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An anonymous caption commission, featuring (with her consent) Sierra.  Picture property of AwwSoCute.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't turn you in, young lady," the older witch glared at her, making her squirm in her seat, her soaked Goodnite squelching wetly under her with every uncomfortable move.

"I-I didn't do anything!" the petite, blonde witch insisted, biting her bottom lip anxiously as she saw the other woman turn her wand over in her hands, examining it... "I-It was just a silly dare, that's all!"

"That doesn't change the fact that you snuck onto my property," the woman reminded her. "If that Devil's Snare hadn't been there, I don't know what you would've done!" The girl blushed deeper, remembering falling from the woman's fence into the awful plant, feeling it creep its way up her legs as she tried to escape, calling for help from the 'friends' who had dared her to do it, then spending a long night stuck in the ever-growing vines.

"I was just going to run up to your front door and back!" the younger witch insisted. "I wasn't supposed to touch anything else, or take anything, or hurt anything, or..."

"And why would you be dared to do that?" the witch asked, bending in a little closer, causing the girl to fidget even more in the chair. She didn't think it would be a great idea to tell the woman that the school had all kinds of rumors and stories about their nearest neighbor, including whether she was even alive or just a ghost, and how incredibly powerful she was.

"P-Please!" the girl pleaded instead, "you can't tell the Headmistress... I'd be in so much trouble! Sh-She already doesn't like me... I didn't even do anything! A-And... And it's my birthday!" It was a lie, and a desperate one at that, yet it sounded better, at least in her head, than nothing. "Please don't make me spend my birthday in detention!"

The witch eyed her. "What's your name?" she asked finally.

The girl hesitated briefly, wondering if she should try to come up with an alias, if that might help her out somehow here, before deciding that, if the woman turned her in, she'd find out the truth anyway and likely be even angrier. "S-Sierra," she mumbled. "Sierra Nivera..."

"And how old are you today, Sierra?" the witch asked.

"N-Nineteen," Sierra stammered.

"What was that?" the woman narrowed her eyes. "Nine? I thought students at that school of yours had to be older than that to enroll..." Sierra opened her mouth to protest, but the other witch continued on. "You must be a prodigy, then! How very lucky of me to have such a distinguished guest, and on her birthday! We'll have to celebrate, won't we..." The witch set Sierra's wand down on the table, then pulled out her own, a short, gnarled piece of dark wood. With a simple swish, Sierra's school uniform, torn and muddy from her time tussling with the plants, was gone, replaced with a t-shirt with a birthday cake with nine candles on it and a pink skirt. 

"Come on, I'm sure I can find a nice present for you," the witch told her, taking Sierra's hand and helping her off the chair, then pausing. "What is this, young lady?!" she demanded. Sierra wasn't sure what she meant until she was spun around to face the seat, where she saw a small wet spot she had little doubt was mirrored on the back of her skirt. Her Goodnite had been pretty wet... And, with all that wiggling in her chair, it must have leaked... Her cheeks burned as the witch yanked up her skirt, revealing her drenched, childish undergarments.

"I think you must have made a mistake," the woman told Sierra, sounding annoyed. "Six and nine look very similar, but they're very different numbers..." Sierra looked up at her, confused, then glanced back down and saw that the number of candles on her cake had changed from nine to six, and her skirt had grown shorter...

"No!" Sierra shook her head. "I'm not six!"

"Oh, what a relief," the witch said. "Even that seemed too old to have peed your pants that much, then just sat in it, despite making a mess all over someone else's furniture! How old are you, then? Four?"

"No!" Sierra insisted, the seemingly now ever-present heat in her cheeks somehow finding another few degrees to raise at the indignity of someone seemingly actually thinking she might be that young. "I told you, I'm nineteen!"

"That's obviously a lie," the woman dismissed her. "And a very childish one... Maybe three is more accurate. Is that right?" Sierra glared up at her, even as she felt her skirt shortening again, growing frillier, more sheer, almost like a tutu, though she refused to look down to confirm either that or that the number of candles on her shirt had been reduced. The witch took Sierra's hand, pulling her through the little house to the living room.

"Let me go!" Sierra growled, trying to tug herself free, not liking being dragged further away from her wand on the kitchen table, or where this all seemed to be going. "You can turn me in if you want, just let me go!"

"Oh, that was obviously silly of me, thinking you were a student... You must be the daughter of someone on the faculty," the witch said. 

"I am too a student!" Sierra fumed, stomping her foot. "I'm not some toddler, I am a teenager! I've almost graduated! Stop acting like I'm some little kid, I'm not!" 

"Of course you aren't," the woman told her gently, with a condescending tone. "Sit down, sweetie, I have a nice present for you that ought to match your age perfectly... But not on my sofa, I don't want another wet spot to clean up... Just sit there on the floor, dearie..."

Sierra gasped as she felt the strength drain from her legs, forcing her to do as she was told. The impact of the floor wasn't so bad, yet she found it hard to be grateful for that when she glanced down and saw the reason for that was that her Goodnite had seemingly swollen into a diaper... Although it was hard to tell for sure, since her shirt had grown, transforming into a onesie under the now rather tiny pink tutu. The cake on her onesie now looked more like a cupcake, with a pair of candles...

"Here you go," the witch grinned at her, suddenly - once Sierra looked up at her from examining her outfit - holding a plate with a cupcake that looked identical to the one on her chest. "Eat it up, sweetie... Happy birthday!" Sierra was, of course, hesitant at the thought of eating anything in a strange witch's house, but the older woman was having none of it. "Don't worry, it won't hurt you... It'll just make sure you turn the right age today. It is your birthday, isn't it?" Sierra couldn't help squirming, and the woman caught it instantly - though Sierra had a feeling she knew all along. "Lying? Tsk, tsk..." She plucked one of the candles from the cupcake. "Don't worry, we can still celebrate... And we will. You can either eat the cake now, and you'll turn back to your normal age at the end of the weekend, after I have the chance to teach you some badly needed manners, hopefully... Or I'll just regress you and make you grow back up at normal speed. Your choice."

Sierra gulped, staring at the woman, hoping she was joking, even if her tone, her expression, everything about her seemed to indicate otherwise. There was no way the school would let this happen to her... Then again, they weren't exactly there to stop it... She'd probably be in plenty of trouble if she was off school grounds for the whole weekend, and if she just vanished forever, surely her friends would speak up and tell someone she was here, wouldn't they? She would have thought so, but she also wouldn't have expected them to run away when she'd gotten caught. Either way, she was probably spending at least a few days as a baby before she was found, and she was banking on the rumors about how this witch was more powerful than anyone who actually taught at the school and could cast curses none of them could break being false.

"Come on, just blow out your candle," the witch urged. "Make your choice..."

On the other hand, if she gave in, she was assuming the witch would keep her word and let her age back Sunday night... What if this was just a test to see if Sierra would voluntarily let herself be changed into a helpless baby so she could steal or power, or keep her as a baby captive for as long as she liked? Sierra stared down the hall she knew her wand was all the way at the other end of and whimpered, suddenly wishing she'd just told the truth all along instead of making up a silly lie about her birthday. It was too late now, though... She gulped, staring into the dancing flame on the candle, then closed her eyes, prayed she was doing the right thing, and blew.




This needs to be continued,