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Here's the Community Caption for this month, combining the top two categories - high school punishment and Diaper Dimension. School seemed to be on a lot of peoples' minds this month, since we had several commissioners who used that theme in their captions as well, and a couple of our stories have involved it as well... Retroactively, I'd like to declare this month Back to School month! Hope you've enjoyed! There's still one more story chapter to go up this month, but it's going to break the trend...

Picture property of Nappy School

"Nicola!" The girl turned around from speaking with her friends, for a moment having forgotten that she was still in school. "Can you repeat back what I just said, young lady?" the teacher asked impatiently.

"Well, you were just talking about... umm..." Nicola squirmed, having hoped the confidence from her opening words would somehow carry her through the rest of the speech, only to have it sputter out as she had to admit that, in fact, she had no clue. 

"That's what I thought," the teacher sighed. "Sit down and be quiet, please... And stay after class to talk to me."

A series of snickers and, "Ooo"s rose from her classmates, though Nicola wasn't too worried... After all, what could the woman really do to her? She was 18 now, a senior, an adult... Not that Nicola had ever had a huge respect for school, but now, it seemed even more pointless, just one more hurdle to jump through before joining the adult world.

Her lack of worry didn't stop her from trying to sneak out after class, however; whatever her teacher had to say was, no doubt, going to be boring and stupid, and she was sure she didn't really need to hear it. The woman grabbed her by the wrist as she tried to walk past, fixing her with an icy glare as she escorted her back to one of the desks, directly in front of her own.

"I've had just about enough of you, young lady," she informed Nicola. "Believe it or not, there are some students still trying to learn here, and your constant distractions..."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Nicola rolled her eyes. "There... Can I go now?"

"No, you may not!" the teacher said sternly. "But you may stand up!" Nicola was thrown off briefly, although a pointed glare got her scrambling out from the desk. "Just as I thought," the teacher shook her head. "That skirt is much shorter than school standards allow for..."

"Whatever," Nicola huffed. "I'm an adult... I can wear what I want."

"Not here," the teacher countered. "There are rules, and as long as you're a student here, you're expected to follow them!"

"I'm fine with not being a student, then," Nicola shrugged. "I've learned all I need to know..."

"Oh?" the teacher raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think you're ready to go out and support yourself, and your little, if you can manage to find one? Because it seems like all you've learned is how to be a distraction, and attract attention to yourself... Which sounds more like something a little would need to know than an Amazon."

Nicola's eyes narrowed. "I am nothing like those little brats!"

"We'll see," the teacher told her cryptically. "You have a choice, young lady... You can either prove to me, right now, that you really have learned something from your time at school, and if you can, I'll excuse you from this class for the rest of the year... Or I can escort you to the principal right now. I'm sure you know his stance on those who break the uniform rules..."

Nicola hesitated, just slightly. "Fine," she gave in. 

"Good," the teacher smiled, reaching behind her desk. "Now, put this on..."

"But..." Nicola's eyes widened. "I might as well just go to the principal, then!"

"You've already agreed," the teacher's smile morphed into a grin, and Nicola began, for the first time, to really worry. "Besides, this test is to punish you for distracting your classmates... Your uniform violation needs to be punished as well, and I happen to agree with the principal - the only one who need to wear skirts that short are littles who need to have their diapers easily accessible. You're just lucky I'm not going to spank you first, like he does... Unless you waste any more of my time. Get moving!"



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