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Despite the horror of what was happening, Melissa couldn't help squirming as she was pulled back towards the cafeteria, her mind - even though the plug was helping keep her hypnosis at bay - clouded by how close she'd been to orgasming only moments before, just to be denied. There were far more pressing matters, like the huge, bulky diaper crinkling loudly between her thighs, or the childish school uniform with the pacifier clipped to the front, but she couldn't concentrate fully on them.

Stepping back into the reunion, however, surrounded by the adult versions of everyone she'd known from high school, was like a glass of cold water being thrown in her face, waking her up, reminding her anew of how ridiculous she looked. She whimpered, trying to yank free of Karley's grip, to run back out, though what good would that do her? She couldn't hide in the locker room forever, nor could she get to her real clothes to change back.

Immediately, Karley headed for Ryan. "Please, no..." Melissa begged, her pleas handily ignored as the girl dragged her back to him, her face growing redder and redder with every step. She could have hoped that he wasn't watching the screen when the picture of her in a diaper was flashed up there, but there was no escaping it if Karley just made him look at her now, in person.

Somehow, he looked even hotter than he had a few minutes earlier, and she could feel him starting to rekindle the fire in her loins that had been nearly quenched by the thought of facing all these people, dressed as a diapered schoolgirl. Immediately, unbidden, her fantasy from earlier returned as she imagined Ryan glaring down at her, lifting her skirt right there in front of everyone.

"What is this, young lady?" he'd asked, pushing his hand to her diaper, finding that tiny wet spot she'd made before Karley had given the plug back, but not without a bit of rubbing and exploring first. "You naughty, naughty girl, peeing your pants like a little baby... Good thing you're in your diapers, huh? I guess we'd better make sure you didn't do anything else.

Melissa would squeal, begging for mercy as he spun her around, lifting her skirt there, too, giving the rear of her diaper a pat before noticing the pink skin sticking out from beneath them. "Looks like somebody was extra naughty, wasn't she?" he'd shake his head. "Well, if you earned one spanking, I can only assume you deserve another." He'd push her down, over the refreshment table, yank her diaper down in front of everyone...

"You're back!" Ryan exclaimed in the real world, pulling Mel out of her humiliating thoughts, back to her nearly as mortifying reality. She gulped, unable to bring herself to look him in the face, staring down at her Mary-Janes instead, and the frilly socks sticking out of them. "Where's Melissa?"

Mel's eyes immediately shot over to Karley, seeing that she was just as confused as her. Finally, she glanced at Ryan, only to find that he wasn't looking at her at all, barely seemed to be registering her existence. She could see disappointment in Karley expression at first, watched it slowly morph into a smile as she answered, "Oh, she had to go... She wasn't feeling well. I found this girl wandering around, though, so I'm helping her out."

"Hmm?" Ryan raised his eyebrow, turning his attention towards Melissa briefly, prompting her to go back to staring at the floor quickly. "Where'd she come from?" 

"I don't know," Karley shrugged. "I can barely get her to talk, but she said her Mommy and Daddy aren't here, so I think she might be lost. I thought maybe you could..."

"Of course," Ryan nodded, kneeling down in front of Melissa, the girl squirming uncomfortably the closer he got. "Don't worry. I'm not in uniform, but I'm with the police, so I'll make sure you get back home. Now, let's see..."

Melissa gulped as Ryan's gaze turned towards her chest. After the show she'd put on with her dress, and her padded bra, he was seeing the real thing now, and he didn't seem to find it out of place on what he'd been told was a child. Melissa wasn't sure if it was good or bad luck that she'd forgotten to take her name tag off the dress before soaking it, then having it stuffed into a locker. "Aren't you a little old for this?" he teased, batting at the pacifier dangling from its leash.

"I think she ran away from home," Karley jumped in. "I'm betting she just had a new baby brother or sister, and she was jealous of all the attention they were getting, because..."

"No, I don't think so," Ryan blessedly cut her off, while Melissa's stood there, frozen, terrified Karley had been moments away from showing off her diaper. "I know this school crest; I think she ran away, but not from home. Don't worry, though," he stood back up, patting her on the head condescendingly, "I'll get you back where you belong."

