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It's been a year since the last Q&A post and the Patreon community has grown a lot bigger since.

I figured it was time for another Q&A post where you can ask me what you want about my games and game development.

I will answer the questions in a separate post that I will publish later in February for all patrons to see.

You can read the Q&A post from last year here.

I'll keep my answers spoiler-free and will answer what I can.

Fire away in the comment section below.



Just curious about how the team work. Do you assign each member a task and by the deadline they turn them in to you? Or you all work on a specific task and move on to the next one?


Will we be able to romance the side girls e.g. Camila, Nicole, Jade, etc

Garrett Pelak

Will you ever revamp acting lessons? Is the plan for episode 8 to still be the final episode? *Sorry this is answered no from in the previous QnA


Do you already know how the story will end? Or are you letting it develop as you write?


Do you plan on releasing the steam version as seasons kinda like the TWD games? If so how many episodes can we expect per season?


Do you plan to creat another masterpiece after BaDik or will you retire after it’s finished?

Ryo Akashi

How you end the story?can we choose a harem route or just a girl?


how many seasons will being a dik have


When creating the game what made you pick a single protagonist deisgn vs. letting players create their own characters?

Rob The Weed Enthusiast

This has probably been asked before but how many seasons do u plan on making and will there be some sort of epilogue between both game or just for badik?


Are there any other creators you look to for inspiration or want to be like?


How do you get inspiration for the characters ? Specifically the girls? Is it from past relationships, friends, etc ?


more acting lessons!! I know that acting lessons ended very well (some more than others) But I would love an acting lessons: act II

Ryo Akashi

Can you notice ICSTOR to post his patreon as much as you do?


I would like to know the time of your working hours, like it's 9-5 scheduled or when you take off from work? You have to-do list to accomplish particular tasks in a day or weeks or you come up randomly? Or you just go ahead as the work requires without much plans?


Do you think of ever releasing physical merchandise for the game? Like t-shirts, mugs, etc.


what are your methods of getting inspired when creating the characters and the story in general ?


What is your work routine? How many hours do you work in a week? Do you work on specific days and hours or whenever you want?


Will you use genesis 8.1 in your game?

Stevan Pena

What did you do before developing Adult Visual Novels? And did those skills transfer to Acting Lessons and Being A Dik?


What does your perfect day off consist of?


Would we be able to get a deeper Riona storyline in the future?


On average how many hours a day do you spend on BaD


Great opportunity to ask my questions :) I wanted to know if you were an IT engineer or which background you had. It requires a lot of versatility, to write story, make art and implement a game.


At the end of the series, are you planning on a final epilogue for the player selected girl due to player choices (marriage, creating a family, divorce, cheating, etc.)?


What is the hardest part from your point of view (writing, designing, programming...)? Why?


1. Might be a repeat question but what are your character design inspirations for BaDik? 2. Why is Neil so poor for a person in construction? 3. Will there be any big fire?


I enjoy the personnality of your characters and I wanted to know if you had some inspiration IRL? Who is the first character who started the Being a DIK story?


If you could go back and redo acting lessons, what would you change, if anything?


can we get a scene with KRJ?


Were you self taught before working on your games or did you have prior experience? I want to make games like yours and other western style visual novels but I don't know where to start.


Will Quinn become a MG and have an ending?


When making each female character what was your reference for each. Some look like celebrity spin offs its pretty good.


Which character has changed the most between initial conception until this point in the game?


Are you happy with the longevity of the systems you implemented early on? E.g fights skills maxed out, major choices running out of options. Are they indicative of the game's length as well?


Do you have a favourite part of devoloping the game? (Programming, animations & renders, story etc.)


To what degree does fan response or a character gaining a following among players/patrons shape the overall direction you take the story or involve characters as the games progress?


Is there anything you wish you had done differently, whether it be story-wise, gameplay or visuals?


Did you ever write/create something for Acting Lessons that didn't make it into the game or was scrapped but ended up being used in Being a DIK instead?


You have previously said that you want to develop the game alone. But as game has become more popular, have you changed your mind or do you already have some plans to have more people working on the game?


I've heard previously that you were planning on there being at least 4 seasons of Being a Dik, has this number changed since that statement? If so, how many seasons do you think there will be?


