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They stood there for a few long moments, the two younger women looking around in fright, before they heard it. There was a loud clicking noise, strangely familiar, though Jordan couldn't quite place it, echoing through the hall. It grew louder and louder, until, she was able to figure out it was coming from behind them and she spun around to see a tall, blonde woman in stiletto heels coming down the stairs, wearing a long lab coat and goggles, guiding a young woman with brown hair, not too much shorter than her, in just a disposable diaper and some sort of pink collar locked around her neck, a leash coming off of it, held tightly in the other woman's hand.

Jordan gulped at the sight of it, and beside her, she could hear Sarah elicit a frightened squeak as the woman said, "Well, what do we have here? Was somebody a bad girl and got herself sent down here? Or are you just snooping?"

"N-No!" Jordan could feel Sarah's hand shaking, and all of the sudden she felt the other girl squeezing her hand, just like she'd done to her a few minutes ago. "No, ma'am! I-I'm giving a tour! Sh-She told you, didn't she? Y-You can call her, I..."

The goggled figure laughed, finally cutting the stammering girl off. "Of course she did! I was just joking! You were pretty scared, though, weren't you? Is there a reason for that, little girl?"

Sarah shifted her weight anxiously. "Well, I-I just don't come down here often, and..."

"I think I'd better check your pants, don't you?" the woman asked gleefully.

Jordan could hear Sarah sigh softly, even as she said, "Y-Yes, ma'am," and reached up with her free hand to lift her skirt. Even in the dark, Jordan could tell the training pants were sagging lower than they had been in the office, but the woman in the lab coat stepped forward to check her anyway, leaving the diapered woman on the leash little choice than to follow, her cheeks flushing as she moved closer to Jordan.

Jordan's eyes tried to drift away, the sight of the poor girl - and view of a possible future for herself - too much for her, yet she found herself drawn to the girl's eyes. There was something oddly familiar about her, something she couldn't quite put her finger on...

"Absolutely soaked!" the woman declared. "Obviously you aren't ready for those training pants after all."

"No, I am, ma'am!" Sarah protested as the woman reached into the pocket of her lab coat, pulling out a diaper pin with a yellow head. "Please, I was just startled, that's all!"

The woman ignored her, stepping behind the girl and pinning her skirt up, then sliding over behind Jordan. Jordan's cheeks turned red as she felt the back of her diaper being pulled out and held open for much longer than she would have liked before the woman stepped back around in front of her, running her hand all along the front and crotch of her diaper. "Well, it's a good thing they were smart enough to put you in diapers already isn't it?" she mocked the girl. "That's nothing for a diaper, but you would have ruined your big girl panties, if anyone was silly enough to let you wear those."

Jordan's heart nearly stopped as she felt the rear of her diaper being tugged at again, realizing that it was Mrs. Patterson this time. She held the diaper open even longer, while Jordan gulped and wriggled, knowing that, ultimately, it was up to her to decide if she had already lost the bet. Jordan could try to tell her that it didn't count, but if Mrs. Patterson thought otherwise, there wasn't much she could really do to change the woman's mind.

"She's right," Mrs. Patterson said when she, at last, let the diaper snap back into place. "This only proves that you don't belong in real underwear... But you haven't lost yet."

"Your daughter?" the woman inquired, staring behind Jordan to Mrs. Patterson, as if the girl's answer wouldn't have mattered anyway.

"Oh, no," Mrs. Patterson replied, sounding almost disgusted. "I would never have let any child of mine get this bad. She is under my care for the moment, though, since her mother realized she was too soft on the girl."

"Very good," the other woman nodded. "Well, I'm afraid I can't let you all into one of our classrooms... It's a very delicate process, hence why we have to keep it so dark down here. We can let one person in, though, and the others can observe."

"That sounds fine," Mrs. Patterson agreed. "Just show Jordan here where to go, and we'll wait here."

Jordan's eyes darted towards Sarah, her palms suddenly feeling more sweaty. She hadn't liked the idea of clinging to this girl's hand, like some kindergartner on a field trip, but now the thought of letting her go was far worse. "It's okay," Sarah tried to assure her, though even she didn't sound convinced.

"We're running a private class right over here for one of our best patients," the lab-coated woman said, grabbing Jordan's now free hand and pulling her just across the hall and a couple doors down, the leashed girl having no choice but to follow along. She held her hand out in front of the door and a red light appeared, scanning down the length of it before the whole thing swung open with a click. "I wouldn't touch anything if I were you," the woman warned, shoving Jordan inside.

Jordan turned back towards them, wanting to beg for mercy, but the woman had already turned her attention to the girl with her. "As for you, little missy, your classroom is right this way," she said, winding the leash around her hand to pull the girl closer to her.

