gulped, squirming in place as she stared at the jar of suppositories. "I'm so sorry, Mommy!" she exclaimed. "I-I just forgot, I didn't do it on purpose! It won't happen again... Y-You didn't remind me!"

Usually, the professor would send her a text, if she didn't get a picture, prompting Lizzie to do the deed... The previous night, Lizzie had only gotten one message from her, wishing her sweet dreams. She had to admit that she had, briefly, thought about it, but then she'd gotten distracted by finishing up her homework. Something had felt off to her last night as she got ready for bed, yet she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Oh, sweetie," Mommy shook her head. "I knew you were just a silly little baby, but I thought for sure you were old enough to be able to handle using your diapers on your own, even if that was all. I guess you need Mommy's help for that, too..."

"Mommy, please, nooo," Lizzie sniffled, eyes fixed on the suppositories, as they had been since they were set out. "I have class... I-I don't wanna... Do that... Please..."

She could hear Mommy stand up, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor of her office, saw her in the corner of her eye, but her eyes were still stuck on the jar. She hadn't seen the woman open it, though there was no guarantee she hadn't gotten one or two out before Lizzie had come in. The girl shivered, hearing the woman move closer and closer to her, like a shark about to devour its prey, sliding up next to her, one hand rubbing the girl's back, the other shoving something into her.

It wasn't into her bottom, however, and it was not a suppository. To Lizzie's surprise, it was a bottle of apple juice. She'd had some juice already that morning, but she didn't mind a bit more, even if it would probably mean her wetting sooner. However, it didn't take long to realize it wasn't regular apple juice... It tasted thicker, somehow, grainier... She grimaced, trying to pull away from it, but Mommy held it, in her, in place firmly.

"What was that?" Lizzie demanded, wiping her mouth, her tummy feeling queasy - though that was likely more from the mystery than whatever it had been.

"Your juice," Ms. Torres told her. "Along with some fiber, to help you use your diaper more easily. You are right, though, you do have classes, so I'm not going to make you do that right now... That would hardly be professional."

"You made me do it before, with your stupid prunes," Lizzie pointed out, immediately regretting it as Ms. Torres glared at her.

"I did not make you poop yourself during class... It is hardly my fault it happened right then. If I gave you a suppository, on the other hand, that would guarantee it would happen then. If it happens then, by itself, that's one thing... Forcing it is another. Understand?" Lizzie nodded meekly. "And I don't want you to do it on your own, either. Got that, young lady? No messy accidents from you!"

That was an odd order, although one Lizzie didn't mind following. Usually, Ms. Torres wanted her to use her diaper... Why was she making her wait? The girl would have, anyway, since she didn't want to sit through any of her classes like that, but, in the past, it had seemed like the professor would have been happy to see her do that.

Since she hadn't gone the day before, the urge was there, but not too bad. She honestly didn't know that the fiber had made any difference whatsoever, at least not yet. She had been right about the extra juice making her wet earlier than usual in her first class, to the point where she wound up doing it twice, nearly soaking her diaper through in a single period.

Her initial assessment had been correct - the diapers were soft, and comfy, but when used, they swelled up considerably, far bigger than the more conservative, medical grade diapers she'd been used to before. She always had a slight waddle with them on; once they were used, especially as much as this one had been, it was upgraded to a full toddle.

There was no time for either her, or Ms. Torres, both of whom had classes to prepare for in the next period, to get her changed, so she had to be careful not to use her diaper too much either way, which made it very difficult to concentrate on what was being said. She was able to get a dry diaper after that, but it came with another bottle of juice and fiber, and another warning to keep it clean.

Not even during lunch - with a third dosed bottle - was she allowed to mess herself, even though, by then, it was starting to be an issue. She was certain her teachers were noticing, too... One even stopped class to ask, "Are you all right? Do you need to excuse yourself?"

"N-No, sir," she shook her head. If Ms. Torres somehow found out she'd left a class, presumably to use the bathroom, she'd be in even deeper trouble, even if, by staying there, she was running the risk of someone hearing her diaper constantly crinkle as she wriggled in her desk, her belly churning away. Somehow, she survived that class, and the next, and, at last, she was done for the day.

By then, she expected the bottle, although not the double diaper she was taped into when she was changed, so bulky she worried her skirt barely went on over it, and had a quite noticeable bulge beneath it, or the instructions she was given. "I've canceled my office hours for today," Ms. Torres told her. "So, I'm going to be coming over to your apartment. It will take me a few minutes to prepare, so you are to go ahead without me, take off your skirt, stand in a corner of your living room, and wait. And, keep in mind, I still haven't given you permission to mess your diaper."

