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"Are you a bedwetter?" Josie demanded, point blank. 

Peaches was a little taken aback by her bluntness, even if she couldn't quite blame her for it. "Well..." she squirmed, not sure how to answer that question. She wasn't... Not really, anyway. It did happen every now and then, sure, which was absolutely mortifying, though it wasn't a common enough occurrence that she would consider herself a bedwetter; she liked to think she didn't qualify, at any rate.

"Where are your clothes?" Josie asked. Confused, Peaches pointed at one of the boxes, and Josie pounced on it, pulling it open and digging through it before the other woman could stop her, pawing past the skirts and shirts, down to her socks and underwear, and then, finally, to what was hidden at the very bottom. "I guess I have my answer!" Josie declared, holding one of the diapers up like a long-lost buried treasure.

"I-It's not what you think!" Peaches shook her head. She hadn't had an accident in so long... Why now?! And why hadn't she thrown those stupid diapers out when she was packing, like she'd wanted to?! There had just been something in the back of her mind that told her it would be better to have them, rather than needing to go out and find more if the need arose... Now, she wasn't so sure.

Josie sighed loudly. "Listen, sweetie, I don't mind... It's just a little medical problem, I'm sure... But I wish you would have told me about this, and I definitely wish you would have put one of these on before taking a nap if this was going to be an issue."

"I didn't know!" Peaches blurted out. "I-I promise, I don't..."

"Obviously, you do," Josie cut her off, pointing at the wet spot. "Well, it's getting late, so we might as well get you in one. Go on, lie down."

"What?!" Peaches backed away a single, shaky step. Obviously, when she was a kid, her parents had diapered her, but she didn't remember that... As far as her conscious mind was concerned, nobody had ever actually put one of those on her. "I-I don't need them, I..."

"Look at this!" Josie grabbed Peaches skirt, lifting it before the girl could try to bat her hand away, exposing her soaked panties. "You obviously do need diapers, and if you can't be trusted to do it yourself, I'll just have to step up, for the good of my furniture."

Peaches shook her head, horrified. "I-I'll be better!" she promised. "I'll wear them every night! I..."

"Yes, until I'm convinced you don't need them, you will," Josie agreed, yanking Peaches's skirt and underwear down, then spreading the diaper out on the bed. "Now sit, young lady!"

That evening had been one of the longest of Peaches's life; Josie didn't let her put anything on over the diaper, just made her walk around, tugging at the hem of her shirt, as if, by pulling hard enough, she could make it long enough to hide her diaper. Josie insisted that they eat together in the dining room, and, during the meal, several of Josie's neighbors stopped by to say hello. Peaches squirmed in her chair, not daring to get up, praying for them to leave as soon as possible, hopefully before they noticed what she was wearing.

Unfortunately, they didn't seem to care what she was silently wishing for... They stayed for a long time, chatting about people Peaches didn't know, while Peaches's squirming grew less nervous and more frantic, her bladder beginning to feel full again. What was she going to do?! The last thing she wanted to do was stand up and run to the bathroom in front of these people, but if she didn't, she would have another accident!

She set down her fork, slipping her hands under the table, pressing against the thick, crinkly bulk between her legs, until, finally, she couldn't take it anyway, and she felt the padding grow softer, and warmer, under her fingers, which she pulled away from the diaper with a disgusted squeal, though there was no escaping the wet feeling inside the garment.



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