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"Can't I at least roll my skirt down?" Nicola begged, sure she could hear the clock over her head ticking away the time before the teacher's next class - and her own, which the teacher had already informed her she didn't care if she missed, since Nicola surely wouldn't have paid attention during it, either. Any moment now, students would flood the room and see her there, writing out the multiplication tables on the chalkboard, a very obvious diaper under her too-short skirt.

"No," the teacher answered simply. "I would get erasing if I were you... You did a fine job with those, but there are still nine more to get through before I'm satisfied that you know a little about math, and we can get on to another subject..."

"This is ridiculous!" Nicola grumbled, her fake cheery mood dissolving. "Nobody remembers all of this crap..." She wasn't sure when the last time she'd had to think about times tables was, much less recite them, like she had right after she'd learned them. The first couple were fairly easy, and five wouldn't be too bad, but she was a bit shaky on four, and anything above five - other than ten, of course - was even worse. If she somehow made it all the way up to twelve, she knew she was screwed... Even when they'd been learning them, she'd never quite managed to perfect that one.

"Are you giving up?" the teacher asked.

Nicola was slightly taken aback; she hadn't expected it to be that simple. "Yeah, sure," she said. "Can I go now?"

"Certainly not," the teacher told her, marching up to her and grabbed her skirt, yanking it off. Nicola gasped as her diaper became fully visible, a flood of humiliation washing over her before she could even think to grab for the skirt... And by then, it was too late. "No!" the teacher scolded, smacking Nicola's hand away as she grabbed for the garment. "You've proven you don't pay attention in math, and, since you won't even try, I'm taking your skirt as punishment... Now, we have to see if you were paying attention in spelling."

"The next class is about to start!" Nicola reminded the woman, as if she wasn't aware. "I can't just stand up here in a diaper and plastic pants..."

"Really? I thought you liked walking around in as little as possible... That gets you more attention, doesn't it? Would you like something else to wear?" the teacher asked. Nicola glared at her, then, when it appeared that wasn't enough, she nodded, sighing. "If I let you have it, you have to agree to this," the woman held up a pacifier. Nicola's face turned pink as she saw it, weighing her options - if the other students saw her sucking on that, they might suspect she had a diaper on under her pants, or skirt, or whatever the teacher gave her. On the other hand, a pacifier was much easier to hide than a diaper... She could just try to stay facing the chalkboard as much as possible.

She sighed, taking the pacifier and popping it into her mouth. The teacher smiled, walking over to her desk and opening a drawer, pulling out what, at first, looked like a pair of black, leather pants... As she pulled them out and walked over to Nicola, however, the girl saw that they were, instead, boots. She shook her head, starting to spit out the paci, only for the woman to reach up and tap something on the mouthguard. Nicola's eyes widened as the bulb began to expand, filling her mouth, making it impossible to remove, and start to ooze something out. It tasted sickly sweet, like medicine meant for children, and, although she had no idea what it was, she was certain she didn't want to swallow it, despite, unfortunately, not having much of a choice.

"These will keep your legs from getting cold," the teacher told her, pulling the long boots onto her student. They clearly did nothing to hide her diaper - if anything, they made it more obvious, as they drew attention to her legs, which would then allow for spectators' eyes to travel upwards, just a tad.... "I wouldn't want you to get sick." She pinched Nicola's cheeks, while the girl glared daggers at her helplessly.

"Your spelling test will be easier," the woman promised. "After all, I have a class to teach, so I can't spend the whole time watching you. It will also test... Other things." Nicola fidgeted as the teacher's attention drifted downward, towards her diaper; suddenly, she had a good - but also, very bad - idea of what the pacifier was pumping down her throat.

"The words I want you to spell are, 'I', 'must', 'not, 'wet', 'my', and 'nappy'," the teacher smirked. "In that order. And, to make sure you have them all correct, I'm going to need you to write them all one-hundred times before the end of this class... Obviously, they won't all fit on the board at once, so you'll write as many as can fit, and when I have a moment, I'll count them and allow you to erase the board and start again. Oh, and while you're writing them, I expect you to do as they say, as well... An adult like you should have no problem not wetting herself, isn't that right?"

Nicola gulped, which was quite obviously a bad idea as more of the stuff from the pacifier poured down her throat as she did. Maybe it was just there to keep her hydrated, but she doubted it... She couldn't protest - or say anything for that matter - and, before she even could have, the classroom door opened, and she blushed, turning quickly to the board, trying to hide her face.

"I'd suggest you start now, if you're going to finish on time," the teacher told her. Fuming, but unable to do anything about it, Nicola set to work, knowing that, to the class filing in behind her, it was going to look like she was writing lines - which, essentially, she was - probably because she'd already had an accident... She could only pray that none of them recognized her, and that she could resist the effects of the medicine until the end of class. The flow had slowed quite a bit, since the pacifier could only hold so much, but she had no idea how much she'd already drank...



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