Melissa didn't like the sound of that at all, but, after all this, she didn't dare speak up, risk him recognizing her voice. The idea of him thinking she was a kid was embarrassing, yet fine if it kept him from realizing it was her; she didn't want him involving someone from an actual school, however, to tell him they didn't know her.

"You go call them," Karley suggested, grabbing Melissa's hand again. "I'll keep an eye on her."

"Be careful," Ryan warned. "I've heard the students there are real troublemakers. But I'm sure she'll behave herself, won't she?" He patted her on the head again, making her shiver at the touch, and the sudden image of him spanking her if she wasn't, or - perhaps even harder - when he found out the truth.

"You heard him, little girl," Karley mocked, once he had vanished into the crowd, in the direction of the exit, where he could make a phone call in peace. "Behave yourself!" She gave Melissa's bottom a hard swat, one the girl probably would have barely felt through the diaper, if not for the spanking the woman had given her earlier. Melissa yelped, then covered her mouth, blushing and ducking her head as the people around her glanced in her direction at the noise.

"She's fine," Karley told them. "She's just a little drama queen, aren't you?"

Melissa gasped in surprise as Karley suddenly attacked, tickling her tummy viciously. She giggled, squirming and thrashing as she tried to escape, before realizing those motions were likely to make her skirt swish and fly, and, probably, show off the diaper below. She clutched at the hem of her skirt, trying to stand still, and stop laughing, but her only escape came when Karley gave up of her own accord.

If Melissa thought the reprieve was the other woman taking mercy on her, however, or tiring of tormenting her, that idea was proven quite wrong as she pointed up at the screen. "Look, you're a star," she mocked.

Melissa's stomach was twisting even before she raised her head, sure she knew what she was going to see; sure enough, there she was, on the big screen. On one side was her from high school, looking even hotter than she remembered herself being. She definitely had a padded bra on under that tiny dress that showed off almost every inch of her legs, the short length working to make them seem longer, along with the heels she was wearing. Holly had done a great job picking that one out, Melissa had to admit.

On the other side, however, was her from the 'scavenger hunt'. She had on the same kind of diaper she was wearing now under the uniform, but out in the open, with a tiara on her head, the same pacifier leash clipped in place, the pacifier itself lodged in her mouth, banana smeared across her face and her shirt. If she didn't know any better, she'd have assumed the pictures were in the wrong order.

She heard a ripple of light laughter spreading through the crowd as more and more of them saw it. She whimpered, wondering if the ones who'd just seen her being treated like a kid and tickled by Karley now knew who she was, probably thought this was what she liked now, that she'd done this on purpose. Surely Ryan, since he really was a cop, as Karley had claimed, would be able to put two and two together, if he wasn't already outside, making the call.

"That turned out well," Karley observed. "The lighting wasn't great, so I wasn't sure how good it would look, but it really captures your essence, doesn't it?"

It felt like the picture had been up there for an eternity, and it still wasn't changing. Was Holly holding on it extra long on purpose? Had the computer running the show frozen in the most unfortunate spot? Or did it just feel like time was crawling to Melissa, because she wanted, more than anything, for someone else's pictures to replace hers?

In a weird way, even though she obviously was very aware that they were both her, she couldn't help feeling jealous of the younger version. She seemed so cool, so confident, even sexy... There was no way she could be wearing a diaper, or even Pull-Ups, under that dress; she was shocked her mother had let her out of the house in it. Actually, looking at it a little longer, she recalled she'd bought that dress herself, right after getting her driver's license, hiding it at school for a dance, changing out of the more frumpy one she'd worn from home that she knew her parents would approve of. 

Blown up as it was, on the big screen, she could make out a group of boys standing in the background, mostly talking to each other. One was staring at her, and, even from the photo, through the years, she could tell he was drooling. It was Ryan; if she was remembering correctly, this dance was the first time he'd bothered to really talk to her. If it was the same dance she was thinking of, she could still see Karley marching over and dragging him away, shooting her a death glare. That wasn't the night they'd slept together; it likely would never had happened without the groundwork she'd lain then, however.

