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All of Olivia's friends lived in the dorms, so, unless she was heading out for fast food, or a trip to the store, Olivia didn't have the chance to go off campus terribly often. Justine had taught her that all the best parties happened there, away from RAs and security, so Olivia was excited - and nervous to climb into her roomie's car, despite the other girl insisting she sit in the back.

"It's too bad I don't have a car seat," Justine teased. "I hope I don't get pulled over."

"I don't need a car seat!" Olivia grumbled, squirming in the giant diaper. It was a bit of a sore spot; her mother had made her use a booster seat far longer than she considered necessary. By law, Olivia hadn't needed one for quite a while, in terms of age, before she met the height and weight requirements. Her mother, however, insisted she had to keep using it until she checked all the boxes, not just one.

"Maybe you do need a paci, though," Justine mocked her. "Somebody's cranky... Or do you need a change?"

Olivia quieted down, knowing there wasn't much she could do to counter that without making herself look more whiny and childish. After a few minutes, she asked, "So, this is your friend's house?"

"Oh, no, definitely not," Justine shook her head. "It's way too nice for them to afford. She's house-sitting, and it was way bigger than anyone else's place."

Olivia thought it was a bad idea, throwing a party at someone else's house, potentially without their permission, but she didn't want to seem lame, so she didn't bring that up, and certainly didn't try to back out of participating. Once she saw the house, she couldn't even really blame Justine and her friends... The place was huge, especially to Olivia, who was used to dorm rooms, and quite nice.

It was also already full of people. Justine had warned Olivia it was going to be a popular party, but Olivia hadn't expected this... She'd thought it would be a good thing, that she could easily go unnoticed if she wanted, since there were so many other people around to distract from her. Almost immediately, she realized how wrong she was.

"Hey," Justine looked down at her, "You all right?"

"Yeah," Olivia nodded, edging slightly closer to her roommate. It felt like she was in the middle of an ocean of people, that one wrong move would cause her to be swept overboard and lost forever; she knew that was silly, although the knowledge did nothing to change her feelings.

"Tell you what," Justine said, clearly unconvinced. "Why don't we go exploring for a few minutes? I've heard the library here is gorgeous!"

"Okay!" Olivia agreed. That did sound cool - she didn't think she'd ever been in a house that had its own library before - but mostly, getting away from the main crush of people was enough for her. This was what parties were like, so she didn't want to run away entirely... She just needed a little time to adjust, and breathe, before truly diving in.

"Great!" Justine smiled. "Finish your beer so we can grab you another, then go see what we can find!"



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