Can you share with us the current builds of your PC rigs?


Will there ever be actual sound to your games other than music? Perhaps voice action like youd find on studio fow?


Is it possible to have a pregnancy count that count MC finish inside for how many times, and leading to a pregnant end? Moreover, a harem pregnant ending would be even better for a complete men’s fantasy.


I actually have few questions about the writing process... Firstly, how do you go about the actual writing of your stories? As in, do you write all your scenes into a document (or similar/maybe some type of software/programme) then transfer it to ren'py when it's done? How do you keep track of all the variables/routes, for example a decision the MC makes on day one changes something that will happen on day ten, but a different choice on day one changes something on day twelve? Again, maybe software/programme that keeps track for you or do you have a wall like the It's Always Sunny meme? Writing a VN is something that interests me as I believe I can spin a pretty good yarn, but all the different variables and routes to go down tend to make me feel somewhat overwhelmed without knowing the best way to get it all to come together. I guess what I'm asking is what tips do you have, or tools would you recommend that could possibly help? Thanks for your time, keep up the awesome work.

Raf Cole

Curious about your roadmap. Remaining episodes for BADIK. Future games, etc. Whatever you want/can reveal would be appreciated.


Have you ever hit writers block with BaD, and how far ahead to you like to plan out your plot writing? Also, how much does a fan reaction to your writing decisions affect your future choices with story direction?


A lot of people clearly didn’t read the last q/a 😂, who is your favorite girl in Being a Dik?


How do you balance screen time for the rest of the girls that are not the 5 leading female characters? Im sure a lot of people who would want to see more of , for example envy lily heather etc, but at the same time the 5 leading females takes up a lot of the screen time, and possibly 6 as Quinn is getting more and more involved.


Will there be more Dungeons & Gremlins content in future Season 2 episodes? Loved the variety!

Alpha Protagonist

Sage is my number 1 girl. And the way the series is going, i am thinking 10 episodes like a pilot TV show. Also will there be more Dungeons and Goblins in upcoming episodes?


Do you ever get turned on when you are doing your work? I really can't see myself doing what you do and keep a consistent focus


Do you know how many episodes you plan to do for BADIK? How many college years will the game stretch over? Have you in your mind got your next project idea? or will that come once BADIK is complete? Will your games going forward all fall into the same universe? like the MCU but the DRPCU Would you potentially come back to BADIK world in the future? like move on to other projects after season 2 but then come back in a sequel fashion?


Is there any scene in Being a DIK Season 1 you didn't like adding, but think is necessary and must be kept?


What do you think is the most challenging part of the development?


Will Quinn ever become a main girl and join Josy, Jill, Maya, Bella and Sage? If she never will then why?


Will there be a point where the girls want you to make a decision and commit to a relationship or will you continue to be free to date all the girls you have the right stats with for the entire game?

Sadie Adler

OK I wanna ask what EVERYONE is wondering: Are we going to find out what's inside Bella's locked room finally in this next episode (Ep 7) ?? 🙏🏻😳🤞🏻


Will there be some kind of relation between being a DIK and acting class or any future installments?


Are there any plans to change/update the rewards for different tiers due to Reddit leaks? Or any plans to reduce Reddit leaks? As much as I love supporting you and the game, the rewards for the $15 tier feel very underwhelming due to everything being leaked on BAD reddit. People who don’t support you on Patreon are getting all the weekly updates, previews and wallpapers for free. While a lot of us are pledging more just for these benefits.


What are some other VN games that you’re a fan of or try to take inspiration from


Will Zoey appear again in the game? And o you have plans for games/stories after Being a DIK?


What do you think about quinn


I have a question about your skills as developer. Before you became full time BaDIK dev, did you have any experience creating games?


Will nora appear again ?


I often see a lot of devs neglect Mac versions of their games. Is it difficult to also support Being a DIK/Acting Lessons for Mac, or is it one of those things where it’s easy you’re not sure why other devs don’t do it?


What/Who are you main sources of inspiration for the story?


Now that you have released at least here almost 2 full seasons is the story moving faster or slower than you originally intended when you said you would be surprised if it was less than 4 seasons?


Did you expect Quinn to have a decent size and loyal fanbase or it came as a surprise to you? How is the process of creating a character? How do you create their personalities, ties to other characters, past, future and so on? Is there any you find easier to write and other you have a hard time with?


