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"Now, now... Don't be silly, baby," Belle shook her head, having a hard time keeping a straight face, even while looking into the tearful eyes of her charge. "It's only milk!"

"No!" Rhianna sniffled again, tears still streaming down her face from frustration. "You don't understand... I'm not a baby! I don't need these diapers! I don't pee my pants, or drool all over myself if I don't have my pacifier! I am an adult!"

Belle, of course, couldn't understand the baby babble her mouth spit out instead; even if she could, she likely wouldn't have taken the girl seriously. After all, she'd seen plenty of evidence to contradict all of that while taking care of her. She'd changed more than her fair share of diapers, spoon-fed mashed up peas and bananas to her, wiped her face for her, given her baths... Everything she would have done for a toddler.

What made it worse was that Rhianna could remember all of that. She could remember sitting in front of the TV, staring wide-eyed at the cartoon characters dancing across the screen, squirming just slightly, only to feel something oozing into her diaper, something she couldn't quite recognize, but that was taking up all the empty space with its yucky squishiness. She was bawling even before the smell hit her, and she realized what it was; that just made her cry harder.

It had all been sort of fuzzy then, as she slept and played her days away in a happy haze... Now, it was all coming back in a horrifying, mortifying rush. So many people had seen her acting like a baby, oblivious to the world, using her diaper with abandon, sucking happily on her pacifier, or thumb.

Why was clarity coming to her now? She wasn't sure how long, exactly, she'd been in that state, though it had to have been at least a couple months. The only thing she could think of was that, today, Belle had missed one of her bottles. They were all very carefully timed out, and usually, Rhianna, who was used to her schedule, would start crying if one was late, which also helped to remind her babysitter.

Today, however, Belle had decided it was a nice enough day that they ought to take a trip to the park. Rhianna had toddled around the playground, playing in the sandbox, going down the slide... When they got home, she'd been so tired, she'd slept right through her regular bottle time, and apparently Belle had decided it was better to let her nap than get her up to give it to her.

"Look, I'll show you it's okay," Belle offered, looking around the nursery until she found a sippy cup, unscrewing the cap so she could pour some of the milk into it. 

Rhianna calmed down a little, although she tried not to make it too obvious. What was she going to do? Could she really let Belle drink the milk? Maybe she was right, it was just milk, and her reawakening nothing more than a coincidence... Or maybe the milk was what had transformed her into such a helpless infant... There was really one one way to be certain.

At the same time, could she really let Belle try it, knowing what might happen? She had no idea if there was any real cure for this... Her thoughts were more adult again, but her brain still couldn't force her tongue to spit out the real words she was formulating, and she'd felt her diaper re-warm itself in wet spurts several times already with no consent or knowledge from her. It might be better to just drink the milk and go back to obliviousness... Or, at the very least, knock it out of Belle's hands before she did something stupid...



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