There was something else she could see in the picture, too, just barely, although once she'd noticed it, she remembered right away what it was. On the photo, it was nothing more than a blur on the edge; in reality, it had been Kasey. They'd been hanging out together, as usual, when the yearbook photographer had come over to them with her camera. Melissa's cheeks warmed slightly back in the present, thinking of how she'd thought it was someone who'd seen her and simply wanted a picture because she was so hot, so she didn't mind sharing the shot with her friend.

When she found out it was for the yearbook, however... She still didn't know, for sure, what came over her. It wasn't that she didn't like Kasey, or was ashamed of being her friend... She just didn't want to share the spotlight with her. That picture was how people were going to remember her - clearly, seeing how it was the one chosen for the slideshow - and she didn't want to risk Kasey outshining her in it.

As the photographer readied the camera, Melissa felt her anger rising; now, she couldn't recall if it was true or not, but then, she convinced herself that the photographer had asked her, specifically, for the picture, and Kasey had sidled up closer afterwards, to make sure she was in the frame. Mel knew they'd been hanging out before then, likely even talking... Kasey could have been a few steps away, however, far enough that, without moving, she might not have been in the photo. Or maybe Melissa's jealousy had taken over...

So, she'd shoved her friend out of the way. She'd only wanted to get her to back off, and was afraid she wouldn't be able to convince her verbally in time, which, in her mind, had left her one option. There weren't many people in her class she could push around physically, and Kasey was one of them. She hadn't actually wanted to knock the other girl over, make her fall over in front of everyone, but that was exactly what was happening just outside the picture. Maybe that was what Ryan had been looking at, Melissa thought, eyes shifting to him in the background.

She'd apologized to Kasey, helped her up - once the flash had gone off, and she knew the photo had already been taken - claiming it was an accident. The photographer had offered to try again, but Melissa insisted on taking Kasey to the restroom to make sure she was okay, despite her friend saying she was fine, and, for the rest of the night, Melissa did her best to keep herself and Kasey away from the girl with the camera, not wanting to give her the chance to snap another picture to potentially replace the one she'd already got.

It had turned out well, well enough that she hadn't thought of that story right away when looking at it now. There was only the faintest hint of Kasey left in it, something that, if she hadn't been there, she wasn't sure she would have noticed, and certainly wouldn't have been able to identify. Despite all her insecurities then - and even, still, now - she looked gorgeous, but would have looked just as good with her friend beside her, and then they both would have had that to look back on as something positive, as a nice memento of that dance... And Melissa's recollection of it wouldn't be marred by the memory of Kasey staring up at her from the floor, looking betrayed as she scrambled to get back to her feet.

Finally, the slide changed, taking away both that photo, with everything attached to it, and the one of her in a diaper. Unfortunately, the diaper she was currently wearing didn't go anywhere, nor did, she suspected, the memory of what they'd seen from the minds of all her old classmates. Walking among them, dressed this way, had been a humiliating enough prospect to begin with; it was even more nerve-wracking now that they all had reason to suspect what she was wearing under that uniform.

She'd shone up, she'd made her appearance, she'd seen a few people... Melissa was done with this reunion now. All she wanted to do was go home, curl up in her bed, forget all about it, and head back to the city, and her crappy little apartment and boring job there, bright and early in the morning. If nothing else, this trip had shown her how well she had it there, away from this part of her past, and her psychotic little sister. There were plenty of real underwear waiting in her drawers at home, and by then, surely the newest hypnotic suggestions, the ones that wiped away all the old ones, would have taken full effect, and she could say goodbye to diapers for the second time in her life.

"Look at you," Karley teased. "Up there on the big screen... The center of attention, just the way you like it."

"No," Melissa shook her head. "Please, just let me..."

"Hey, there!" another woman exclaimed, bursting into their conversation. Melissa didn't recognize her off the bat, though, unfortunately, that wasn't mutual. "I saw you before, but I thought you were somebody's daughter. What's the deal with...?" She gestured back to the screen, even though it had moved on to somebody else, then at Melissa's outfit. "Are you wearing...?"

