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A continuation of last month's caption, commission by Invada.

Picture from, and property of, ABDreams.

How could this be happening to her?! Apple pouted, fidgeting on her bed, listening to the diaper rustle beneath her, seemingly barely covered at all by her skirt. After everything she'd done for her sister, growing up, and now, spending so much time looking after Emma... Sure, she wasn't perfect, but she didn't deserve to be treated like some baby!

She had to get out of the house; maybe that was what Megan was trying to tell her. This certainly gave her plenty of motivation... There had to be somewhere around there that would hire her, despite everything that had happened at her previous jobs. She pulled out her laptop, applying to anything in the area that was looking for people, at least when she wasn't being distracted by Facebook or Instagram. In a few of the applications, she got caught up, not wanting to take the time to look up contact information for references, but she did get a couple done.

Just as she was feeling accomplished, like she'd really gotten something done for the day, she noticed a twinge in her bladder. She blushed and squirmed, feeling the bulge of the diaper around her, having not given a lot of thought to how she was going to get it off in a situation like this. Caring for Emma, she'd removed plenty of diapers, of course - sometimes a bit later than Emma wanted, but she could only bring herself to deal with that so often in a day - though she'd never had to worry about getting it back on intact. Megan had asked her to, when the toddler was starting her potty training; it was easier to wait until she stopped cheaping out and bought real Pull-Ups, however.

If Megan had expected her to do it, it must be possible... Apple really didn't want to have to get another diaper, or confess that she'd messed up yet another thing, although that would clearly be better than wetting herself. She had to give it a shot, so she shuffled to the bathroom, closing the door and lifting her skirt to expose the tapes. Nervously, she grabbed one, giving it a light tug...

It didn't budge. She tried pulling harder, only to get the same results. Was she taking it too easy, to keep the diaper intact, and not rip the plastic? On Emma's diaper, it seemed so easy to do that; on this one, she had soon escalated to yanking just as hard as she did on the others, but neither the tape nor the plastic appeared to care.

Was this bigger version of the diaper really that much stronger? Could Megan have picked them out specifically because of that, to further humiliate her big sister? Apple felt like she was back in the sleeper, trapped once more, with seemingly no hope, other than to go to Megan for help, no matter how much she detested the thought of doing it.

She scurried downstairs, glad that Emma seemed to be off in her room playing, rather than with her mother. "Can you help me?" Apple asked, blushing.

"What now?" Megan smirked.

Apple had thought out what she thought would be the best way to request this without looking too pitiful and helpless. "I don't want to waste this diaper," she said, trying to appeal to Megan's thriftiness. "I'm afraid I'll rip it if I take it off myself, so I thought..."

"Mommy, Mommy!" Apple's face went bright red as her niece rushed into the room. "I hafta go potty!"

"Such a big girl! Thank you for telling me!" Megan told her. "Hold on, Apple... You can wait until I'm done with this, can't you?"

Apple whined, "B-But...", wanting to complain that she was there first, before realizing how immature that would be.

"You're an adult," Megan scolded her, clearly figuring out what her sister had been about to say. "You can wait a couple minutes. Come on, Emma."

Apple watched them go, her hands shooting to her padded crotch once they were out of the room, her thighs squeezing together. Surely Megan was right... She could hold it a bit longer.... Unfortunately, all that, and the wiggling that accompanied it, did was make it easier to tell when her bladder gave out, as her fingers felt the warmth rapidly spreading through the diaper.

A few minutes later, as she stood there, face red, she heard her sister's voice approaching from upstairs. "You did such a good job! I think you might be ready to try panties for the rest of the day. What do you think?"

She was less pleased with Apple, scolding her and shaking her head as she changed her. "Emma and I were talking," she told her older sister as she taped her into a fresh diaper, "And we're going to go to the park after lunch. It's so nice out, and... Oh, don't give me that look! You can't just stay inside and do nothing all day!"

"I'm not!" Apple sulked. "I applied for some jobs, and..."

"Sure, you did," Megan rolled her eyes. "I'll believe it when you actually have an interview."

Unfortunately, nobody called to schedule one of those before a very awkward lunch, where Apple and Emma were fed the same thing, Emma getting to sit there in her big girl panties, Apple still stuck in diapers. "Why don't you two go by yourselves?" Apple protested when Megan told her to put on her shoes to go.

"I've had about enough of your attitude today," Megan shook her head. "I have a picture of you in bed in a Goodnite... Do you want me to post that in the group chat?"

"No!" Apple turned bright red.

"Look," Megan sighed, "It won't be that long... I don't need the diaper bag for Emma, so how about I don't bring it at all? We can go as soon as you need a change."

Apple didn't really like that, since it meant Megan apparently didn't intend for her to use the bathroom while they were out, either, but it was the best deal she was going to get. And she knew how to cut the trip short... Her tummy was already starting to rumble, even before getting in the car. The thought of it made her sick, though not as much as the idea of walking around the park, potentially running into other people while she was wearing a diaper and this tiny skirt.

Once Megan pulled onto the highway, Apple knew she had no choice anyway; apparently they weren't going to the nearest park, but the one almost an hour away. There was no way she could hold it all the way there, during their time there, and all the way back... She might as well go now and cut the trip short, forcing Megan to take her home.

She squirmed, grunting softly, not wanting Megan - or, even worse, Emma - to realize what she was up to. It didn't matter, really, since she wasn't making much progress, sitting there in her seat, fighting against decades of potty training. The longer she struggled, however, the closer she could tell she was getting, until, once they pulled into the parking lot, she was able to stumble out, squat, and immediately feel the warm, mushy mass explode out of her, quickly and thoroughly filling her diaper.

It was humiliating, and, now that it was over, she knew she was going to have to sit down in it, and ride all the way back home, so it was a bit hollow, but it was still a victory. She smirked, bending forward a little more, making sure Megan knew exactly what she'd done, and that, for now at least, she had defeated her... Even if it was in the most infantile way possible.



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