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Zoey couldn't help but feel anxious as she stepped into the Headmistress's office, even though she wasn't sure why. After all, she'd checked on Mackenzie not even an hour earlier, and she was making excellent progress, even better than she could have hoped. She'd seen plenty of girls go through it during training, but knowing that she was the one responsible, she was the reason Mackenzie was slowly growing fully dependent on her diapers, that her mind was slowly being wiped back to a clean slate, made it much more satisfying. Probably, this visit was something good... It never felt good being called into the office, however, even when you were a worker rather than a student.

Her theory that this was going to be a positive visit was supported by the sight of Mackenzie's room being shown on the Headmistress's computer monitor, the girl laying on her back, playing with her feet innocently, no hint of her old, rebellious nature on display anywhere. She looked like a sweet, innocent toddler, just like she should...

"Good afternoon," the Headmistress said. "Sit down, please."

Zoey nodded, her nerves not helped as she lowered herself down into the only open chair, the wooden one students were forced to sit in when they were made to visit this room.

"I'm sure you've seen her progress," the Headmistress gestured towards the monitor. 

There was no reason to deny it - even if Zoey didn't think she had plenty of reasons to be proud, she had no doubt the other woman had seen her earlier visit. She thought back quickly, trying to make sure she hadn't accidentally done anything that would harm the training while she'd been there, mentioning the girl's old life, or her former maturity... "Yes," she answered finally, when she came up blank. "She's doing quite well."

"She is," the Headmistress agreed. "Right from the start, wouldn't you say?"

"Well... Yeah, I suppose," Zoey deflated slightly. Was the Headmistress trying to keep her from getting too cocky by downplaying her accomplishment? Sure, some people were more receptive to the treatment, but, going from her file, Zoey didn't think Mackenzie would have been one of them...

"It's funny," the Headmistress mused. "I got a call this morning from our clients, asking why we hadn't picked up our new student yet... I almost offered to send them a video so they could see wonderful progress she'd been making, until I checked her file, just in case."

With a few clicks of her mouse, the video feed minimized, and Mackenzie's file popped up instead. Immediately, Zoey began shifting in her seat nervously. At a quick glance, there was a resemblance between the girls, but after having just seen the face of the girl in the Nursery, sucking contentedly on her pacifier, there was no doubt she wasn't the one in the photograph.

"I called the school after I promised the clients we would be extracting their daughter very soon, and..."

"B-But..." Zoey shook her head, the color draining from her face. "I-I'll be ready to head out in a few minutes!" she promised. "I'll get my team, and..."

"No need," the Headmistress told her calmly. "It's already been taken care of." She pressed something on her desk, and she turned as she heard the door open to see a wild-eyed brunette girl in a straightjacket and diaper being escorted in by two of the helpers from her own team. "Zoey, meet Kenzie, as she prefers to be called... Perhaps if you'd read her file more closely, you would have noticed that."

Zoey turned to looked at the girl, gulping. She wasn't sure what to say, how to react... Before she could, one of the helpers stepped behind her, forcing her mouth open with one hand while shoving one of the huge pacifiers into it with the other. This pacifier was a little different, however, as it was attached to a strap, which the helper wrapped around her head, locking it into place. Zoey tried desperately to spit the thing out anyway, knowing all about the drug the things were coated in, but her attempts just made her tongue slide across the bulb, ingesting more of the stuff...

"Mackenzie's parents are, understandably, very worried. We'll be doing our best to reverse the damage you did, and to try to keep her from remembering where she's been all this time... We have high hopes, though we're pretty sure she'll at least be a bedwetter from now on. Once her room opens up, we will be moving you into it." Zoey's eyes widened at the Headmistress's words, which only made the other woman grin, leaning in closer to her. "We have no place for this kind of incompetence here... And when it comes to a mistake this large, I don't believe in second chances. You'll be going through the same treatment plan you made for Mackenzie, starting immediately..."

Zoey protested loudly behind her pacifier gag as the Headmistress switched back to the video feed of the girl in the Nursery, refusing to believe that she was going to end up like that. "Of course, Kenzie's parents expect the same of her, and they'll be getting it," the Headmistress continued. "We're going to hold off on her training until you've moved into your new room, though. Until then, the two of you will be staying together. I've heard Kenzie can be a bit of a bully, but I'm sure she'll be nice to you, the person who conspired to bring her here, while you demonstrate firsthand exactly what is in store for her..."

Zoey looked over at the girl beside her, trying to shrink down in her chair. Despite knowing that she was older than her, she already felt intimidated, even before she noticed the warmth permeating from her crotch, and looked down to see a growing puddle under her. Was the drug taking effect already?! She tried to speak, to convince the Headmistress to reconsider; the woman just smiled and nodded, signalling Zoey's former helpers to advance, one holding a straightjacket, the other a big, thick diaper, ready to usher Zoey into her new life.




Awesome story! are there more doll house stories/ captions up the pipe?