Will Season 2 when released on Steam be available to users Patreons at a discount/free or will there just be a standard price? Will the vault pack replace the vault code for renders in game? Will the 2d art Jacob is working stay with the girls listed or will that get added as well?


With characters like Sage graduating and more as the story progresses are we going to lose contact with them or will it be like the father kinda always available but in the background? I understand this answer could be spoilers and that's not my intention.


Hi, I really appreciate the work you are doing alone, it has to be really hard. You have said many times you don't consider hiring anyone for suppor, but, are you considering it now that the support you are receiving is so big in order to improve the game or improve the development speed?


Love Jill, love to hate Tybalt =D Every story is better when the villain/villains are great (Gary Oldman in Leon, Sephiroth in FFVII and Megatron, all hail Megatron!) Anyway, I hope that Tybalt will get more screentime, become a worthy foe along with counselor Burke maybe. So will thevillains be explored more? The story is branching alot so new episodes are way bigger even if we dont see it in a playthrough, Could you briefly compare how long each episode took time to make? (Estimates) Every episode is getting bigger, so I take it is hard to add new paths? But any hope to snatch Sally from Magnar and have a fight(with wits, not fists) with him? Ora sidetrack with hearing aid Karen? Or even a one fetish explored: Hearing aid girl lewd scene, with a suprice panty wetting by Karen? (Optional) That would be awesome! 💦 (Maybe a poll in fetishes?) All in all, great story, Loving Jill, Nicole. ..and Tybalt, but in a way different way 🤣

René Boettger

Is the story part of Being a DIK 'work in process' or do you already written the whole story. Meaning do you already know, how many Seasons there will be at the end?

René Boettger

Also, are you working on this on your own? If yes, this is a pretty amazing man. Keep up the good work. I have played a lot of that kind of VNs, but your game is on another level.


Any plans for quinn to become a main girl. Thanks for all your hard work cant wait for the next chaper


I noticed there are some new faces shows up in season 2 (Nora, the girl in preview). Will they affect the main story of season 2?


If you would have done Acting Lessons now, would you change anything about the story, (maybe you wanted to do something and didn't know how etc.), or is it exactly how you intended it to be?


Just gunna fire 1. Can MC actually flunk out of this school (lets say if you did horrible on tests mini games everytime) 2. As dev what parts of game are you willing to be flexible on due to feedback and such or is story set in stone as you already have it mapped out 3. Do you ever look at the diffrent paths and go "...dammit me why do we do this to self?" 4. as a writer or reader are you a fan of they all lived happily ever after endings, a grounded mid eh they made out ok, or not ignoring the fact that some characters don't get happy happy joy joy endings

Jeff Sandau

A question about Acting Lessons! Awesome! <3 Still my favorite VN of all time. I also would like to know the answer to this question.


How far are you planning on going with the being a dik series?


thought of one more, no judgement... do you have your own "melon"


What software do you use for the animations and mass renderings?


Will Season 2 be 4 chapters long like season 1? Do you have a sense how many seasons this story will have? In addition to the fantastic graphic and design qualities of your projects I also appreciate the storylines and settings in both. For whatever reason, many adult game/VN developers use the "incestual household" setting as their storyline base. I've never understood it considering the endless adult theme/setting possibilities out there and within our own imaginations. Plus it's gross. How many M..fycity games do we need? Kudos to you for your excellent work. You set the bar high. Others will follow or be left behind.


Is there a plan to expand on your fellow Diks as well?


Will there be any Karen and Sally involvement in the game (you know). Or they are just a side-side girls?

Bruce Vahl

How about a 'The Making of the MC' - a flashback of a sex scene between the MC's Dad and Mom? This was not a serious question. I wouldn't expect you to answer it. Too spoilery (not to mention weird). Just something I thought up on the spur of the moment. But the model is hot, and you have shown her in various forms of undress. So... Maybe keep it in mind?


What was the punchline to Derek's joke he told the bartender in Episode 5?


He said in his last Q&A that he would be surprised if he made less than 4 seasons.


Where do you get your ideas for what the girls look like? Are they based on real life women?


ps. would love to see more cute Asian women in the game...