Melissa started to shake her head, only to be interrupted by Karley, who gladly grabbed her skirt and lifted it, flashing her bulky, pink diaper to this woman before Mel could stop her. "Hey!" she squealed, tugging the fabric free, too late.

"Don't be silly," Karley said. "Everyone knows the truth now, just like you wanted."

"No, I..!" Melissa protested, until the pacifier was shoved into her mouth.

"So, is this, like, a lifestyle thing?" the other woman asked, turning to Karley for an answer instead of Melissa, as if she was too immature to listen to, even when the subject was herself.

"Oh, yes," Karley nodded. "I think we all knew how immature and childish she was, back during school, but she finally accepted it herself and embraced it."

"And are you her... Mommy?" the woman inquired uncertainly, as if searching for the right word.

"No, no," Karley shook her head. "Just a temporary babysitter, I'm afraid. She can't be trusted to be out on her own, and, of course, somebody has to change her. She's quite the little fountain."

Melissa glared at her, ripping the pacifier out of her mouth and starting to growl, "No, I'm..." before Karley gave her a whap on the backside - producing a loud crinkle that Mel was certain everyone around had heard - and grabbed the paci out of her hand, replacing it.

"Hush, the grown-ups are talking," Karley scolded. "You aren't fooling anyone... I just changed you a few minutes ago, and you're already wet." That was, unfortunately, true, making Melissa blush and stare down at her feet again while Karley offered to the other woman, "Would you like to check her?"

"Umm, no, that's okay." The woman was the one blushing now. "I, uh... I saw." Melissa squirmed, wondering if she meant the diaper itself, or if her little accident hadn't been as small as she'd thought, and was visible from the outside. "I-I mean, if this is what you're into, that's fine, you don't have to feel bad. You have just as much of a right to be here as anyone else... It's your reunion, too. I'm not even really that surprised... Whenever I thought of what you might have gone on to do, I couldn't think of anything, because you were always such a spoiled brat, so this makes sense."

Melissa's eyes shot up from her Mary Janes to glare at the woman, although, before she could respond, Karley answered with a, "It does suit her, doesn't it?"

"I mean, I guess it's cool that you're so open about it," the woman shrugged. "If it was me, I would have felt embarrassed to let everyone see a picture of me like that..."

"She loves it," Karley lied. "If I'd have let her, she wouldn't have even worn a skirt here, but I told her nobody wanted to stare at her soggy diapers all night."

Melissa grumbled behind her pacifier, squirming in Karley's grip, wanting to defend herself, yet knowing that, if she did, she'd just be shot down. There seemed little doubt that this woman believed Karley over her, that every time Karley 'corrected' her story, it only made Mel look more like the immature child she was being painted as. She had no proof to show that she was anything but that, which made Karley's lies appear even truer.

If Karley wanted, she could drag her around to every person here, or at least the ones Melissa had known in high school, and feed them that same story; she probably wouldn't need to, since it was likely to spread on its own, now that this woman had been told it, and everyone around them could have overheard, though she might prefer to do it in person. By the end of the night, her entire senior class might believe she was some kind of adult baby, if they didn't already assume it from the picture. Even Ryan could hear it, and he might get angry at her for 'lying' and wasting his time, and push her over the refreshment table...

She shook her head, trying to clear it, even as that tingling sensation returned under her diaper, never too far away now since she'd been teased by Karley and left on the verge of orgasm. This was no time for that... She had to get out of here, somehow. 

The story could still spread without her, but if she wasn't there, seemingly demonstrating it was true, people might assume Karley was making it all up based on the photo from the slide. Maybe a few people would corroborate that they'd seen her in a diaper, or suspected she had one under that outfit, though, with any luck, they'd all find something else to talk about if she was gone, and would forget about her.

She began fidgeting more, twisting to and fro, trying to loosen Karley's grip on her. She knew the motion was probably ensuring plenty more people were getting glimpses of her padded bottom, but Karley wasn't going to let her go on her own. All she needed was an opening, for the woman's grasp to loosen enough so she could slip away...

"Someone has ants in their pants," Karley chuckled. "What's wrong? Did you wet again? Or do you need to do something else?"

Melissa's cheeks were darkening even before she saw the other woman's expression change, which made her blush all the deeper. "Does she... do that... too?"

