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A caption commission for Invada. Picture property of ABDreams

Ellie felt her heart giving an involuntary pitter-patter as she watched Logan unlock the door to his apartment, her cheeks tinging pink as he turned back to smile at her. She knew he didn't know what she was feeling, that he was just being friendly, just the same as she knew this didn't really mean anything - they were only working on the project - but she couldn't help herself.

She was pretty shy - although she'd resolved to do her best to defeat that, now that she was in college - so it was quite rare for her to be in a room, alone, with a guy, especially one as attractive as Logan. Usually, she was with her best friend, Claire... It was always nice to have somebody she knew she could talk to, if she got too nervous, but, at the same time, being constantly around Claire also meant no boys ever really paid attention to her.

She'd always been fairly small, and underdeveloped; next to Claire, however, she'd always looked like a child. Claire was tall, and hot, and as much as Ellie liked her as a friend, she was certain she was also a big reason why Ellie had never been able to get a boyfriend in high school. At best, guys would think of her as a friend... At worst, a little sister.

Claire was going to the same college, and, while Ellie was doing her best to become more confident on her own, knowing that she could fall back to her old behaviors if things got too much for her was comforting, yet also dangerous. She wanted to meet new people, try flirting, and seeing if she could get any further than that, but the idea of heading into a loud, crowded party on her own, when Claire was there, on the same campus, was too much for her.

So, when this group project had come up, it had been the perfect opportunity. She hadn't seen it as that, at first - group projects had always been the worst in high school, and she didn't know anyone in class well enough to ask them - but when Logan actually came up to her to ask her to be his partner, she realized the truth. She never would have dreamed of asking him, even though, of everyone in the class, he was the one she'd most wanted to work with, to be forced to spend time with... He was the oldest one there, just taking the class as an elective, and by far the cutest.

She hadn't even realized he had his own apartment, either, until he'd suggested they meet there. That only made things better... No roommates to worry about, no paper thin walls... Not that she thought they'd really be doing anything they wouldn't want anyone to overhear, but still...

The apartment wasn't huge, but it was much bigger than Ellie's dorm room, with its own bathroom, which was, really, the biggest advantage. Other than that, and his bedroom, it was one large room, with the kitchen, dining area, and living room all blending together, and, strangest of all, a crib along the far wall that he explained was where his niece slept when she stayed with him.

As they sat on the couch and studied, she slowly inched closer and closer to him, until she was practically sitting on his lap, taking in his scent. When he went to the kitchen to grab some snacks, she was right on his tail, wanting to 'help', then, after returning to the living room, she plopped herself right next to him again. She was almost certain this was it, that he actually was interested in her after all, when, after they finished, he offered her a glass of wine. 

She'd never really tried alcohol before, but there was no way she was going to say no now so she took it, expecting him to maybe light some candles around the room next, set the mood a bit more... Instead, when he sat back down, he put some distance between them, telling her gently, "I think we need to establish something... I think you're great, but I'm not really into you."

Ellie had been expecting that, although it didn't really take all the sting out. While the wine wasn't quite as good as she assumed it would be, she'd still drained the glass, and wound up passing out on the couch when she'd tried to stand up. 

That would have been embarrassing enough, but it didn't stop there... The next morning, she'd woken up feeling cold and wet, only to discover, after sitting up, that she'd peed herself in her sleep. She was mortified, hurrying around the apartment, trying to find some way to cover up what she'd done before Logan woke up; thankfully, despite failing, he didn't seem to mind too much. Seeing the crib again, and remembering what he'd said about his niece, she assumed he was used to accidents and such, although knowing he probably saw her as more on equal to that little girl, rather than himself, was a big blow to her ego.

It was much harder to go back the next time, after that, although, once she was there, he didn't treat her any differently, or make fun of her. He didn't offer her any more wine, however. Once they were done studying, Ellie looked at her phone, seeing how late it was, then glanced up at him. "Umm... D-Do you mind if I... stay here again tonight?" she asked nervously. "I-It's pretty late, a-and I don't like driving in the dark, and..."

Those were both true, but, really, she knew that the other girls in her dorm were probably hanging out in the halls, drinking, and she didn't want to have to walk past them to her room at the far end. None of them had ever been mean to her, really; they just made her feel anxious, certain they were judging her. Claire was on another floor, and according to her, all the girls there were nice, and Ellie should try making friends with her neighbors... Ellie had yet to do that, or built up any desire to do that, despite how lonely her room sometimes felt.