Jordan let out a gasp as, at last, she realized why the girl looked familiar. The hair color was wrong, but the face was just too similar to be a coincidence, especially after Jordan had just seen it on the news that morning, a story about how the famed pop star, Clarissa Calhoun, had gone missing right before her show the night before, presumably because of a disagreement about her costume. "Y-You're..." she stammered, her eyes widening at the thought that this place could ensnare even somebody like that.

"See?" the woman grinned at the now mortified looking Clarissa. "I told you there would be fans here! I bet you'll have even more once a few more people spot you at meal time. Maybe we'll even have you put on a little talent show to entertain the girls, after we get you lisping like the toddler you are." With that, the door slammed shut, leaving Jordan staring at it in disbelief for a few moments before finally turning to see where she had been put.

The room she found herself in was, like so many other things in this place, pink. There was a changing table here as well, along with an adult sized high chair, a chalkboard, covered in unintelligible scrawls, and, despite it being in the basement, a large window that seemed to look out onto a peaceful lake, though something about the landscape appeared off to Jordan, not quite the same as what she'd seen on the drive to this place.

There were toys everywhere, and like the ones from the playpen in the dorm room, they seemed suited to very young children. These ones, however, were huge - there were blocks so big Jordan wasn't sure she could have lifted them, a ring toss game with a bottom ring so wide she could probably have stood in the middle, a rocking horse that looked almost as big as a real horse staring out the window, and stuffed animals larger than her.

It was with one of those stuffed toys that Jordan spotted the occupant of the room, and quickly wished she hadn't. The girl looked to be in her early twenties, with brown hair that was blonde at the roots, wearing white knee socks dotted with hearts, a pink t-shirt that barely reached her belly button, the same pink collar around her neck Clarissa had been wearing, a pacifier between her teeth, and, of course, a thick Pamper, and she was straddling one of the huge teddy bears, her diaper crinkling noisily as she humped it. Jordan looked away, blushing, trying hard not to think of how aroused she was still feeling after her encounter with the Seamstress. 

"Barbie!" the lab-coated woman's voice barked over a hidden speaker. "Stop it, you naughty girl! You have a visitor!"

The girl twitched slightly as Jordan heard a slight buzzing sound, reaching up for the collar as Jordan watched a wet spot grow on the crotch of her diaper. She scrambled off of the bear, turning to see Jordan, looking just as embarrassed as the other girl, if not more. Even so, she hurried her way through the toys straight towards Jordan, giving her a big hug.

"Awe you my fwiend?" she asked, her words barely intelligible through the pacifier.

Jordan wasn't really sure what to say to that, though she felt slightly uncomfortable in the girl's embrace, so she muttered, "Yeah, of course," to get her to let go.

"I'm Bawbie!" the girl announced, bouncing in place happily.

Or so it seemed. As Jordan looked into the girl's eyes, she could see humiliation there, as if she were accustomed to what she was doing, but still hated it. "I-I'm Jordan," she responded finally.

"You wanna pway?" Barbie asked, plopping down on her wet diaper and pulling a huge stuffed bunny over to her.

"It's time for your lessons, Barbie," the woman's voice boomed over the speaker again. "Are you going to be a good girl and watch the screen, or do I need to strap you into your high chair?"

"I good!" Barbie nodded, reluctantly getting back up and trudging across the room, dropping the bunny partway through and climbing up on top of the horse, staring out the window. The room darkened, and the world outside the window seemed to vanish into darkness for a moment before being replaced with a sea of images, one for each pane, changing every few seconds: women wearing diapers, sitting at school desks and politely raising their hands, sleeping soundly in cribs with their thumbs in their mouths, on their backs on changing tables that looked awfully familiar to Jordan after that morning.

The images began to change, now showing a single woman in different situations, sometimes just dressed in regular clothes - Jordan spotted her in a green apron she'd seen at every Starbucks she'd ever been to - sometimes from security footage of her driving a car, and some overhead shots of her lying in bed with a man. In some pictures she was blonde, and in some she was brunette, though it was always clearly the same person. Jordan heard the same buzzing sound from earlier, and saw Barbie biting into her pacifier, squirming in discomfort. It was only then that Jordan realized the woman on the screens was Barbie.

She felt uncomfortable being there, though it took her another few moments to realize it wasn't entirely because of what she was seeing play out in front of her. At some point, without her even noticing, sounds had begun to play, quiet and low at first, but quickly growing louder, and while she couldn't make out what they were saying, she knew, instinctively, that she didn't like it.

The buzzing stopped and the pictures began to change theme again, now showing Barbie as she was now, dressed in diapers and baby clothes. The horse began to rock slowly, but soon picking up speed, as the images showed the girl sitting on the floor sucking her thumb, playing with baby toys, squatting down, clearly in the middle of filling her pants. Jordan spotted some pictures of Barbie with a couple she didn't recognize, but what really made her gasp was one shot where Barbie, smiling but clearly only because she had been forced to, flanked by a pair of teenaged twin girls.

