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When, after what felt like an eternity, her mother walked back over and slid the diapers back into place and led her to the bathroom to extract the soap and clean her up a bit, she asked, "Can we still have cake, Mommy?" She had no idea how this whole wish thing worked, but she was pretty sure it had to happen on her actual birthday... 

Her mother sighed. "We'll see about that... But not until after you eat some real food," she said. "And it isn't quite time for supper yet, anyway. Do you want to open your presents, though?"

"Yeah!" Kaylee nodded eagerly. After what she'd just been through, tearing into some wrapping paper would feel awfully nice... And she was sure they had to have done better in this reality than in the other world. She fidgeted, glancing over towards the toilet, feeling ridiculous being so close to it with her bottom swathed in two layers of thick diaper. "Umm... Mommy? Can I use the potty?" she asked, staring up at her sweetly. She honestly wasn't sure if she'd used 'potty' instead of toilet intentionally, to try to butter her mother up, or if her mind had edited the word for her.

"No, Kaylee," her mom told her strictly. "These are part of your punishment, and you know it. Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean we're going to let you get away with things... Though I am proud of you for wanting that. It wasn't long ago you were crying and pleading for us not to take your diapers away at all!"

Kaylee's cheeks burned, mumbling an uncertain, "Nuh-uh," as she hoped that wasn't the case, even with no evidence that was the case. These things were so huge, bulging between her legs, warm and bulky and infantile... There was no way she could have actually like them... Was there?

"You'll be in trainers full time before you know it," her mother smiled at her, giving her a hug.

It was supposed to be encouraging, but Kaylee couldn't help wondering, "What about panties?" 

She also couldn't help noticing the pause, and the insincere tone her mom took when she said, "I'm sure that won't be far behind..." before leading Kaylee back to the living room. 

The loud crinkling, the pronounced waddle, that accompanied every step made her mother's words feel even more ominous as they echoed in Kaylee's mind. Could she be too far gone in this world to ever really hope for anything beyond Pull-Ups? If she really hadn't shown any interest in being trained until recently, she supposed it was possible... After so many years of not being exercised, maybe her muscles just weren't capable of full potty training.

Her cheeks sizzled as she thought of the short, flirty dresses she liked wearing, the tight leggings, the tiny shorts, the cropped shirts... Then she thought of all of them with the training pants she'd been wearing earlier. They weren't as bad as these diapers, sure, but they were much bigger than her usual underwear, and she could just imagine them peeking out from all her favorite outfits, making it obvious what she was wearing, no matter how she tried to hide it...

"Kaylee," her mother said in a warning tone. Kaylee looked up at her, and, only then, noticed she had been sucking on her thumb again while lost in thought. 

Bashfully, she pulled it out, then looked around, realizing they were back in the living room, with her father and Emily. Thinking of her old outfits made her suddenly aware that she was standing there, surrounded by her family, in what was essentially a t-shirt and - what passed for, for her - panties. Sure, they were far bigger than any underwear she'd worn in years - decades, even - but the thought was still there, and still made her face heat up anew, especially since nobody else seemed to be giving it any second thought.

"Come on, up on the couch," her mother urged, patting Kaylee's bottom to urge her onto the furniture, in front of the coffee table. "It's present time!"

Kaylee was feeling much less enthusiastic now than she had just a minute or two ago, yet she still managed to force a smile. She was more determined than ever to get out of this mess, so she might not even have a chance to use any of these presents, but that didn't entirely diminish the excitement of opening them.

The packages her mother piled onto the table were all fairly small, and here she knew better than to be expecting the keys to a car in one of them. In fact, she had no idea what sort of things they would get for her... Although the answer to that quickly became clear. She ripped the paper off the first and was greeted by a colorful picture book. It was obviously meant for toddlers - even having a pretty cute one on the cover, clutching a doll - which only made it worse when her mother urged her to say what it was.

"It's The... The Guh... The..." She pouted, squirming in her diaper as she stared at the thin book, knowing that the word she was struggling with was pretty short, and thus probably pretty easy, yet still having no idea what it said. This couldn't be happening... She was an adult, a college student who read complicated textbooks all the time - well, if she had to, anyway. She shouldn't be struggling with the text of a picture book!

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I thought you'd learned that word..." Her mother sat down next to her and pointed to the words one by one. "The Girl and Her Dolly! Doesn't that sound fun?"

Kaylee stared at her mother in disbelief, then glanced back down at the book. She definitely should know all those words... Why did only the first look familiar to her?! Her mother had mentioned learning... Could she really have not learned to read any better than this by now?! She groaned, staring at the words again, trying to force them to make sense now that she knew what they were, but even with that knowledge, they still looked like gibberish.

"Are you okay?" her mother asked, patting her diaper and sniffing. Kaylee tried to wiggle away, blushing anew as she realized her mom actually thought she might have pooped her pants.