He said yes, and Ellie spent the night on the couch again... And, to her horror, despite not drinking, she still woke up wet. Once again, he told her it was fine, and helped her clean the sofa cushion up, but the next time she stayed over, he had a new rule, taking her to the bathroom and producing a Goodnite from a pack under the sink, insisting she wear it. After the last couple times, it was hard to argue against it, so, reluctantly, she'd done it, and been glad for it the next morning.

Things went on like that for a little while, until she happened to overhear a call about a party he was planning. She had a feeling he probably wouldn't have asked, had she not found out about it, but afterwards, he told her about it, that he was having some people over before the Homecoming game, and told her she could come if she wanted... But only if she followed some rules. There would be alcohol there, and he made her promise she would only have a little, if that, making her blush, remembering that first night here. Not only that, whether she drank or not, she would have to wear one of the Goodnites, just in case.

Most likely, he didn't really want her there, probably thought she was too immature for it, and that second rule most likely only existed to make sure she stayed away... But, when she started hearing Claire talk about going with some of her friends, she couldn't resist. Despite knowing she didn't really have a chance against them, Ellie didn't want to leave them 'alone' with Logan.

As her first college party, it was all pretty overwhelming, especially knowing she had a Goodnite on under her jeans, constantly worried somebody would notice. She didn't want to pester Logan too much, but she made sure to keep an eye on him as much as possible, her heart pumping a little faster every time she saw somebody start flirting with him... Especially Claire.

To comply with Logan's rule - and because her experience with the wine hadn't been great - she didn't plan on drinking anything, but she quickly abandoned that. Yes, Logan had told her, back in their first study session, that he wasn't interested... That had been a while ago, now, and things changed... Before he would up with one of these other girls, she wanted to know if she had any chance at all herself, and, to build up the confidence to ask, she let herself get a beer, and then another, and part of a third.

She'd already peed herself a bit by then, as the line for the bathroom had been quite long when she needed it - that was why she'd gone for the second cup, needing far more liquid courage, knowing she was going up to him in a wet Pull-Up - but she wasn't going to let that stop her. As soon as she saw an opening, she stumbled over to him, pulling him aside to let him know how she felt... And got three words in before she started to feel something else, a warm wetness trickling down her thighs. She gasped, looked down, then back up, cheeks burning, at the sight of her Goodnites leaking through her jeans.

Logan shook his head, leading her to the bathroom, which had cleared up by then, slamming the door behind him. "I asked you not to get drunk, and look at you!" he lectured. "You're a mess! What were you thinking?!" Ellie bit her bottom lip, staring down at the floor. "Look at me, young lady!" he snapped. Her eyes widened, feeling tiny and helpless at his tone, wondering if this was how he spoke to his niece when she was acting up. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

She had nothing... That was the wrong answer. She let out a yelp, suddenly finding herself over his lap, her wet pants and Goodnite around her ankles. She was just woozy enough to think, for a moment, that she'd somehow cracked the code, that he couldn't resist her any longer... Then, after cleaning her up, he gave her bare backside a hard swat instead. She gasped, squirming and whimpering, another following that, then another, hardly able to believe that she was here, at her first college party, getting spanked.

It didn't really hurt that much, not really, but the humiliation of it was enough to make her cry. He didn't keep it going long after that, giving her a hug and apologizing, saying he might have gotten carried away... Although, that didn't stop him from pulling out a giant, bulky diaper from beneath the sink. "I'm sorry," he told her again, "but I don't know that a Goodnite is enough for you right now..."

Even if they hadn't been wet, Ellie wasn't sure her pants would have gone on over the huge, babyish diaper. Logan was so good at taping it on, it felt like he'd done it a million times, which only made the whole experience more humiliating. She couldn't believe it... The guy she had such a huge crush on had her half-naked in front of him, and all he'd done to her was spank her and put her in a diaper, like she really was his niece! But did his niece even need these things? If she had those Goodnites, did she really need diapers as well? They looked infantile, but they fit her perfectly, and didn't look like any baby diapers she'd seen. Why did he have them around? Was he some kind of pervert?!

"Come on," he urged gently. "We can't stay in here forever..." Ellie's eyes widened, not even having considered that... He couldn't really expect her to leave the room like this, could he?! 