Do you ever read the discord server for ideas? Or do you just get extremely disappointed in all the heretical activates? Also after you eventually finish "BeingADIK" do you plan on moving to a new project or ending off your visual novel making there?


are we close to getting jill i wanna tear that up

Boris Xanovavych

is there any chance to have a lewd scene with karen in future episode?


I'd love to see the mc and Liam from acting lessons make it into the game somehow


Will the tone of the story get darker in future episodes like it did in Acting Lessons?


Where did your inspiration for Quinn’s character come from?


Do you have an end in sight for this game, or do you plan to continue it until you run out of ideas for it? It would be cool to see what happens at the end of the year when Sage Jill and Rusty all graduate and MC becomes someone's father


Do you find it ironic that a lot of people read a visual novel but can't read the last Q&A or other questions in this thread to make sure they don't post the same question 5 times? (I am sorry people, it's just a pet peeve of mine and that was a passive/aggressive comment disguised as a question. My bad :P )


Will you ever be making some kind of merch for your games? Something like the DIKs Jacket.


Will Vinny be an antagonist?


You have worked on the game for more than a year. Are you still as passionated about it, as when you started?


First, thank you for this awesome work! I discovered adult VN not long ago with "Dating Ariane" (old version) and quickly went up the quality ladder until finding your game, which is one of the rare one that would still be interesting without any sex content (the only other game I know that I could stand this kind of comparison to my mind is City of Broken Dreamer, but still comes second as the characters are not as developed as in your game). Before the questions, just a wish: please do not picture anything more sexual about the MC's mother or their parents, I got caught in the story and identifies with the MC and it feels very uncomfortable just to see her naked. 1. How do you pose the lewd scenes? It seems that other creators use real actors and transpose the video. Are you using a first video support or are you animating the scenes directly in DAZ3D? 2. You obviously want to remain anonymous but could tell us a little bit about you? For example age decade, country, etc. Were you a developer before going full time on Being a DIK? 3. What about introducing a quick replay system as the game grows bigger and bigger? (For example for all the paths we already followed, we can get to a point in the story by just answering questions.) I don't know whether it's due more to the adult theme or your view of the story but I find that the (main) girls are unrealistically cool about the MC dating all of them and that the story would be better if we had to choose sooner than later which relationship to pursue (one cannot please to everybody, especially as the main girl characters cover a large spectrum). However it would very annoying to have to replay the game 6 times without some kinds of shortcuts (and without to have to manage a set of "right" game saves).


Real, non-jerk question: I may be wrong, it's just based on my experiences with the game and didn't make every single choice possible. But it seems like to be able to romance main girls, you have to mostly be a chik. With Jill, Isabella, Josy and Maya. If you play the DiK path, it seems like it's mostly for Sage and lots of one-night stand you don't get otherwise. Is there a plan to change that? I would like more romance on the DiK side of things. Quinn seems to be going in that direction but what about others?


In BaDIK, will having "perfect" class grades vs. failing or no mini games have an impact on the ending for the MC?

Professor M. Whiskers

Are any of the Characters (Male/Female) based on real people that you know or based on encounters that you've had? If not, where does your inspiration for the characters come from?


I could have the relationship with Sage and Jill while being full DIK. Not sure it will work on the long term with Jill though. Jill seems to be a bit more chick but the relationships with the remaining 3 main girls only requires a relative amount of chick (being neutral is enough), which allows to still make a lot of major dik choices and choose a lot of dik answers.


Do you plan to do like a remaster version of the game? After its fully complete in the future because, of how much can change for the start of a project to the end. Due to upgrades in tech or just wanting to re-polish looks from earlier versions


This question might have been asked already, but how many episodes do you plan to create ? And what will come next once you are done with this game


It's weird, because I wouldn't mind seeing MC's young mom naked or having sex but I would find it weird to see Neil doing it. And no, it has nothing to do with him being a man, but we know him a lot more than the mom. And about the girls being cool about MC banging everybody, I agree with you. On my first playthrough, I didn't do it a lot because I was afraid the girls would get mad. Now I know better :) Still, it would be pretty boring if you could romance just one girl per playthrough. I am sure we'll get to that point eventually, but for the whole playthrough, it wouldn't be that fun.

