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At first, she almost thought she was off the hook, as she saw only her aunt and uncle in the house when they arrived - a wet diaper drooping between her legs, humiliatingly enough, after the lengthy trip - but after her mother took her to the bathroom to change her, her aunt said, "Your cousin is waiting for you in the backyard! She already has you two's blanket set up!"

Felicity glanced over at her mother, hoping she would insist that she stay close to her, and the diaper bag, but the woman just waved her off, telling her to go 'have fun'. She waddled to the open back door, knees shaking as she saw everyone else gathered outside, waiting for the food the hosts were preparing inside, or getting ready to grill. She tugged at the hem of her dress, trying to force it to grow long enough to hide her diaper as she wove through the edges of the crowd, doing her best to avoid as many as possible, and not draw attention to herself.

She wasn't sure what her plan was - she usually hung out with Val by default, until the girl ran off to do something she shouldn't, trusting Felicity to cover for her if anybody asked - but with her cousin potentially still looking for revenge, she didn't know if that was the best idea... Especially if the girl was already waiting for her.

Before she could decide, she heard a sharp, "There you are, pee-pants!" behind her. She froze for a moment, but there was little point not turning... It was obvious she'd been seen. She took her time, nibbling on her bottom lip, wondering what Val had in store for her...

"Val?!" Despite her own predicament, Felicity almost couldn't stop herself from giggling when she saw the girl. She had a blanket, all right, and it was covered with baby toys, which was appropriate enough, since Val, herself, was in a frilly, pink top, plastic pants, and a huge diaper, even thicker than Felicity's.

"Yeah, it's me, dummy," Val sulked. "No thanks to you!"

"B-But I... I..." Felicity stammered.

"Yeah, you did pee yourself," Val declared, much louder than was really needed, making Felicity shuffle anxiously, sure she felt the attention of her extended family turning towards them. "But your stupid story actually made my mom and dad curious, so they looked through our laundry after you left and found your wet pants from earlier that day that I'd helped you hide so nobody would notice, and they thought they could have been mine, and you might have told the truth! So, even though you peed yourself twice, and I was just trying to be nice, now we both have to dress like this so we don't have any accidents during the fireworks!"

"N-No, I didn't!" Felicity insisted, although it was likely not as effective as it could have been, since she didn't dare turn around to face the people who she actually might have been able to convince. "I-I only..."

"Oh, just sit down," Val stood up from her toys and grabbed Felicity, pulling her down to the blanket. "We might as well make the best of it..." Once they were down, Val pulled her closer. "You're staying close to me, you little brat... You see this?"

She picked up what looked like a tiny, white plastic vial with a long nozzle. Once Felicity had nodded fearfully, she set it back down among her toys. "Once everybody is distracted, I'm putting that up your stupid, tattletale backside... Do you know what it is? It's a mini-enema, so it's going to make you fill your diaper to the brim, way before the fireworks even start... But it's a special one, with a little anesthetic in it, so you won't even be able to hold it. Everyone will see you're the real baby, and you were just lying last year. I hope they put me in charge of looking after you after they let me put my real panties back on... I'd love to babysit you! Maybe I'll just let you stew in your poopy pants all day, and tell everyone you just won't let me change you because you like the feeling so much. Nobody's going to trust you at any family functions from now on without some nice, big Pampers."

"Y-You can't!" Felicity gasped.

"It's right there," Val shrugged. "You could always prove you're the big girl by doing it to me, instead... Or be a baby and tattle on me again."

"B-But..." Felicity stared at the little enema, squirming, then glancing back towards the house, which her mother was apparently still inside. If she grabbed it and took it to her mom, would she know what it was? Would she believe her story? Or would she think she was trying to frame Val? She really didn't know, but that was almost definitely less risky than letting Val go through with her plan... Right?

She turned, reaching for it, but her hand grabbed only blanket. She gasped as she felt a hand on her back, lifting her up, and before she could do anything else, something was sneaking into her diaper, then her bottom. She let out a squeal as something squirted inside of her, then, before any of the nearby family members could turn, it was all gone, and Val was sitting innocently, toy hammer in hand.

"Too late," she smirked. "You can try to get to the toilet if you want... Maybe you'll make it all the way to the house... Maybe you'll make it to your mom, to let you out of your diaper... Maybe you'll even make it to the toilet... But I wouldn't guarantee any of those. At any point, your body could just give in, and give whoever's nearby a show. Or, you can just sit here, where only I'll know."

Felicity whimpered, her eyes widening as she realized she'd already lost. "Oh, I forgot to tell you... Happy Independence Day," Val grinned. "Congratulations... You're about to be totally independent from your pesky adulthood."



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