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An anonymous caption commission. Pictures property of StraitJacketShop and AdultBaby.xxx.

Mackenzie was a born troublemaker, a rebel; she did what she wanted, and she didn't care what anybody else thought about that. Nobody could control her, not even her parents... Which is why they turned to some outside help.

They put it off for as long as they could, partly because they tried to convince themselves she'd calm down some as she got older, and partially because she had to be at least eighteen before the Dollhouse would take her in... They'd heard some strange rumors about the school, and they were very secretive about their methods, but it also seemed like the best place for Mackenzie. They offered a 'complete re-education' package, for only the most special cases, that promised to take even the worst girls and turn them into angels... There were also several, less harsh options, but the parents were certain none of them would make a difference.

Looking at the girl's file, full of arrests and warning for shoplifting, vandalism, public nuisance, and a variety of other things, it was clear that the Dollhouse was the best place for her... Zoey reminded herself of that as she paged through it one last time before setting it back down on the seat of the van, turning to her helpers, waiting in the backseat, dressed in pristine white, just like her. "Let's get started, shall we?"

It was her first extraction; her boss had hesitated to give her one of this level to start with, but she'd insisted she was ready. After all, starting with the most difficult was a sure way to prove herself, and hopefully move up quickly. Normally, they would have taken the girl from her house, but not only could the parents not guarantee a time when she would be there, it also usually helped the subject accept the fact that their old life was over to be taken from somewhere more public, in broad daylight, in front of their friends.

Of course, there had also been a good chance that she wouldn't be at school, either, even though the main offices had called to confirm that she hadn't been reported as absent that day. She could have slipped out, or her teachers may have just grown so used to her not showing up that they didn't bother marking it down anymore... 

"Could you tell me what class Mackenzie... C. should be in now?" Zoey tilted her head down to hide a blush as she forgot the girl's last name for a moment - hardly the most auspicious start to the operation. Thankfully, the woman in the office seemed to know exactly who she was talking about, and, after seeing Zoey's identification, told her exactly where to find the girl.

She and the helpers marched through the school to the classroom, knocking sharply at the door. After a moment, the teacher answered, and Zoey stepped inside the room, scanning the room. She cursed herself for not bringing the file with her - it wouldn't be as effective if she was carrying it and referring to it the whole time, she'd thought - or studying the photo more closely, because she saw several girls she thought could have been the teen she'd saw there.

"Mackenzie?" she finally asked, after a long moment of silence. The girl who looked up wasn't one of the girls she had suspected, although, once she saw the movement, she could see the resemblance. She seemed quiet, bookish, absorbed in her work until then, her hair in pigtails, probably the last style Zoey would of expected from the girl in the file; Zoey had a flash of doubt before reminding herself of her training. She turned, nodding to her helpers on the other side of the door, who burst in, following her finger to the now startled girl, pulling her up out of her desk and forcing her arms into the straightjacket while Zoey explained things to the teacher. The woman seemed surprised, but that was normal... The Dollhouse's methods were extreme, but they worked.

The helpers pulled the struggling girl to the front of the class, where Zoey shoved a large, pink pacifier into her mouth to silence her protests, and get the ball rolling on her training. One of her helpers handed her a large, puffy diaper, the girl's classmates tittering as they saw it, though they fell silent as they realized it was truly about to be used when Zoey spread it out on the floor, the helpers quickly and efficiently stripping Mackenzie's pants off and pushing her down onto the infantile garment. A few quick snips of a pair of medical scissors and a tug later, the girl's panties were gone, and Zoey was pulling the bulky diaper up between her legs, securing it in place, following it up with a pair of childish plastic pants before yanking the girl back up to her feet.

"Now, then, young lady," she lectured, smoothing the bottom of the straightjacket over the top of the diaper, tightening the two crotch straps as she got to them, "it's time to say bye-bye to your old school, to your old life as a big girl."

The girl shook her head, eyes wide with fright, and then... something else. Zoey heard a muffled gasp and smiled to herself - right on time, she thought - pressing her hand to the girl's diaper. "There, see? Wetting already... You're going to fit in just fine with the other girls in the Nursery."

With that, she turned to the rest of the class, telling them and the teacher, "Sorry for the interruption," before heading back out into the hallway, not letting herself turn back to watch the girl's increasingly weak struggles as the helpers took her arms and pushed her outside, still trying to get used to the feeling of the diaper between her legs, or her arms being held in place by the straightjacket. She would have plenty of time to grow accustomed to the former... And, if she was as bad as the file suggested, the same was probably true of the latter as well.



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