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"I-I feel a lot better now!" Lucy insisted, squirming in the doll's grasp. "W-We should keep going!"

The doll looked at her for a few moments, holding her up next to the wall, and the grasping leaves that brushed against her skin, making it crawl at the contact, then nodded. "All right," she agreed, setting her back on the ground. "If you think you can keep going, I suppose we'd better."

"I can!" Lucy nodded, unsure why she was feeling so anxious, why the sight of those leaves had made her so scared... As the doll had just reminded her, she had no reason not to trust it, yet, somehow, she felt like something was wrong, even beyond the massive mess squelching in between her legs with every step.

"Here we go!" the doll declared, taking another turn. "This is definitely it!"

Lucy knew she should trust it, and follow at around the corner... But, at the same time, her fear began to escalate, her thumb sliding into her mouth as she looked at the place the doll had gone. It was the big girl, the one who didn't need diapers, who looked so tall and pretty and mature in a way that Lucy, in her little dress and huge diaper, never could... Lucy ought to be a good girl, and do as she was told...

"Are you coming, cutie?" the doll called. "Are you sure you don't want to stop for a rest?"

Lucy whimpered, sucking harder on her thumb, caught between not wanting to let down the big girl looking after her, and her fear of what was on the other side of the corner. Tears began to sting her eyes as she stared down at her feet, then, blushing at the sight of the full, bulky diaper there, tilted her head upwards instead.

It was there that she saw the rainbow... She stared into the nearly glowing arc, the colors almost searing into her eyes, they looked so bright, compared to the dull world of cornstalks and mud she was surrounded by. She wasn't sure why, but the idea of following the doll began to make her even more anxious.

"What are you doing?" the doll asked. "We're supposed to go this way!"

"I-I did," Lucy mumbled a lie from behind her thumb. "I went thewe, but I got scawed and came back out hewe."

"Aww, poor thing," the doll bent down, patting her on the head. Lucy froze, praying it would buy her story, that it wouldn't make her go there anyway. "Well, I'm sure we can find a less spooky route."

"Fank you," Lucy sniffled.

"Sure thing," the doll chuckled, patting the back of her diaper again. "I wouldn't want you having another accident, after all... I'm not sure your diaper could handle it!"

Lucy's cheeks reddened as she was reminded anew of what she'd done, how babyish that meant she really was... Any doubts she had about the doll began to fade again, looking up at her in her clearly non-infantile attire. She followed after the doll obediently, waddling and sucking her thumb like the little toddler she was, telling herself that this time, she wasn't going to be too much of a chicken to follow wherever the doll led.

When they reached another fork in the path, however, Lucy still hesitated. Curiously, she glanced up at the sky, seeking out the rainbow... She wasn't sure why, exactly, but she felt like she should try the other path, and, despite feeling naughty for not following the bigger girl's example, she did just that.

Almost instantly, some of the fog that filled her mind blew away. She gulped as she looked down at herself again, finally recognizing the dress she was wearing now as the same thing the doll had been wearing when she first saw it... And, as the doll stepped back out from around the corner, she realized it was wearing the same thing she had when she'd come into this maze - or, rather, at one point it had been wearing the same thing... It had then gone beyond that, transforming those clothes into less childish versions.

In embarrassment, she started to yank her thumb out of her mouth, then stopped herself. Whether the doll had started doing it on purpose or not, there was no way it wouldn't have noticed the same transformation... Most likely, she thought, it knew exactly what it was doing, and it was looking to replace her, leave her trapped here in the maze. It was bigger than her, and from how easily it had picked her up a few minutes ago, clearly stronger than her, so she couldn't let it know that she had figured at least part of its scheme out.

"Where are you?!" the doll called out. Lucy looked down the long corridor of corn stretching out ahead of her, wondering if she could run fast enough to get out of sight in it before the doll figured out she'd gone down this path instead. Before she could decide, it was too late, the doll stepping into the entrance and glaring at her. Instantly, Lucy noticed that its shirt was a little longer, no longer showing off the thing's midriff, and the shorts were a bit bigger as well. It no longer looked quite as cool and confident...

"What are you doing in here?" it asked.

"I-I forgot which way you went," Lucy claimed with a shrug. "I-I thought it was this way... I'm sowwy..."

The doll walked closer, eyeing her suspiciously before grabbing her hand. "I suppose that's what I get for letting a baby like you walk on her own... I guess I need to keep you right by my side, huh?"

Lucy nodded weakly. "Uh-huh."

That wasn't at all what Lucy had wanted, though, after the doll took her down the next corridor, she couldn't quite recall why. She didn't dare try to pull away from the doll's hand, so, instead, she'd just gone along with it, staring up at the rainbow as she saw the dead end and felt the jolt that came with it.

After another couple of them, the doll asked, "How are you feeling?"

Lucy wasn't really sure how to respond to that... The words barely registered in her mind, and when she opened her thumb-filled mouth to reply, the syllables that came out barely made sense one at a time, much less combined. "That's what I thought," the doll patted her on the head. Its clothes barely even counted as that anymore, the shirt having shortened enough to show off most of its well-toned stomach, the shorts almost looking more like panties, which she had to assume it wasn't even bothering to wear underneath anymore.

When the doll turned around and started to head back the way they'd came, it almost didn't register in Lucy's mind, and while something about it felt wrong, she had no idea why. It was hard enough remembering how to walk, especially with her big, thick, full diaper between her legs... She really wanted to crawl instead, but then she couldn't hold the doll's hand.

