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"That's an.... interesting dress," Lisa raised an eyebrow, making it quite clear that she didn't mean that in a particularly nice way.

"I liked it," Kim shrugged, fidgeting in place. It was her living room - well, the one she shared with the other two girls in the suite - where she had spent plenty of time hanging out, watching TV, doing homework... But, for some reason, she'd been avoiding it since the start of the semester, trying to sneak through when her roomies weren't around. Somehow, she'd timed it wrong, marching out right in the middle of both of them, and, under their gaze, she felt like she was the little sister of one of them, desperate to fit in so she'd be seen as one of the 'big kids'. It was ridiculous, and she knew it, chalking it up to anxiety as well.

"It's cute," Mary cut in. "It just isn't your usual style, that's all."

"I'm almost ready to graduate," Kim reminded them, though the thought did nothing to ease her mind, "I thought it was time to switch things up."

"Good idea," Mary nodded sagely.

"I think you're going the wrong way, though," Lisa smirked. "Seriously, that looks like..."

"Oh, leave her alone," Mary rolled her eyes. "She can dress however she wants! You wear whatever makes you comfortable, hon." Thankfully, she changed the subject. "What are you working on? We figured you must have some really tough classes, since we never see you any more."

"O-Oh, yeah," Kim chuckled awkwardly. It was true; she'd expected these classes to be cakewalks, yet she was having a lot more difficulty with them than she'd expected. Had all her teachers changed their curriculum? Or had the people she'd asked just lied to her about how easy the courses were?

"Is that Hello Kitty?" Lisa chuckled. "Is that what you're working so hard on?"

Kim blushed, only then thinking to try to hide the coloring book, now that it was too late. She'd spotted it the other day while she was shopping, and couldn't resist picking it up. She'd flipped through it a couple times, though it hadn't been until now that she'd tried to do anything else. "Y-Yeah," she admitted, since there was clearly no point in trying to hide it. "Mary is always talking about how relaxing coloring can be, so I thought I'd see if she'd left any crayons out that I could borrow..." 

"Sure, I can get mine," Mary smiled, hopping off the couch. "Hold on."

"You know she uses adult coloring books, right?" Lisa shook her head. "That one looks like its for grade schoolers." Mary shot her a look before stepping into her bedroom, so she quieted down, but not before mumbling something that sounded an awfully similar to, "Just like that dress."

Kim wanted to take the crayons and go back to her room, but Mary insisted she hang out with them for a while. Kim tried to keep up with their conversation, only to find herself getting drawn more and more into the picture she was coloring, bending further more and more as she worked, growing quieter and quieter, before, finally, winding up on the floor on her stomach, happily playing with the crayons while the other two girls went back to talking to one another, almost as if she wasn't there, or was too young to participate in their conversation. She was so wrapped up in what she was doing, she didn't even notice her panties growing wet...



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