"Of course," Karley nodded. "Sometimes I wonder if she even remembers what a toilet is anymore... I guess I'd better check to make sure. I wouldn't want everyone to have to smell that for the rest of the night."

Melissa was spun around, the back of her skirt lifted, exposing the bulky rear of her diaper. It was clean, obviously, and Karley knew that, too, since she'd re-inserted the plug, but she still made a show of patting the diaper, tugging on the waistband, peeking inside, giving her a thorough, public diaper check.

"All clean," she declared. "For now. Hopefully she'll stay that way until I get her home, but with her, you never know..."

She let go of the skirt, letting it fall back over the diaper, smoothing it out, then reached for Melissa's arm again. For a moment, she didn't have a hold on any part of Mel, and that was the best opportunity she was going to get. Knowing she would get a scolding - at best - if she was caught, Melissa darted sideways, avoiding Karley's hand, then shoved her way into the crowd, certain that, if she tried to outrun the taller girl in the open, she'd be recaptured in no time. Her only hope was to blend in, hide.

Thankfully, the refreshment tables weren't too far away, only requiring her to bump into a few people before she could dive under them, pulling the tablecloth back into place behind her and crawling desperately away. There were only a few tables set up in a row for the food, so, if Karley - or anyone else - had seen her, they could still lift up the tablecloth and see her diapered bottom bobbing away, even if she was at the furthest one from the table she'd gone beneath initially, but it was a start.

Once she was at the last table, she peeked out from under the tablecloth, waiting until she didn't see any feet approaching before she scrambled out of her hiding spot, slipping into the groups of people on the other side of the room. If she hadn't wanted to get back home before, now she definitely did; Karley was not going to be happy if she found her again.

With her small stature, Kasey would have been hard enough for anyone to find in the crowd that had gathered by now, and that was especially true for Melissa, since she was so short, herself. She took some comfort in knowing that, even if she could see over peoples' heads, Kasey would probably still be difficult to spot, but now that she felt like the eyes of everybody she passed were firmly on her, and her short skirt, she was still very much on edge.

At least she had the plug, she told herself. That invasive, full feeling in her backside, keeping her from wetting herself from nervousness, or sucking on the pacifier clipped to her shirt... She knew both those things would be happening without it; in the short time it had taken for her to earn it back, in fact, she'd done both, and she'd only been around one person, before her picture had been flashed up on the screen for everyone to see.

She blushed as she glanced down at herself, realizing she could make the outfit a little less humiliating if she unclipped the pacifier leash, and took the paci itself out of her mouth. There were no pockets, and she didn't dare throw the thing away, afraid of what would happen if Karley found her without it, but she was able to take it off, clutching it in her hand, away from prying eyes. She still looked childish and immature, though, hopefully, not quite as utterly infantile without a pacifier bobbing up and down in front of her chest.

"Come on," she muttered to herself, looking around. "Where are you?"

As she was gazing at the room, she spotted Ryan, coming back in from outside. He wasn't alone, however; there was a woman beside him, one that was worryingly familiar, making her gulp, her knees weakening, almost causing her to fall. Melissa hadn't expected to ever see her again, had hoped she didn't, or that, if she did, she was dressed like her normal, adult self, so she wouldn't be recognized.

But no, here she was, looking even more childish than she had during her first encounter, already wearing more 'protection', as it had been suggested she needed... And there, looking even more stern and unhappy than she had then, was the woman she'd met at the restaurant, the one who had found her in the bathroom after her accident. She'd told Melissa she was a teacher, and, given the way things had been going tonight - and this week - Mel supposed it was no huge surprise that she worked at the school her uniform was from, that she'd been the one to answer Ryan's call to come pick up a wayward student.

She would know Melissa wasn't a student, of course, but considering how upset she'd been at the restaurant, how eager she'd seemed to be to see Melissa be disciplined for what she'd done, and the way she was behaving... Meeting up with her again, face-to-face, would almost definitely be a very bad idea.

She tore her eyes away from them, resuming her search, more desperate than ever. "Come on, Kasey," she whimpered. "We gotta get outta here..."


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