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She was younger than Jordan had expected, perhaps only in her thirties, with curly, golden hair, a pair of glasses perched on her nose. While she was certainly taller than Jordan, from a glance, it looked like she was shorter than Mrs. Patterson. She smiled widely as she saw Jordan, gesturing to the plain, wooden chair in front of her desk. "Don't you look darling?"

Jordan stayed standing, crossing her arms and glaring at the woman. The Headmistress just continued to smile at her, picking up a tablet from her desk and beginning to scroll through it. "You have a very interesting file, Jordan. You know, you're one of the youngest students we have here... Maybe the very youngest. I'd have to double check some birthdays to be sure. And yet, from the look of these scores, you're probably one of the smartest. So, what is a bright girl like you doing here?"

Jordan didn't answer. She was used to hearing this sort of thing, and to being the youngest in her class. She was a little concerned with what scores the woman was looking at, and where she'd gotten them; from the sound of things, down to the name of it, she'd assumed this wasn't a real school, but maybe she was wrong.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Did that troublemaker out there tell you horror stories about me? I promise, as long as you're a good girl, you'll have no problems from me. Now just tell me why you're here." The woman set the tablet back down, watching Jordan expectantly.

Jordan knew she should just answer, but she was unable to stop herself from snapping, "Don't you have that in your file, too?"

"Oh, I do," the Headmistress nodded. "That way I'll know if you lie to me. I want to hear it from you, though... And clearly, your mouth does work, so I advise you to use it, or lose the privilege." Jordan furrowed her brow in confusion, prompting the woman to reach into her desk, taking out a pink leather strap with a hole in the center and a buckle, a small, currently open, padlock hanging from it. "You see this?" the Headmistress asked, not waiting for an answer before continuing, poking her finger through the hole in the strap. "This goes over your pacifier, and then the strap goes around your head. It's very useful for girls who have trouble keeping their pacis in, which Mrs. Patterson tells me you do. I was going to give you a chance to prove you didn't need it, but if you can't answer questions in a timely manner, then maybe you need to start out with one. Is that what you want?" Jordan quickly shook her head. "Then why are you here?"

"Mrs. Patterson caught me shoplifting," Jordan mumbled.

"That's right, you're a little klepto. Maybe you need mittens, as well." With that, the Headmistress pulled out a pair of stiff, leather mittens, small padlocks through hasps in the wrists, putting them beside the pacifier strap. "Go on."

"A-And she made me work for her, but she didn't like my attitude, so she's sending me here," Jordan shrugged, wondering what else the woman in front of her was going to pull out of that desk.

"She didn't like your attitude because you refused to accept your position," the Headmistress said, as if explaining something to a very young child. "You were acting like you were still a big girl, still in charge. You even refused to use your diapers, didn't you?"

Jordan blushed, yet there seemed to be no point in denying it now. "Yes," she sighed, her stomach choosing that moment to burble noisily.

"Well, that won't be a problem today, will it?" the Headmistress chuckled. "Your poor boss thought you would help her out, but it was just more trouble trying to keep up with you and make sure you did everything you were supposed to, and even that wasn't enough. We're much better equipped for that here, so don't think you can get away with your little tricks. You may be smart, Jordan, but you're still just a child, and the staff here are all adults, and unlike your co-workers, their sole job is looking after you. And as for your diapers, you will be using them. Mrs. Patterson has stipulated that, unlike most of your classmates, you won't even have the chance to try for anything more mature. Don't worry - the other girls rarely manage to stay in anything else for long anyway, the poor dears. If you try to pull any of your tricks on us, we can just use this."

The Headmistress pulled out another pink object to put on her desk. This one looked like tinted glass, and was a cylinder that started out wide and grew narrower towards the other top, with a large, flat disk on the bottom that she set it on so it sat straight up, allowing Jordan to see that there was a large hole through the middle of the whole thing. She'd never actually seen one in real life, but Jordan felt pretty sure this was a butt plug.

"We'll just put one of these in you and start feeding you like our Nursery patients," the Headmistress explained. "No solid foods, just nice, smooth baby food and high fiber oatmeal. You'll be used to full Pampers in no time!"

Jordan gulped, another rumble erupting from her stomach, much sooner than the past couple had been, as she stared at the glass object on the desk in front of her like a snake coiled to strike. She hadn't wanted to lose her bet before, of course, but now she was even more determined to make it so she could keep out of this crazy place!

"But all of this is just for if you're a naughty girl," the Headmistress said. "If you can behave, it will be just like you're back at school, other than your diapers. As long as you mind your manners, you won't even have to worry about spankings. Well, except for the one Mrs. Patterson told me you have coming today." 

Jordan shifted in place as she remembered that, only to be given an even bigger reminder as the Headmistress added one more item to her desk - a pink, wooden paddle.

"According to your file, before Mrs. Patterson took you under her wing, you'd never received a spanking. She tells me you've earned plenty from her, but even so, I'll let you start out with this. I know, it looks formidable, but I promise, its one of the tamest we have. You'll have to keep moving up to worse paddles the more punishments you earn, since obviously they aren't effective if you still misbehave. I know some of the girls will try to tell you that the very worst offenders get taken to some kind of spanking machine, but that's just a myth." The wink she gave Jordan after saying that made the girl wonder if that was true, or if the Headmistress was just trying to make her think that it was.

"We will, of course, be enforcing all of Mrs. Patterson's other rules. Your pacifier will be clipped to your uniform at all times, and you will not remove it, or convince one of your classmates to remove it, after an adult puts it into your mouth. I fully expect you to require the pacifier gag the first few times to ensure you comply. You will carry your doll with you at all times, and you will be issued clothes for her that match your school uniform, your nighttime clothes, and your gym clothes. She will be dressed the same as you at all times, and if she's found in the wrong outfit, you will be stripped of whatever you're wearing - other than your diaper, of course - and you won't get it back until the next day. And if you're seen without her, you'll have to spend a day in the Nursery to try to remind you of the importance of dollies to baby girls like you. Speaking of... Where is she?"

