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Alex had never told her how long her punishment was meant to last, and she'd been too embarrassed to ask, afraid that doing so would only extend it anyway. She slowly began to suspect that the answer was, "Until I have an excuse to punish you again."

Whenever he could, any time she did anything he deemed slightly out of line, he'd re-start it. After a couple weeks, he took it a step further, telling her that, from then on, he was choosing her clothes for work, too, just like he'd threatened when the initial punishment had started.

Ashley was sure, like the shirts he'd gotten her to wear at home, whatever he made her wear at work would be girly, and probably immature, and she was exactly right. There were no pants, or shorts, just dresses and skirts, often ones that looked like they belonged to a six year old. However, despite herself, she was actually a bit grateful for that. She only had so many outfits that even somewhat hid her diapers, and she'd been cycling through them pretty heavily... She was pretty sure her co-workers must have thought she was really struggling with money, since she would wear the same thing multiple times a week.

Even if they were pink and ruffly, the dresses always hid her diapers much more easily than her jeans ever could. There were a few that were extra short, which he only made her wear if she was really bad... Those took some practice to make sure she could walk in them without flashing her diapers, and the first couple times she'd worn them, she was positive she'd given some of the other people in the office an eyeful.

That didn't matter nearly as much as it used to, however, since she no longer had to get up to go to the bathroom. She'd been upset at first, throwing a tantrum that had earned her a spanking, and done nothing to change Alex's mind, but, just like everything else, she'd grown to accept it. Now, according to Alex, all bathrooms were off limits to her, unless he was there with her. She'd had so many accidents by then, he said, that there was no point. She might as well just use her diapers, and then, maybe one day, he'd re-potty train her. Besides, she was so awful at getting her diaper back on, those times when she'd actually tried using the bathroom at work, he was afraid she'd wind up leaking.

It was true, she'd never been exactly sure how to redo the tapes, and he always diapered her too tightly to just pull the diaper off and back on. She was an only child, and never babysat, so she hadn't had the chance - or desire - to learn how to diaper a baby... She'd never imagined that, the first time she'd had to try, it would be on herself.

Whether her co-workers knew about what she had underneath or not, they all seemed to like her new wardrobe far better than her original one. They'd loved her hairbow, and now that she had dresses to go with it, they were constantly fawning over her, saying how adorable she looked, and how well whatever she had on suited her, as if they'd all hated her old clothes and had just been waiting for her to switch to something else... And, now that she was, they wanted to make sure she wouldn't change back.

Not that she had much of a choice. Once Alex had taken away her bathroom privileges, he was suddenly home a lot more. He'd meet her there for lunch every day for a mid-day change, then, after work, he was there not long after her - and, sometimes, even before. She no longer had a chance to decide what to wear, at any point. Part of her wondered if any of her old things were even still in the closet... But she was too afraid to look.

Even though he was around more, Alex still had Ashley carry around her little deer while they were at home, to 'keep her company' while he was busy with 'grown-up' things. Instead of helping, like she'd used to, Ashley would be expected to sit on the floor and play while he did the dishes, or fixed things, or did just about anything. She was just a baby, after all... She didn't have to worry about any of that.

And... To be honest, it wasn't so bad. Being able to just come home and know she didn't have to think about anything - not what to wear, not what to cook, not even using the bathroom - was relaxing, and freeing. By the time Alex told her he'd bought her some new pajamas, for the winter, she didn't even care that they looked, very much, like footed PJs for a toddler. She just let him put them on her, cuddled up to him, and said, "Thank you, Daddy."

Alex wondered if she'd even noticed that last word, or if it had slipped out unconsciously. This was hardly the first time, and he had a feeling it wouldn't be the final. He had more baby clothes coming, onesies, and even more childish dresses, and ruffle-bottomed tights. He even had some pacifiers that he was waiting for just the right time to introduce.

He hadn't expected things to go this far... All he'd really wanted was to make Ashley a little less of a tomboy. But now, seeing how easily, and thoroughly, she was accepting the role of baby girl, after a few initial hurdles, he couldn't help himself. This was, clearly, the way she was meant to be... And he was more than happy to show her that.



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