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Josie had not been impressed. Despite Peaches's - much weaker this time around - protests, she put her into another diaper, then made her go to bed. The next day, she was there to wake Peaches up, shake her head after checking her wet pants, and pulled a fresh diaper from the box.

"Nooo," Peaches wailed, helpless, humiliated tears stinging her eyes. "I have an interview today! I can't wear... that!"

Thankfully, Josie finally listened to that. "I suppose you're right," she nodded. "We do want you to find a nice job, don't we?" Peaches nodded. "I guess you'll just have to wear these instead."

Peaches paled as Josie dropped the diaper, only to produce, instead, a Goodnite. Peaches was even less sure why she'd kept those around - they were very old, since she'd tried them when her little problem first started, and found that they weren't absorbent enough for her needs - but there they were, to taunt her once again. Something about them, likely the fact that they were made for actual children, made them feel just as infantile, if not more, than the diapers, and the thought of wearing them to a job interview made her eyes water even more. "Please, no!"

"This is for the best," Josie promised, ignoring Peaches's whining and whimpering. "You peed your pants right in front of me last night, you don't want to do that in front of whoever's interviewing you, do you?"

Peaches didn't, of course, but her assurances that she'd make sure that wouldn't happen fell on deaf ears. Josie picked out the rest of her outfit as well, then sent her on her way. There was no time to stop somewhere to buy actual underwear, or just change out of what she had on, so Peaches drove right to the office building where she had her appointment and asked the secretary where the restroom was.

"Oh, is it urgent? She'll be right out to see you," the secretary told her. "I'd hate for you to miss her."

"No, it's okay," Peaches sighed. She didn't want to face her interview this way, even if the other woman would have no idea what she was wearing, but making the interviewer wait would probably be worse. She settled in, cheeks flushing as she looked around at the other people sitting there, wondering if they were trying for the same job, certain that she was the only one wearing something so juvenile under her clothes.

'Right out', Peaches soon realized, was a relative term. At first, she thought it was just because she was so anxious, but when she checked the time on her phone, she saw that it had been a while. It took another few minutes to build up her courage before she walked back up to the secretary. "Do you mind telling me where the bathroom is?" she asked again.

"I'm so sorry," the secretary told her. "She got caught up in a conference call, but that should be over any second, and then she'll be ready."

"Oh... Okay..." Peaches nodded, retreating back to her seat. 

Finally, a woman appeared, spoke quietly to the secretary, then approached the fidgeting Peaches. "Come along," she said, and, to Peaches surprise, took her hand. 

The familiarity was strange, though Peaches didn't want to offend the woman, so she didn't say anything, just let herself be led through the building, towards what she assumed would be the woman's office, or at least a conference room. Instead, to her shock, it was the office daycare.

"H-Hey, what's going on here?" Peaches demanded. "No, you must be confused, I'm here for an interview, not... I'm not... I don't belong here!" she finally spat out.

The woman didn't hesitate to grab her pants, unzipping them to reveal the Goodnite beneath. "Oh, no?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No! I don't need those!" Peaches grabbed for her pants, only to have her hand smacked and her pants yanked down and off anyway, before she was escorted to the corner. 

"I know you're new, young lady, but the first lesson you need to learn is that children like you don't tell adults 'no'," the woman informed her.

"B-But I have an interview..." Peaches protested.

"You are going to sit right there until I say you can get up!" the woman said sternly. "Or you'll be sorry!"



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