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Every year around this time, I review my Patreon page and make changes to my tiers. This year, I have no changes to any tiers below $75, but I've made a tough decision regarding the $75, $100, and $150 tiers.

If you're not pledging or planning to pledge those tiers, there's no relevant information below.

I have decided to discontinue the monthly Custom render reward starting January 2023. This means that the orders requested in November will be created and posted in December, and that will be the end of this reward.

The changes will be reflected as follows:

DIK Vice President (and above)

  • Added: This is an additional support tier for those who would like to contribute extra.
  • Rewards from previous tiers
  • Removed: Access to recent Custom renders
  • Removed: Each month, participate in entering suggestions for custom renders. 4 out of all entries are handpicked and produced for the following month. There's a chance that the produced renders will appear in the game.
  • DIK Vice President role on the DrPinkCake Discord server.

To further explain my reasoning behind this decision, creating 12-16 high-quality renders per month has become a considerable task.

Creating new environments for one-time use, buying assets, posing the renders, rendering, and distribution are eating up 7-10% of development time every month.

36 months of custom orders have yielded 513 unique custom renders, meaning I have way more than enough Custom renders to last the remaining Pack Quests of Being a DIK.

Going forward, I want to put that time back into game development.

I hope that those affected understand my reasoning behind this decision.

I understand if any Vice President or DIK President tier 1/2 would now want to lower their pledge unless you feel you still want to contribute extra to the game development.

The final chance to order Custom renders for December is in this post; I'll treat this last order with even more respect than usual. If you're sitting on ideas that are too good not to be made, throw them in there now. Since it's the last time, you may submit more than one request.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted an order in these tiers during these last three years, and I hope you have enjoyed the custom renders.

All the best

Dr PinkCake



Totally understandable man. That just means more time on the game and that's all good.


I'm still gonna pay the 75 mainly because your games are that good.


Thanks for understanding. Over a year, it's almost equal to one month extra development time in terms of manual work and that's huge.


Hope episode 9 is soon 😁😁


Not part of this tier, but I can understand and appreciate your will to focus more on the game development itself so thank you for doing it. also, I am not part of the tier but I will throw this idea here maybe you gonna like it, as a tribute to "ordering custom renders & Queen ordering restaurant" render idea - Queen in sexy chef clothing holding spatula in a kitchen, Riona tied up like being served as a dish in cartoon movies, and the MC getting ready to load on her the "secret ingredient" or something like that, go crazy haha can look sexy and funny :D


My motivation for my extra Pledge has always been my belief in the quality of your work. While the rewards were a nice perk, I completely understand your reasoning and won't change my current pledge with this new approach.


Ive recently changed my tier to one of those affected by the changes just for that extra support to your work, and I do not regret with this change. I think the reason of the changes could benefit all of us and its really understable. Keep up your good work and see you on B&R.


I'm not bothered by this at all, honestly. I've been wondering how much extra time this has been eating up in terms of development, so I'm glad that this will give you more time to work on the game itself. Everyone benefits from it.


I was once a part of this tier and was wondering where in the heck you found time to create all those renders and work on the game.


I've experienced so many emotions (both happy and sad) from this game. If you need to make changes due to any reason, you should feel free to (especially if announced like this). I'll keep paying my fee until you either stop producing, or you kill Josy! (Or the more natural reason, my wallet is empty, though I'm working on avoiding that)

C3NTUR10N (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 01:12:44 Word. Anything 'Acting Lessons-y' happens to Jojo.... me, mc and tommy are going full Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman and taking a flamethrower to B&R! #Hoo-ahhhhhhhh
2022-11-25 12:53:07 Word. Anything 'Acting Lessons-y' happens to Jojo.... me, mc and tommy are going full Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman and taking a flamethrower to B&R! #Hoo-ahhhhhhhh

Word. Anything 'Acting Lessons-y' happens to Jojo.... me, mc and tommy are going full Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman and taking a flamethrower to B&R! #Hoo-ahhhhhhhh


actually the death event in “AL” is the most memorable thing there and I wouldn’t mind if something like that happens in DIK as well, this is a cool spicy trick for emotions release.


"Spicy trick for 'emotions release???" lol Ok then! Killing characters is ... spicy. Wow.