The Original Jdog

Do you base the faces of characters on real people somewhat? Just wondering how such detailed and realistic faces would get created out of the blue in computer software.


I'm really interested in what the experience of Being A Dik has taught you. If you were creating a VN from scratch now, would you plan it out / start differently? What are some of the lessons you've learned along the way? (I.e what was your own experiences with spending a whole bunch of time with a scene(s) only to remain unhappy with it and toss it- im sure it happens to everybody lol). Keep up the good work man. We clearly love it!


do you plan killing character off like in acting lessons


I'm sure that any hardcore fan of the game has over 100 pages of saved games in BaDIK, which is extremely difficult to navigate for replayability. Is there a plan to modify this part to make it easier? E.g. name search, quick page jump, etc.


Would you consider voice acted sound fx for the lewd scenes? Not dialogue just fx.


Is there going to be a genuine villain revealed at some point in Being a Dik, similar to Leah in acting Lessons? Or is it more like each character just has their own motivations/goals but none make them inherently evil even if it negatively impacts the MC?


Are we gonna have the possibility to end with jill and when you're gonna end or is it gonna be like The Bold and the Beautiful and never gonna end.


This might be a question you received before. But for me, inside the story, Riona is one of the girls that feels the most real. From the lines you gave her, she does what she feels like, she does not need a reason for it, not really tied to anything or anyone, and also that cliché of women who can never cum during sex is a great gem that needs some digging in my opinion. I think this kind of writing on women is very important and feels inclusive. So the question is, is there any plan for a route to go after her or maybe expand her arc? Thanks for your time and efforst. I feel like you deserve every single patreon you're getting. Greetings from Argentina.


Do you make adjustments to the story and/or events based on feedback from the general playerbase? And if so, how long does it take for this feedback to affect plot events in later episodes? For example, I and probably a number of others weren't happy with the DnD section in the Episode 6 and honestly found it a bit meaningless and unenjoyable, but I recognized that it was a good way to include extra lewd animations/renders that wouldn't happen in the BADIK universe.


How much money have you spent on making being a dik so far?


Can you change the poll system so that any girl can win and not bella again and again and again?

Beast of Bray

How long do you plan on making content for BaD? Have you started to grow bored of it or thinking of starting something new?


I would like to know what background you have (eg: work/education/bobbies) which render you capable of creating a game on your own like this. It seems hard to fathom. Perhaps your brief story/background can inspire me, if you're willing to share.


Have you ever thought about making different MC's to play as, just from a character model standpoint. I would love to see more diversity for MC in this genre as it seems you always play a white male.


If you were MC who would you be with


any chance of more fetish content in the game I.E Foot jobs or toe sucking


will the cathy dominatrix theme return with thenchance for bdsm things and other kinkyness?


can we get more free roam events and opportunities ?


can we get more harder street brawler fights. with more rewards. and maybe put in a status bar on if ur on a good or bad level with someone. so you know what to do so you can improve realitonship


how many total episodes do you plan on making


I know you answered a year ago about not wanting to manage translations as it cost you time and don't see the benefit of it. But with the size of the project now, and the amount of support on patreon, would you consider a translations to few other languages? I understand this can be an extra DLC at steam and give you more benefit than cost.


not sure if u have been asked this before but who is your favorite character? (apart from MC if he is the one)


Sometimes I feel the sex scenes are too much man-pleasure oriented and that makes it feel less "realistic" (many blowjobs and handjobs without reciprocity). Are you planning some scenes the other way around, where the MC gives pleasure just the pleasure of giving it?


The way the story is so far, it seems like there is still lots of room for development, will there be a season 3 or is there currently no plans for that at the moment?


Pretty sure he said 4 episodes per "season" when the concept was first brought up


What it could be with Heather in the next updates? I want this woman as the others in game. I like her (as Isabella), and the tease with her. A great character in game. I hope the cheating.


Could you tell us when it is planned to finish with season 2 / how much progress you actually made by now?


Sally and the deaf girl (Rebecca Joshnson?) can we develop more with them?


Was the economy of the game planned this way from the start?


Even though this is (obviously) a work of fiction, do you do research for your story to make it more accurate? By that I mean f.e. uni system and things like that.