"Do you remember this place?" the doll asked as they finally stepped out into a large, open room, with open doorways into many other parts of the maze. Lucy shook her head. "Of course not," the doll chuckled, reaching down and wiping a little drool from the girl's chin. "I should have expected as much from a brainless baby like you... Well, sweetie, that's your home, right over there." It pointed across the room, to a wall that Lucy had to admit did seem familiar. "That's where you wanted to go, right? Home?"

Lucy nodded and babbled behind her thumb. Home did sound right... The doll smiled and nodded, starting to lead her across the room, only to stop partway through. "I'm sure you don't remember how to get across here, either," she said, and Lucy shook her head. "We have to be very careful here... You stay right here, sweetie, and I'll show you how to do it, and then I'll come back over and we'll do it together... Then we'll get you right where you belong, and I can go home, too. Won't that be great?"

Lucy nodded, and the doll let go of her hand, taking a few steps forward. "We definitely don't want to go any further than this," it lectured. "It might look safe, but... Hey!"

Lucy bumbled forward, as quickly as she could manage, and shoved the doll with all of her might. It wobbled, glaring down at her. "And what do you think you're doing, young lady?!" it demanded. "Do you need a spanking?!" Lucy frowned, pushing it again, hoping she had enough strength to make this work.

The doll had been right... For the most part. Most of her mind felt completely useless, making her at least feel brainless, and helpless... But, with the help of the rainbow, she'd been able to hold on to a few things. First, that she wasn't meant to be dressed like this, in this frilly little pink dress, and that her companion wasn't meant to be dressed as it was, either.

"You little brat!" the doll gasped as its foot slipped to the edge of the mud puddle, and, instantly, it began to be pulled under. Lucy stumbled, nearly falling in herself before she managed to stop herself, falling to the ground instead, diaper squishing beneath her.

Maybe that should have made her more scared, watching the doll struggling to pull itself back out of the mud that was sucking it in, that reminder that she was just a silly baby, stuck here on her own... Except, that was the second thing that she remembered. She hadn't had an accident in her diaper after all, no matter how many times the doll tried to make her thing she had - successfully, for a while. That had been something else, and, while she couldn't always remember what, she knew it wasn't her fault, which made it all the more suspicious that the doll wanted her to think it was... Then, when they returned to this room, it helped her recall just enough to know how to get rid of the doll.

"You help me right now!" the doll demanded, reaching out, grabbing for Lucy. The girl scrambled backwards, away from the grasping hands... She didn't have to go far, since, with every passing second, they seemed to grow shorter and shorter as the doll sank further and further into the puddle. "You stupid baby! You'll never get out of here!" it screamed. "You're going to be stuck here anyway... You could have at least let me go free!"

And, with that, it sank under the surface, and silence filled the maze. Lucy had a hard time fully comprehending everything the doll had said, though it did make her shiver, anyway, for some reason. She really wasn't sure where she was supposed to go, or where she wanted to wind up; she did know she didn't like the mud, however.

She turned back towards the corridor they'd just emerged from, trying to remember how to get back up on her feet. She was sure she knew how, but it seemed so complicated now... Eventually, she decided to crawl instead, making her way into the maze. The walls felt so much higher now, stretching up far above her head, and so long ahead of her... Had she made a mistake? Had the doll really been trying to help her after all?

She really began to fret over that once she hit a split in the path. Without the doll there to hold her hand, to tell her which way to go, she had no idea what to choose. She sat there for a few moments, tears streaming down her cheeks, wanting to suck her thumb, only to see how filthy her hands had gotten from crawling. Just as she was about to start bawling, she glanced upwards, finding the rainbow there.

She no longer remembered the difference between right and left, but she felt a slight tug, leading her towards one of the two halls. With nothing else to go on, she followed it, and then again at the next choice, and the next... Slowly, her mind began clearing itself, each path reminding her of something else she'd known for a long time, yet somehow completely forgotten in this place. After a couple, she awkwardly climbed to her feet, then, after that, her hair began to darken again, her clothes transforming, splitting back to a shirt and shorts from the dress they had become.

They never went beyond where they'd started, never evolved to something that didn't look like they'd come from a five year old's closet, but it was still a comfort to be back in them, to be able to remember picking them out herself. There was even a small comfort in feeling how tight the shorts were against her diaper, even with the load of mud in them, making her feel filthy - though, to be fair, she likely would have anyway, since her knees and hands were now also covered in mud from crawling.

Had it really been this simple from the start? She could remember coming into the cornfield now, thinking how she could use the rainbow overhead to guide her way, despite how unusually tall the corn seemed to be today... Somehow, she'd forgotten all about that, and gotten herself hopelessly lost. If she'd just trusted it from the start, it apparently would have been quite simple.

As if to prove that, she glanced up at the sky one last time, took one more turn, and, at last, she stepped out of the maze to the other side of the field. She turned around, but as soon as she'd stepped out, the corn had began to grow again, blocking out the entrance, turning into a solid wall of green. She couldn't even see through it to her house on the other side...

Part of her was scared by that, but mostly, she was glad. Even though she should probably turn back - it had taken her far, far longer than it should have to get through the field - she didn't really have a choice now. She couldn't get back through, so she'd just have to go forward, into the forest... At least the hardest part was over now... Wasn't it?


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