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A continuation of the caption from last month, commissioned by the same anonymous Patron. Picture property of ABHunnies.

Ms. Pyke, as usual, refused to take no for an answer, so, like it or not, Amanda knew she didn't really have much of a choice, or a chance of convincing her that she hadn't wanted this when she claimed to miss the way things used to be. Ms. Pyke had convinced herself that Amanda wanted to go back into diapers, like when she was a little girl, and that was what was going to happen.

Amanda honestly didn't remember most of the things her former Nanny had spoken of; she recalled being bullied for being a 'shrimp', which continued well after she'd first started school, but nothing about her not wanting to be potty trained, or being sad when it happened. Of course, that was far enough back, she didn't have that many memories anyway, so Ms. Pyke could easily be telling the truth... She was such an authority figure to the girl that Amanda automatically assumed she couldn't be lying, since that would have been almost unthinkable to her, when she'd spent a lot of time with the woman.

That didn't mean she was always right, however... Despite most of the disagreements Amanda could remember ultimately being things that, looking back, she could recognize Ms. Pyke was correct about, she knew now that the Nanny was not infallible, that she could make mistakes, and this was surely one of them. Amanda did not want to wear a diaper, could not even imagine being taped into the huge thing, crinkling in Ms. Pyke's hand as she picked it up.

"I-I just want to hang out and talk," Amanda pouted. "I don't want..."

"And I don't want stains on my furniture," Ms. Pyke teased. "Come on, you're too little to be out of diapers, sweetie... You don't want to ruin Nanny's furniture, or your nice clothes, do you?"

"W-Well, no..." Amanda had to admit, chewing nervously on her bottom lip. "B-But I wouldn't..."

"Then be a good girl," the woman urged. "I know you can be! Do you need a bit of help? I know these buttons can be tricky... Here..." Amanda blushed as Ms. Pyke reached over, unbuttoning her shorts for her, even starting to unzip them before the girl swatted her hand away. "You think you can handle that part? Go on, show me."

"I-I can," Amanda told her; she'd been handling zippers just fine for decades now. "But..."

"Oh, really?" Ms. Pyke smiled patronizingly. "Show me how!" Reluctantly, Amanda pulled the zipper down, the shorts falling open, revealing the skimpy underwear beneath them. "What in the world are you wearing, young lady?" the Nanny asked, making Amanda cringe. When getting dressed, she'd never imagined the woman seeing her panties... If she had, she would have chosen something a bit more substantial. "This is exactly why I need to get you into a diaper! All right, stand up - Nanny is taking over."

"I don't..." Amanda whined, only to be pulled to her feet, her shorts sliding down to her ankles before she could catch them, putting her underwear on full display for a moment until she could cover them.

"No," Ms. Pyke shook her head. "I see what happens when I let you dress yourself... You really do need someone to look after you. Good thing I'm here, isn't it?"

Amanda had never been any match for the Nanny, and that was no different now; even as an adult herself, and Ms. Pyke being older, the woman had no trouble pushing aside her hands, yanking the panties down, even when she attempted to keep ahold of them. It seemed likely that she could have overpowered Amanda from the start, if she'd wanted, that she was being gentle before, and was now done playing around.

Indeed, in no time, almost before Amanda could get over being half-naked in front of Ms. Pyke, the woman had already fixed that for her, taping the diaper up into place. Somehow, the garment felt even thicker on than it had looked sitting in the pile, or in the Nanny's hands, and Amanda whimpered pitifully, wriggling in place, the thing following her every move, rustling softly, instantly transporting her back in time.

"Let me get your bottle," Ms. Pyke said gently. "You play here for a minute, all right?" Amanda nodded quietly, staying on the floor, spending most of the time the woman was away poking at the diaper, trying to comprehend what it was, and how it was that she - an adult woman - was wearing it. It fit her so perfectly, too, as if it were made for her, like she was meant to be in these... Like she really was a baby...

She knew that wasn't true, somewhere deep in her mind, but when her Nanny returned, carrying a bottle of juice, she didn't protest, didn't ask for a glass, or even a sippy cup; a bottle seemed right, especially once she started sucking on it. She stayed on the floor, playing with baby toys she hadn't thought about for years, that surely should have been too simple and boring to keep her entertained, until, finally, Ms. Pyke gently reminded her, "Didn't you say you needed to be going by 6:00?"

Amanda gnawed on the pacifier Ms. Pyke had replaced the bottle with once she'd drained it, mentally weighing whether or not she could blow off dinner with her friends. If they ever found out what she'd been doing, she would never live it down... Especially if she chose to do it rather than hanging out with them. "I guess," she sighed.

"Don't worry," Ms. Pyke chuckled. "You can always come back another time. I bet I have some other things I could find for you... I think you definitely need a playpen, and some cute outfits..."

Amanda's cheeks burned, knowing she should say no, that she didn't need any of that stuff... But, as she wiggled on her back, allowing Ms. Pyke to open her diaper and clean her up, she found herself quietly admitting behind her pacifier, "That would be nice..."

"I thought so, too," her Nanny smiled. "Come over again next week." Amanda wasn't sure if it was a request or an order, though, either way, she knew she'd be doing. "Now, do you want a fresh diaper, or your big girl panties?"

Amanda chose the latter, but the choice wasn't as easy as it probably should have been, and, if she wasn't meeting with her friends, she honestly didn't know what she would have said. Could Nanny have been right - again, as always? Was this actually what she'd wanted all along, by reconnecting with the woman, without even realizing it herself?



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