Do you have an idea where in the world B&R is located? (may reflect in Elke's question above) and where characters lived before attending the college?


From your early conceptions, how much are you still on outline and has their been some significant deviations from your original concept?


Is the main character in Being a DIK inspired by Zac Efrons looks?

Eva Kiss

How do you balance developing and telling a cohesive story telling structure with the branching elements of a narrative game? Do you prioritise taking the plot and characters arc from A to B with somewhat limited branching or you plan strongly defined diverging paths that can go from A to B,C,D,E...?


To start, the first VN I ever played was BaDIK and have gone through 100s of others. But I always keep coming back, as Nothing compares to this one, and along with the superb storytelling, alluring models and great animations, I think what really keeps me replaying and coming back are the mini games, finding the hidden renders and trying to unlock the different paths with all the girls. Kudos to thinking past the obvious first hook of sexy girls. My question is: do you have more types of mini games planned, as I would imagine these are some of the more fun things to design. Thanks Doc!


In the early episodes of "Melody" we see her friend Sophia wearing a 'HOT' cheerleader uniform, and Melody's ex is referenced as being a DIK. Did you know about this and are you cool with other creators having minor nods to your work?

Stevan Pena

Is the throuple relationship we have with Josy & Maya permanent? Will we be able to end up with one of them exclusively?


Guess my comment got deleted, rip. I'll ask something else then. What inspired your shift in tone coming from Acting Lessons compared to Being A DIK? Having played them in reverse order it's clear a lot has changed in terms of your skills as a developer. You've said in your previous Q&A that you wanted to do something a bit different, but you didn't expand much on that. I'd also like to ask, as someone who finished Acting Lessons quite recently, are there any decisions in the development of Acting Lessons that you regret? If so, what were they? And what have you done to ensure you don't run into those same problems in your second game Being A DIK?


Do you see an end to the game, a ending story line? Or do you see it going as long as people keep paying for it? DO you feel some of the none main love interest becoming a main love interest?

Thor von Fiddle

First of all keep up the great work, love how the story is progressing. One huge question I want to ask. It can be summed up in 1 word: Condoms! Dad warned you about the need to use them, one of MC's frat brothers escaped a potential pregnancy, and we have had a "rash" of crab cases amongst the brothers thanks to Arieth. Pull and pray only goes so far. Our MC needs to be kept "safe" or at least have the option to use condoms. Thanks.


My question is about the next project. I know Being a DIK has a long way to go still, but do you have plans for a next game as well? Also, even if you said no because of the problems you went through before, would you be interested in translating your games with a person who has documents to prove eligibility to do so?


How much of either your own real life experience (or acquaintances of yours) was translated into this game?


Is a neutral playthrough worth it (content wise) if you already finished a huge dik and huge chick playthrough?


Any plans to add some voice acting in this game or future games?


In episode updates you frequently use the phrase "x number of animations left to pose", what exactly does that entail?


Eva is here! 2 of my favorite devs! :D


Would you still enjoy playing BaDIK yourself. Or wouldn't you enjoy it because you spent so many hours working on it?


Will be there some bigger development in relationship with characters like Sarah, Melanie, Nicole ( Envy ), Camila, etc. and will be their ending ? Or they stay ,, side girls '' right to the end?


What happened to Isabella’s pubic hair?


Do you have to complete story in your head till the end, or do you make them up in the meantime of the development of each episodes?

Eva Kiss

Do you feel limited when writing due to your choice of using only monologue and dialog to describe what's happening? For action you rely completely on the visuals, which becomes especially apparent during sex scenes. Wouldn't you like sometimes to be able to use more detailed text or rich descriptions to go deeper into the scene?


Have you considered a SFW version of BaDIK or Acting Lessons? The Writing and Characters are definitely good enough to support the game as a straight VN. Would really love being able to recommend these games to friends or family, who might have hang ups about Adult Content.


Would add a feature that in the main menu that shows a story tree that has scenes and branches from each one so we can see what areas to replay and change choices?


Do you upgrade the Ren'Py engine when there is a new version or do you stick with the one you started with? And if you upgrade does it cost a lot of time to check everything or is compatability very good between versions.


I love your storytelling and the characters you create! Derek is my personal favorite! Is he based off of anyone you know/knew as well as any of the other characters?