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There are 19 animations left in the queue. 5 of the remaining animations are more demanding than the rest.

The overall speed feels good. At this rate, beta testing can start in early December, usually lasting for a couple of weeks.

Mid to late December is looking good for a release, but nothing is set in stone until beta testing and proofreading start.

If you want to see a teaser from episode 9, you can download the attachment of this post.

It's nothing too spoilery, and I believe it should give you some excitement for what's to come.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake




This will be a great christmas gift, for sure.


are there more scenes and dialogs with Riona and Sarah? Pleaseeee

Patz Crux

Happy to see the story continue, that second season was a cliffhanger.

Patz Crux

Riona path is something I hope is explored in this upcoming season

Tom's day

i want a quinn path

Jim Frost

Riona? Nawww. Quinn, 100%. She is hands down the best babe. Bella was just to bitchy for me. Jill would be too demanding. Riona would be 2nd imo.

yannick el manssouri

Jill is awesone but bella is where its at for me being cold as fuck is fun to break in a way you never saw her quinn is cool as hell riona idk i'd rather have melanie im not the biggest fan of rionna. Jill bella and josy are currently my personal favorite there aren't any i actually dislike i guess its just prefrence


yeah it called the others path, but i hear what you're sayin.

Luca Zipfel

I'm a strong Sarah advocate. if there is any chance to get together with her ill be happy


Are all paths going to be around the same length and if one’s longer which one is it?


I've tried my best to make sure that each path feels fulfilling. I can't tell the difference in length from them myself and I have a hard time choosing which branch I like the most too. I hope you'll feel the same.


Thank you for the response! Can’t wait for the update, so excited


Yeah, the main girls are nice and I'm very fond of Sage, but unfortunately the rest of my top three is Sarah and Quinn. Guess it's a good problem to have, when people are even falling in love with your secondary characters. :)


Would LOVE some heather content, it was starting to allude to it in season 2. Also more Jade! Why is she not more popular!!!


So is this season 2 or is this part of season 1

Cédrik Lavoie

What? Season 1 and 2 have been out for a while now. This is the first episode of season 3.


thumbs down on the seafood buffet dude except for the comedy relief...we're all out of the cream


Areith = crabs man, remember the crabs....sorry man didn't want to go 3 deep on the reply tree