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This month's community caption, and the first Halloween caption of the season! 

All pictures property of ABDreams.

"Are you sure that's the costume you want to go with?" Olivia's roommate, Justine, asked skeptically, eyeing the girl up and down. "Don't you want something a little more... I don't know, sexy?"

"This is sexy!" Olivia insisted, twirling in place clumsily, the bulky cloth diaper that had come with the outfit making it a bit harder than she'd anticipated. "I'm showing off so much leg... And... uh..." She glanced down at herself, realizing there wasn't a lot more that could be said in defense of that point. There was definitely no cleavage in this thing - not that she had much to flaunt in the first place - and, while she'd hoped the diaper would emphasize her hips, it had really just swallowed them up, leaving her looking like... Well, like she was wearing a diaper.

"Okay, fine," Olivia lied, "They sent me the wrong thing!"

"I knew it!" the other girl smirked triumphantly. "I didn't think your taste could be that bad! What did you actually want?"

"Well, it was still a baby costume," Olivia blushed. "B-But they had one that looked better than this..." Honestly, on the model on the website, it had looked much better, although Olivia suspected it had more to do with the person wearing it, than being sent the wrong thing. The pattern on the onesie was the same, after all, and it otherwise seemed pretty similar.

"Then why did you put it on?!" Justine shook her head. "You could have returned it! It was their mistake, after all..."

"I didn't realize it," Olivia shrugged. "And I don't think there was time for it to get back, and me to get the replacement, before the party, anyway. It'll be fine... I'll make it work."

"I don't know how you think you're going to do that," Justine rolled her eyes. "But you'd better find a way. I don't want you embarrassing me."

"I won't!" Olivia promised, although she had no idea how to avoid that. She'd been homeschooled until college, and, until now, Justine would go off and tell her about the cool parties she went to, but never invite her to join. When Olivia had asked her about it, she'd said she assumed Olivia liked hanging out by herself, and would be overwhelmed, and didn't want to push her... Olivia was pretty sure the real answer was that she didn't want to babysit her there, since she'd have no idea what to do, had never tried alcohol, or drugs, or anything...

Olivia could have gone to a party on her own, yes, but she really did want someone there to have her back, just in case. In TV shows and movies, a lot of bad things tended to happen at parties, and, while she knew those were fiction, they still made her anxious, thinking of going in by herself. Her other friends were like her, more quiet and reserved, preferring to hang out together and chat, maybe watch some Netflix, rather than dive into a full-fledged party. Besides, as much as she loved spending time with them, Justine was way cooler, which meant she would be, too, by extension.

It hadn't been a whole year that she'd been begging for an invitation, since it took her some time to get up the courage to ask, but it definitely felt like it. Olivia had a feeling Justine had chosen this party mostly because everyone would be in costumes for Halloween, so there was less of a chance her dorky little roommate would be recognized... And, she'd probably assumed it was the easiest way to get her into a slutty outfit - instead of her usual, conservative clothing - which, obviously, hadn't quite worked out the way she'd wanted, going by her reaction.

She'd been right about that, too. Olivia's mother would never let her wear any of them, but she'd always loved looked at the weird, 'sexy' costumes that came out every year, imagining herself in them, looking hot, catching the attention of boys, or even other girls, turning heads as she strutted around in her tiny skirt... She was very short, very petite, and not confident in her body at all, yet, for some reason, she was positive that, if she had one of those costumes, she'd look like the models wearing them on the packaging. And, if not, it was Halloween, just a costume... If she couldn't pull it off, she could act like that was the whole point.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much Olivia could do with this costume. The diaper was so comically oversized that going without it meant the onesie bagged around her hips, drooping down and showing off whatever she had underneath. They were meant to be worn together, and nothing short of another diaper would make the onesie actually fit. And, like a real onesie, there was no zipper, nothing to pull down to show off what little chest she had... There were only the snaps in the crotch.

So, when the day of the party came around, it still looked exactly the same. Justine, in her tiny dress, looked her over, then shrugged. "Well, I knew this was basically a babysitting job, anyway," she sighed. "Guess you might as well look the part. Come on."



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