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 Pictures property of ABDreamland

Lolette smirked as she sauntered past a group of kids on their way up to the porch, knowing there were only a few pieces of candy left in the bowl there, labelled 'Take One, Please' - far less than there were people in the group. Maybe she should feel bad, or offer to share the couple handfuls she'd just taken from there with them... But she didn't. She just kept walking, searching for the next house with the unattended stash of candy.

Besides, it wasn't like she had a choice... Those kids could go up to any house and ask for candy, and they'd give it to them, no question. She could maybe do the same, especially if the person guarding the candy was a single guy, seeing her there in her naughty schoolgirl outfit, skirt short enough for her to flash her black panties at them if she thought they needed a little more persuasion, skirt unbuttoned low enough to show off a good bit of her matching black bra... But there was just as good a chance that she'd get a dirty look instead, a lecture on how she was way too old for trick or treating.

Sure, she could have gone and bought her own candy, and if she waited until tomorrow, it would all be on sale, so she could buy even more of it... It wasn't the same, though. Halloween candy just didn't taste as good if you got it for yourself! So, despite being well out of her teens - the beginning of which she knew a lot of people thought was when kids should stop trick or treating - and even out of college, she still dressed up and walked around to scavenge candy from wherever she could get it.

She paused at the next house where she didn't see somebody waiting on the porch, trying to figure out if it had candy sitting out somewhere or not. She didn't see a bowl, yet the light was on, and the yard was decorated quite festively, the gate standing wide open, inviting her in. 

She shrugged, told herself it was worth a shot, and made her way through the faux graveyard, plastic skeleton arms reaching up from the ground, some of them wiggling around in what she had to admit was a pretty cool effect, even if the batteries on some of them were clearly starting to wear down. When she got closer to the porch, however, she could tell there was no candy bowl there, and also that the front door was open...

With a sigh, she nearly gave up, certain there was somebody inside, probably watching a scary movie, waiting to pop out and offer what they would assume was a child some candy. Maybe it was worth trying, probably not... Luckily, before she could turn back around, she spotted a plastic cauldron sitting on the floor, with a sign over it. It was too far away to read clearly, but she was sure there were just three words on it, three words she knew quite well...

It was strange that they were keeping the candy outside, and it made her a little anxious, yet she could tell, even from here, that the cauldron was still full, ripe for the taking. With a grin, she quickened her pace, slowing down only as she stepped up onto the porch, not wanting to give away that she was there. If the door was standing open, surely somebody was there in the house... Maybe they were having a party in another room, and wouldn't be able to hear her anyway, or perhaps they had simply stepped to the bathroom for a minute, and would come rushing out at the sound of a trick or treater.

She didn't hear any party sounds as she crept into the house, but, fortunately, she didn't hear anything else, either. She walked over to the cauldron and grabbed a handful of the treats inside, stuffing them into her bag. Instantly, she felt a touch dizzy, but she tried to shake it off, glancing around to ensure nobody was watching before reaching in again, and again, not noticing her skirt lengthening, her shirt buttoning itself up chastely, before they both combined, colors changing from white and plaid to bright pastels. 

It wasn't until the skirt began to shorten again, joining up with itself between her legs, that she realized something was happening. She frowned, feeling something else changing, her formerly skimpy underwear growing, expanding, turning quite bulky and smooth between her legs, pushing her thighs apart... Then, as if to ensure she noticed, it began being pulled tighter to her crotch.

She bent down to take a look, only to lose her balance, falling flat on her stomach, knocking the candy cauldron over, spilling its contents all over the floor. She tried to get to her feet, but could remember how to do anything but squirm ineffectually, barely able to even turn herself over onto her back. Something was definitely wrong, yet, when she tried to call for help, she realized she couldn't, because there was a huge, black pacifier in her mouth that refused to budge.

"Well, well, well," Lolette looked up, her cheek reddening despite her hopefulness at the sound of somebody else's voice, "what have we here?" The woman who stepped into the room was on the older side, looking like the sort of person who wouldn't have approved of Lolette trick or treating.

Lolette tried to explain that she'd just tripped and fallen while getting some candy for a sick younger cousin, and apparently hurt herself somehow so that she couldn't get back up, only to be kept silent by the pacifier. She had no explanation for that, or the diaper and onesie her formerly sexy costume had morphed into, but she could always claim she'd dressed up as a baby, then hurry back home to change out of the humiliating things.

"Somebody can't read, can they?" the woman shook her head, stepping past Lolette to the sign she'd completely ignored, and knocked over in her fall. "Let me give you a lesson, sweetie... 'Take'... 'One'... 'Please'. Or maybe you don't know how to count? That's even simpler..." She held up a single finger. "One. There, that's it!"

Lolette pouted, not able to say or do anything in response to all the condescension. She was stuck there, on her back, only able to wiggle her feet, wanting more and more to sink into the floor as, each time she did that, she heard a loud crinkling from her backside.



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