"I-I'm fine!" she said quickly, setting the book aside and going for one of the bigger boxes. As she pulled the paper away, there was a small face staring back at her, one that looked familiar... She slowed her unwrapping slightly, shifting her eyes over to the book she'd just opened.

She was sure the rest of her family knew what she'd gotten, but that didn't make her feel any less embarrassed when her mother announced, "See? It's the same as in the book! You're just like her!" as she pointed to the little girl on the picture book, clearly much, much younger than Kaylee. "Aren't you even more excited to see what the book has to say now?"

Her mother's enthusiasm only grew when the next package was an outfit that matched the girl in the book, so Kaylee could be 'just like her'. She felt like a little kid, being coaxed and bribed into reading when they really weren't interested... And, she supposed, that could be the case. She wasn't big on reading for fun - she remembered reading the book she'd gotten Emily's name from, but that was about it, and here it could have been read to her instead, since she knew she would've preferred that even in the real world, given the choice - so it made sense she wouldn't have cared to learn if she wasn't forced to. If her parents hadn't made her go to school, why would they have made her learn to read? 

She flipped through the book, fidgeting as she saw the little girl waking up in a crib, being dressed in the outfit she'd just been given - with her diaper visible and recognizable - and doing all kinds of toddler-ish things. She could see this whole set of book, doll, and clothes being used to try to trick a child into reading, but she wasn't a little kid! Unfortunately, no matter how many pages she turned, the words on them - outside of some simple ones like a, the, and cat - were as cryptic and undecipherable as if she were...

There were a couple more picture books, some equally immature looking DVDs, with covers plastered with silly cartoon characters and titles she couldn't read, and some stuffed animals. If somebody - even Kaylee herself - had seen her presents, and ignored the size of the outfit, they would have guessed they were for somebody nineteen months old, rather than nineteen years. Just sitting there among them, unenthusiastically opening more and more and finding more of the same, she wished she'd told her mother no, and gone to sulk in her room, alone, instead. 

"What's wrong?" her mother asked as Kaylee finally set the last gift - a stuffed kitty from Emily - down on the coffee table. "Don't you like your presents?"

Kaylee wanted, more than anything, to say no. She wanted to throw another tantrum like she had in her dorm room... But she'd already been punished once today, and knew she shouldn't risk anything that would give her parents an excuse to not let her have her birthday cake today. "No, they're nice," she pouted, as sincerely as she could manage.

"Hmm... I think I might know something that will make you feel better," her father said, standing up. "Come on, sweetie!"

Kaylee looked up at him in confusion, then scrambled down off the couch, her eyes widening as, at the motion, she realized her diaper now felt clammy and squishy between her legs, just slightly... Had she peed herself? She glanced downward and didn't see anything on the outer layer, but as she followed her dad through the house, every step made it more obvious that, while she'd been distracted with her gifts, she'd had an accident.

Knowing that put even more of a damper on her mood, making her wonder just how bad her potty training really was... It was enough to distract her from thinking about where they were going until her dad opened the door to the garage. All at once, all her hopes from earlier that day - from what felt like a lifetime ago by now - came rushing back, even as she knew it couldn't be that... If she couldn't read, or control her bladder at night, or even during the day sometimes, there was no way she could drive!

Or was this all some insane prank? It was far more involved and complex than she could ever imagine her parents - or just about anyone - pulling off, though that didn't stop her heart from racing as she stepped into the garage, hoping to see a brand new car sitting there, waiting for her.

And, in a way, that's exactly what she got. Sitting there beside her mom's piece of junk car was a tiny pink, plastic car, a pair of eyes and big, goofy grin plastered across the front, a big bow on the top of the roof. As she stood there, frozen in place, her father pushed it closer to her, close enough that she could see the pedals on the inside to make the wheels go around. She'd seen toddlers 'driving' these things around, and the only difference between those ones and this was the size.

"She's so excited, she's speechless!" her mother finally spoke up, giving Kaylee a hug. "Now, you're only allowed to play with this in the backyard unless someone is with you, and you're never to actually try to go onto the real road, do you understand?"

"Y-Yeah..." Kaylee nodded, her mind in a fog. She'd gotten a car for her birthday after all... But it was in the wrong world, and in no way what she would have wanted. She shivered as she imagined pedalling into a parking spot a college in this thing, inviting one of her friends - that was all that would fit - to go shopping with her. 

"Come on, let's get you set up!" her dad exclaimed, hitting the button to open the garage door. For a moment, Kaylee didn't think anything of it, until she saw the sunlight streaming in from under the rising door, and realized she was standing there with nothing hiding her giant, double diaper from anyone who might be looking her way. She turned towards the house, but Emily was there, pushing her gently towards the little car as her dad opened the plastic door. She whimpered softly as she was pushed onto the seat, her diaper squelching slightly beneath her as the door was shut.

"Let 'er rip!" her father encouraged her. "How fast can you go?!"

