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"No! I can do it!" Luna whined, trying in vain to squirm away as Nanny held the shirt over her head.

What a difference a day made... The day before, Luna had been woken up in the master bedroom of her friend's house, in her usual pajamas, like any ordinary adult, by knocking at the door that turned out to be this woman... Today, she'd been woken up in her friend's daughter's room by the same person, only this time, in a thick diaper that turned out to be soaked, despite her insistence the night before that she didn't wet the bed.

Now, after a humiliating change into a fresh diaper - she'd insisted she didn't need it, Nanny had asked her how many times she'd made it to the potty yesterday, to which Luna had to bashfully admit none - Nanny had gone to the closet of the little girl who actually lived here for an outfit. 

Luna half hoped the clothes wouldn't fit, and Nanny would have to admit that this really wasn't her room; she'd hoped the same the day before, right before Nanny had taped the diaper shut. Now, to her horror, the shirt that Nanny was wrestling over her protesting head was fitting perfectly, too... Was she really that short? Or was her friend's daughter really that tall? It didn't seem like that should be the case, and yet...

"And here we go," Nanny smiled down at her. "Won't this look cute with that?" Luna looked at the dress that had been selected, wrinkling her nose at the pink tutu skirt, so poofy, and yet so easily seen through. She had some serious doubts that her diaper wouldn't be visible through, and likely even under, it, since it wasn't particularly long, either. Nanny had made her mind up, though, and no amount of pouting would change it.

"At weast wet me do it!" she protested in frustration, which only grew as she heard her tongue somehow mangle her words. It hadn't been like that yesterday! She must just be more sleepy than she realized... "I can do it!"

"All right," Nanny finally conceded. "You do this last strap, and I'll let you choose what we do today. I'm going to go get your breakfast ready, so you have until I'm done, okay?"

"Okay!" Luna was almost offended at being given such an easy task - though, at least that meant it would be no problem to get it done. Then she could make sure she didn't have to leave the house in this humiliating get-up... Maybe she could even convince Nanny to give her another chance at using the potty - she frowned as she thought that word, knowing there was a better, more grown-up way to put it, yet totally blanking as she tried to think of what it was - even if she had completely failed to get even a drop of pee-pee into it the day before, not with Nanny watching her the whole time! And yet, as soon as she had Luna's Goodnites pulled back up and she turned away...

Luna blushed as she thought about it, trying instead to concentrate on fastening the shoulder strap on her dress. It wasn't that hard, she knew, yet, for some reason, she just couldn't remember how it worked. She frowned as she stared at the dress and the strap, knowing they had to go together somehow... She sucked harder on her pacifier - she remembered only now Nanny slipping it into her mouth the night before, and her determination, right before she fell fast asleep instead, to spit it out, although now she had to admit it wasn't all that bad - to help herself concentrate.

"Still not done?" Luna looked up in dismay to see Nanny standing there in the doorway, watching.

"No!" Luna pouted. "You'we too ehwy!" She groaned in annoyance, hearing her words still not entirely right, even now that she was a bit more awake. 

"I gave you fifteen minutes," Nanny told her, walking over to the bed and gently taking the strap, easily snapping it in place. "Looks like we get to go have a picnic in the park today!" She lifted Luna off the bed, setting her down on the floor and then pausing. "Luna..."

Luna recognized that tone from the day before and immediately began to shake her head. "No, I di'nt!" she protested, even before she tried wiggling her bottom... Only to discover that she had, indeed, had another accident, this time without even realizing she had to use the potty. "I-I mean..."

"That's all right," Nanny shook her head, taking her hand. "We'll change you after breakfast..."



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