Sure enough, he opened the door, pushing her out into the main room. She toddled forward, mortified, thighs forced well apart by the massive padding. Suddenly, she felt like the center of attention, at least among the other girls there. She could hear them cooing, and awwing, asking each other, "Is she still in diapers?" She'd tried to avoid the rest of the females, not wanting anyone to draw comparisons between them and her; now, they were all eager to come after her, patting, and even checking, her diaper. 

"Don't worry," one told her, patting her on the head. "Everyone develops at their own rate," while another asked, "Is that potty too scary for you? Or do you just like your diapers too much to give them up?" before turning to her friend and declaring, "I've heard it's best to wait another year or so if potty training is too hard..." like Ellie was an actual toddler.

That wasn't the end of it, either. When one of the girls checked her, her fingers brushed across a wet spot... Ellie didn't remember wetting herself again, but, honestly, everything was becoming a big blur by now. "I-I don't actually need these!" Ellie tried to explain. "I-I don't wear them, Logan just had them, and..."

To her shock, the girl pulled a pacifier from her purse, shoving it into Ellie's mouth. "Hush," the girl said. "I saw you earlier, wetting yourself in front of him... Clearly, it was a good idea to put you in them."

So, it was a huge relief when the majority of the party moved on, heading to the game. Only Logan stayed behind... And Claire, saying she wanted to help him clean up. Ellie also offered, although she wasn't sure if they understood her or not - she was finding it hard to take the pacifier out, or even stop sucking on it.

"I think you'd better just get some rest," Logan told her instead.

"Oh, I'll change her!" Claire offered. Ellie tried to say no, but Logan had already agreed, and Ellie found herself back in the bathroom, blushing as her best friend changed her into a fresh diaper. When they got back to the living room, Logan had a black onesie waiting, saying it was one of his niece's. Ellie shook her head, wanting to stick with her shirt; once again, she was easily overruled, dressed in the childish thing, then put in the crib, the side pulled up and locked securely in place.

She had no idea what time it was, but there was no way it was late enough for her to actually go to sleep. She couldn't get out, either, though, and Claire and Logan ignored her asking them to let her out as they cleaned, then moved on to the couch, turning on a movie. Ellie sighed, slumping down in her crib, annoyed... Then, she heard another noise, some kind of wet smacking...

She couldn't tell that well, from her viewpoint, but she was certain they were kissing. "No," she whimpered, sniffling at the thought of Claire having, once again, stolen the guy she was interested in.... Only, this time, it was even worse, because Ellie herself was on the other side of the room, in a diaper, being ignored completely... And, despite herself, she couldn't help feeling a little turned on. She imagined herself on that couch instead - and even thought of Claire here, in the crib - and before she knew it, she was rubbing herself through her diaper, moaning into her pacifier...

What was she doing?! She shook her head, cheeks blazing. She couldn't do that, not here, not now... She had to come up with a way to stop them, not only so she would stop herself, but to make sure they couldn't go any further. She wasn't sure what to say that wouldn't seem petty, or desperate - and she didn't really want to take her pacifier out anyway - but, as she squirmed there, she came up with another plan.

Any other time, she wouldn't have even thought twice about it, but her mind was still feeling fuzzy, and it was the only idea she could think of, so she closed her eyes, wiggled a little, and began to push. Almost as soon as she felt the squishy mush fill her diaper, she began to regret it, though, by then, it was too late. It didn't take long at all for the smell to reach her, and then the other two people in the room, and, sure enough, it fulfilled its purpose.

While she was ashamed of what she'd done, she couldn't help staring up at Claire defiantly as the other girl stepped up to the crib, wanting her to know that Ellie was aware of what she'd done, and how it had killed the mood. "Yep, you were right," Claire called back to Logan.

"All right," Logan sighed, standing. "I'd better give her a bath."

"I'll help!" Claire offered, standing by as Logan unlocked the side of the crib and helped Ellie out, taking one of her hands to lead her to the bathroom. Part of Ellie's mind felt proud, glad that she'd found a way to stop them, to make sure she still had a shot... But there was another part, a quiet, little voice, way in the back, that told her that it wasn't so bad, toddling along, Claire on one side, Logan on the other, being taken care of by both... That maybe she liked the idea of just being their little baby girl...




Amazing! More like this please