To add insult to injury, right before sending Lizzie off, Ms. Torres bent the girl over her desk, slipping a pair of suppositories into her backside, then shooing her away with a swat to the bottom that the girl didn't even feel through the massive padding. Lizzie was certain she could feel the tiny, white bullets speeding through her body, making her already tumultuous guts even more unstable, adding to her discomfort, as if trying to walk in this double diaper wasn't bad enough. She tried to find the least busy path to her apartment, to keep from running into too many people, but that just extended the amount of time she was outside like that.

She froze in her tracks as a cramp hit her, and her body nearly took over, expelling its load into her diaper immediately. She stood there, sweating, panting, digging her short, pink-painted nails into her palm as she fought to stop it, practically feeling the messy tide inside her, ready to escape, knowing that, at any moment, it could happen... At least in her apartment, there would be some privacy. Out here, anyone could walk by, and the road wasn't too far off, either. It was far more public than any classroom.

As soon as she could move again, she picked up the pace, knowing time was ticking away, faster than she would have liked. She could feel a squishy spot on the seat of her diaper, knew that, if she was checked, Mommy might not approve, but if that was all she got away with, it might be okay. Finally, she reached the apartment, pulling the keys out of her bag as a wave of relief washed over her, her hands shaking as she reached out to unlock the door.

It all happened so fast.... She didn't know if it was her nerves, or perhaps her sweaty hands, that made her miss the lock, bumping the key against the more solid portion of the knob and drop them. Either way, she winced as she heard them clatter, and, quickly, bent down to snatch them up again. Immediately, she knew it had been a mistake, the motion compressing her stomach just enough. Once again, she froze, this time bent over, diapered backside in the air, as a torrent of warm, mushy poo escaped from her, quickly filling her diaper to the brim, ignoring her every attempt to stop it.

It was a very quiet, sniffly Lizzie who finally retrieved that key and let herself into her apartment, dropping her bag onto the sofa and shedding her skirt, trudging over to the corner, feeling like a truly naughty little girl as she put her nose there and stared at it. She really had no choice, other than to think about what she'd done, how she'd pooped her pants, against her Mommy's orders - there was no escaping the feel of the messy diaper, no matter how she shifted her weight. Whether it was because she'd waited two days, or the help of the fiber, or both, this was definitely the fullest diaper she could recall experiencing.

She had no idea how long it really was, but it felt like hours before she finally heard the door open, and the click of Ms. Torres's heels approaching down the hall, into the living room, felt the woman's hand on her bulging bottom. "I-I'm sowwy, Mommy," she sniffled. "I couldn't help it..."

"Shh," Ms. Torres folded her into a big hug, "I know, sweetie... You're just a baby." She stood there with her for a few minutes, until the girl had calmed down a little, then began leading her away from the corner. "I'm not upset, sweetie... I knew a tiny, little baby like you wouldn't be able to do it. I wanted to make sure you understood, too. I bet you really tried, didn't you?"

"Y-Yes, Mommy," Lizzie nodded, wiping her eyes.

"And you couldn't stop it, could you?" Lizzie shook her head bashfully. "It won't be quite as bad, but, once the fiber really starts to work in another day or so, it will always be like that... Your messies will be so big and soft, a big girl would even have trouble holding them in, much less a little baby like you. You might even wind up going more than once a day... But don't worry, sweetie, Mommy will always be here to clean you up and take care of you."

Lizzie's eyes widened. "B-But..." This was not what she wanted... She wanted to get more control over using her diapers, not less! She had to stop this, somehow, tell Mommy this was too far...

Mommy stopped, then picked her up, setting her down on the hard, wooden chair at her table. Like her eyes, Lizzie's mouth dropped open as she sank into the greasy, sticky mass in her diaper, feeling it squelch all around her. She'd never actually sat in a dirty diaper before - not since she was an adult, anyway - for just this reason. Instantly, she could feel the rest of her facade of adulthood fading as she was forced to fully confront the magnitude of the infantile act she'd committed. When Mommy popped an oversized pacifier into her mouth, she barely even noticed herself start sucking on it, as if it was something perfectly normal for someone of her age to do.

"Hush," Mommy commanded. "If you can be a good girl for me for the rest of the night, I'll give you a nice bath before I tuck you in... But, if not, you're going to bed in this diaper, so you can get even more used to the feeling of being a messy baby, since it will be happening much more often. Now, stay here, and I'll go get your bag so you can start on your homework, while I make you supper - bedtime is at 7:30, and no amount of puppydog eyes are going to change that, so you'd better have all your work done by then, got it?"

Lizzie squirmed in her loaded diaper, mumbling a humble, "Yes, Mommy," behind her pacifier, as she continued to suckle on it. What other response could she give? There was little doubt now that she was a baby, and babies did what their Mommies told them to.



Goodness I'm going to be blushy during lecture today :O


This was such a cute story