The door was up far enough that she could see the world outside, and all the kids playing in their front yards, the neighbors mowing... The last thing she wanted to do was let any of them see her. Even though she wasn't pedalling, however, the car began to lurch forward. She glanced behind herself in a panic to see her mother pushing, shoving her closer and closer to exposure.

"I... I..." she squeaked, feeling more and more conscious of her damp diaper as the fresh air started to fill her lungs. She was pretty sure it wasn't obvious to anyone else, but she knew it was there, and that was bad enough around her family, much less with the whole neighbourhood potentially seeing her.

"You have to pedal, dummy," Emily told her helpfully.

"Don't call your sister that!" their mom reprimanded Emily. "Your sister is very smart!"

"Of course she is," Emily smirked, looking in at her illiterate, diapered older sister in her plastic car.

Kaylee whined as the car eased out onto the sidewalk, turning the steering wheel desperately. "Let's go to the backyard," she suggested, knowing that there were far fewer prying eyes back there. 

"Nonsense!" her dad countered. "You'll be playing with it there all the time! It's nice out, you should take it on a little ride..."

Kaylee tried to jam the pedals with her feet, to force the wheels to turn, but, even in her own car, she had no real control. Her mother kept pushing her forward - or keeping her still when she tried to drive off when her parents stopped to talk to their neighbours like this was all perfectly normal - as her father guided the car onto the sidewalk, with Emily tagging along, gleefully watching the spectacle. 

Neighbours she'd known most of her life, kids she'd babysat for, older women who had babysat for her, they all seemed to be out and about, enjoying the nice weather... And, what was worse, none of them seemed to give a second thought to the fact the Kaylee was sitting in an oversized toddler's pedal car, clearly diapered.

Then, to add insult to injury, she felt a familiar sensation growing in her stomach. She ignored it at first, lacking the self-confidence to bring it up, sure it wasn't any big deal, but, to her shock, it began growing urgent far quicker than she was used to. She supposed, like her bladder, those muscles weren't as used to being exercised as much as they were in the real world... Not that she could take much comfort from that knowledge while she wriggled in her seat, more and more desperate with every passing moment.

At every stop, she told herself she was going to say something, then, every time, she couldn't bring herself to say the words as she saw the familiar faces outside her car of kids whose diapers she'd changed, a couple that had once gotten her in deep trouble after she'd egged their house, and now, worst of all, Tyler, a single guy who had moved in just a couple years back, who she'd had a crush on ever since.

Unfortunately, with every stop, the pressure grew, and her likelihood of making it home with clean pants went down dramatically. "Mommy," she gasped, finally giving in as her latest cramp was accompanied by a push, and she felt a gooey spot form in her diaper before she could stop it. "Mommy, I hafta go potty..."

"You're being punished, remember?" her mother asked. "Besides, your diapies can take another wetting."

Kaylee blushed as Tyler's eyes turned to her, silencing her as she tried to pretend her mother hadn't just outed the state of her diaper in front of him... Though, if she'd known Kaylee had already used them, had everyone else? She could only stay quiet for a few more seconds, however, before her tummy began to twist again.

"Mommy, i-it isn't that..." she whimpered.

"Hmm?" her mother looked down at her. "What's that?"

Kaylee groaned, holding her rumbling belly. There was no time to be delicate... "Mom, I have to take a shit!" she tried to insist, only for it to come out, "Mommy, I gotta go poopy!"

"Oh!" her mom finally got it. She looked around, then turned to her neighbor apologetically. "I'm so sorry, would you mind...?"

"Not at all," the man told her with a smile.

"I'll take her!" Emily offered, pulling open the door and yanking Kaylee out of the car, following their neighbor like a puppydog.

Kaylee had dreamed of being invited into Tyler's house before; she'd never imagined she'd get in this way. It was pretty messy, nothing special at all, really, but Emily felt the need to stop almost as soon as they got in. "Oh, I love this place!" she squealed. "Did you do this?"

She scurried over to a framed painting, Tyler following close behind, all too happy to explain while Kaylee was left in the hall, pressing her legs together as tight as she could manage in the bulky diaper. "H-Hey," she squeaked out. "Where's your potty?"

"Oh, sorry," Tyler flashed her his trademark smile. "It's just..."

Emily stepped in before he could finish. "Is this a photo of you? Where is this?"

Kaylee watched in anger and horror as Tyler was distracted by her little sister again. Unable to wait any longer, she just began to walk, her face red with effort and humiliation, searching for the bathroom door, determined that she was going to find it in time, that she wouldn't - couldn't do this... Her life here was awful, demeaning, infantile, but it wasn't this bad...

Until it was. She yelped, pressing her hands to the seat of her bulky diaper as she felt something begin to fill it, but by then, it was too late. She felt the diaper expanding out, pushing against her hand as the thick, warm mush poured out of her while she stood there, helplessly trying to force her muscles to stop, to halt the flow, to maintain some level of control, to prove to herself that she wasn't a total baby.

It didn't work.



My favorite story by far, please please make a part 5!