Jordan's eyes widened as she looked down and saw that, indeed, the doll wasn't there. She wasn't sure what the Nursery was, exactly, but she did know she didn't want to end up there, certainly not on her first day! She thought back, trying to backtrack to the last time she'd known she had it. Mrs. Patterson had reminded her to pick it up in the car, so she'd had it when she walked in, then she'd sat on the bench and put it down... It must still be there! Hurriedly, she began to dash for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" the Headmistress's voice boomed. 

"I-I was just..." Jordan sputtered.

"Did you ask to be dismissed, young lady?" In a flash, the woman had stomped her way around the desk to in front of Jordan, grabbing the girl's chin and tilting it upwards towards her own face. "Your manners truly are atrocious. I don't know how much we can really do for you in Daycare... Perhaps we ought to just start you out in the Nursery after all. Is that what you want?"

Jordan shook her head. "No, I was just... You asked me where it was!"

"Are you shouting at me, young lady?" the Headmistress demanded. "Your manners are horrible! Maybe you need a mouth soaping. Is that it?"

"No!" Jordan squealed. "I'm sorry! Please, can I go get my doll? That's all I wanted to do!"

"That's better," the woman told her. "That doll is the only thing standing between you and the Nursery, though even she won't save you if you can't keep up with your classes. I think you need to pay more attention to her, don't you?"

"Yes... ma'am!" Jordan nodded, glad to see a smile emerge across the Headmistress's face at the second word.

"Good girl. Now go get your dolly." 

Jordan hurried to the door, ducking outside, where Mrs. Patterson was waiting, holding the doll herself. "Missing something?" she smirked, with an expression that made Jordan feel certain she had at least a pretty good idea of the sort of things the Headmistress had been saying to her in the office. 

Jordan wanted to beg her not to make her stay here, or at least steal her keys somehow and make a run for it, however neither of those things seemed like they'd work out very well. She was about to just turn and head back into the office before she remembered that the Headmistress was probably still watching and listening, so she mumbled, "Thanks," first.

Before she could get back inside, however, another woman came bustling down the hall, walking right up to her and examining her. She wasn't in a uniform like Katherine, so Jordan assumed she was part of the staff, although that didn't make it any less disconcerting when the woman reached out and grabbed the hem of Jordan's dress, lifting it up, not seeming to care, or even notice, that she was exposing the girl's diaper. "This is adorable! I love it! Such a pity we can't keep you in this, but rules are rules!"

"Wait, who are..?" Jordan started to ask, batting her skirt out of the strange woman's hands, just in time to be pushed back into the office.

"Excellent timing!" the Headmistress exclaimed as the new woman closed the door yet again. "It looks like you've already met our new student. Jordan, this is our Seamstress. She's going to make sure your uniform fits you perfectly!"

"This one is so precious!" the Seamstress gushed, reaching up to pinch Jordan's cheeks. "Can I keep her?"

"You are here to do your job," the Headmistress said coolly, giving the other woman a pointed look. The Seamstress began to pout, but quickly got to work trying to slip the dress off of Jordan's body.

"What are you doing?!" Jordan squeaked, doing her best to stop the larger woman without dropping her doll. 

"You really must learn to listen, young lady. She has to measure you for your uniform!" 

"Can't she do that with my clothes on?" Jordan whined, though it was already too late as she lost the brief wrestling match and the Seamstress began folding her dress up, setting it aside. Jordan's skin crawled uncomfortably as the woman eyed her again, her gaze seeming to stop at the padded pink polka-dotted bra Jordan had put on that morning.

"Well, you don't need this!" the woman declared, quickly whipping it off as well, making Jordan wonder if she meant for the measuring, or for good. She didn't think either was true, not that her opinion seemed to matter. "Oh, you really don't do you?" the Seamstress giggled, prompting Jordan to wish she could sink through the floor.

Instead, the woman grabbed her, easily picking her up and setting her on the edge of the changing table, the surface crinkling softly beneath her diapered bottom. With a soft rip, she undid the Velcro on Jordan's pink sneakers and yanked them off as well, followed by her socks, leaving the girl in only a wet diaper, which the woman quickly pressed her hand to, a little harder than Jordan thought necessary. "She's soaked! You're lucky she didn't leak on your floors!"

"We both know she's the lucky one there. I wouldn't even let a new girl get away with that." 

Jordan was spun around and pushed back onto the changing table, the Seamstress grabbing her hands and pulling them up over her head, them locking them into the cuffs Jordan hadn't even noticed built into the table. She gasped as she tried to move her arm, only to find she was stuck, and, in a panic, tried to lash out with her feet instead. The Seamstress was clearly quite experienced, however, and she already had one of the girl's legs locked in its own cuff, and easily caught the other. "Let me go!" Jordan whined, cheeks flushing as the woman ignored her, pulling her legs apart to finish strapping her down, spread-eagled and helpless, to the table.

"Hush now, baby," the Seamstress cooed. "We're just going to get you all cleaned up and out of that nasty, wet diaper!"

"No!" Jordan squealed, not liking the idea of being stripped completely naked in front of anyone, but especially these two.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you," the Headmistress spoke up. "She could measure you in your diaper, since you won't be wearing your uniform without one, but if she does, you won't get another chance for a change until you're with your new classmates. And I wouldn't wait that long if I were you, because if you leak on my floors, you will regret it. Now show me those manners you sometimes have and ask her politely to help you out."


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