A pair of twins Jordan had met on that fateful trip to the mall a couple of months ago, who had landed her in this situation to begin with. They weren't wearing their elf costumes, but it was clearly the same girls, with the same mischievous grins on their faces, staring out of the 'window' at Jordan, as if they had known she would be there one day, watching them. As she looked at their image, she recalled something from that meeting, them mentioning some sort of 'special training' to Mrs. Patterson... Had they meant this place? Were they the reason she was here?

She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of Barbie moaning pleasurably, her diaper crinkling noisily as the horse's cadence picked up, rocking her faster and faster. The images on the screens had changed again, this time showing Barbie in a number of intimate encounters, all with her in her diaper. She saw the Seamstress, doing exactly what she had tried with Jordan, Barbie cuffed to a crib with a Hitachi pressed into her diaper, and even Barbie humping her teddy bear from only a few minutes ago - Jordan knew it was then because she saw her own feet in the picture. She blushed, trying to look away, not feeling right witnessing this, even though, for some reason, she could feel herself getting more and more aroused. The crinkling sound was getting much louder, competing with the noises being pumped into the room, which felt like they were pounding through her whole body, leaving her thrumming at some odd, uncomfortable frequency, even as she realized the reason she was starting to feel so turned on was the fact that she was stroking herself through her diaper.

Blushing, she forced herself to stop, clutching onto her doll with both hands to try to keep them from migrating back down south, no matter how much she began to wriggle, desperate to finish what she started. She told herself they were watching, that this was clearly what they wanted, but the sound was making it difficult to think of anything other than how nice the diaper felt against her privates, and how much better it might feel if she were to just...

She gasped as the stiff padding began to soften up, growing warm and wet around her, her fuzzy brain taking just a little too long to put two and two together and realize she was wetting herself, and by then, it was too late to stop it, though she pressed her hand to her crotch to try, only to begin rubbing the now damp fabric against herself. She couldn't do this, not with Mrs. Patterson watching! But she couldn't stop, either, or ignore just how good it felt.

The only thing that saved her was another cramp, doubling her over, the pain making her move her hand up to wrap around her stomach. She felt her body begin to push, but the knowledge that doing so would mean being trapped here was enough to snap herself out of her trance, although she wasn't sure that was really going to be enough this time. She managed to turn away from the window, pressing one hand against her ears in an attempt to block the noise while she clenched her teeth and fought as hard as she could to stop the impending doom building up inside of her.

Finally, the lights began to slowly come back on, the noises dying down, and Jordan was able to straighten back out, reaching behind herself, relieved to feel that, as far as she could tell through her diaper, the messy spot back there hadn't gotten much bigger. Across the room, she could see the window had gone back to the same peaceful scene, and Barbie was sprawled out on the rocking horse, looking satisfied.

Before Jordan could figure out what she should do or say next, the door swung open and the woman in the lab coat grabbed her, pulling her out into the hall where Mrs. Patterson immediately began to lay into her. "What was that, young lady? You're such a dirty, naughty girl! Every minute you spend here, you make it more obvious that I've made the correct choice enrolling you here!"

Mrs. Patterson snatched Jordan's wrist, pulling her forward and smacking the back of her diaper while the girl let out a squeak. "It's not my fault!" she whined, wondering why the woman didn't realize that. Of course the Dollhouse wouldn't have let her see the whole picture, though... From the picture she'd seen of herself in the room, it seemed that at least one camera there was on the same wall as the window, meaning it wouldn't have been visible, and if they cut out the audio, there wouldn't have been an indication of anything strange going on, just Barbie going to ride her horse, maybe a little more enthusiastically than usual, and Jordan standing there, wetting her diaper and trying to masturbate.

"Of course it isn't! Nothing is your fault! I don't even know if they can help you here, but they're much better equipped than I am!" Mrs. Patterson continued spanking the girl, moving down to the back of the girl's legs, just below her diaper.

"B-But I haven't lost yet!" Jordan sniffed, trying to thrash away from the woman's grip. "I'm not staying here!"

Mrs. Patterson glared at her for a long moment, leaving Jordan afraid she was going to back out of the bet, but thankfully she said, "We'll see about that," instead. "Sarah, let's go."

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Sarah nodded, tentatively taking Jordan's hand and slowly walking away, giving Mrs. Patterson time to drop her grip on the girl and let her toddle clumsily after her tour guide, her head feeling foggy as they ascended the stairs up to the main floor of the house. "We're almost done," she whispered to Jordan. "Just hang on!"



Nice crossover with "The Star" captions and Barbie's stories ("The Affair" & "The Hunt"), I really miss the Twins. :)