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I've mostly been writing and coding this week, and good progress has been made.

Story-wise I added ~25% more code, and I also coded and rendered one particular mini-game and worked on phone chats.

The animations that I posed last week, plus a few from this week, are almost completed, bringing that total finished count to 189 animations in a few days.

2150 static renders are completed, but I haven't been posing a lot of them lately. The progress here will pick up when I start focusing on art again.

Next week I will continue to write and code and most likely pose one of the remaining two lewd scenes. If I need a break from that, I will pose more static renders.

Two days are remaining in the special poll for +$30 patrons, where they vote on an extra 2D wallpaper for Episode 7. It's the closest poll in a long time. At the time of writing, Josy and Isabella are tied for first place with two days remaining.

For the 10k patrons wallpaper series, I figured that I'll release the wallpaper today instead of tomorrow, so now it's Envy's turn to shine. Enjoy!

A new month is around the corner. You can expect the wallpaper series to continue throughout February with two wallpapers per week. We will kick off February with a preview from the story and a cosmetic poll for one main girl.

Since it's been a year since the previous Q&A post, and the Patreon community has grown a lot bigger since I will soon publish a post where you can submit any questions you may have related to my games and the game development.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake

Ps. Don't forget to download the wallpapers in the attachments below.




Envy 😍

Ryo Akashi

I just wonder when the update will release?no harsh feeling guys...


She's shining, indeed.


I have two questions. One, when the rest of episodes are arrive to Steam, then they come like DLC for Season 1? Two, when they are be on Steam? If they are complete?


Episodes do not release on Steam, on Steam new content is released on a season basis, Episode 1-4 was season 1, going by that it is logical that season 2 will be episode 5-8. ( Altough it is nowhere said a season will have 4 episodes, it could have 3 aswell ) So some time after Episode 8 is finished, season 2 might release on Steam. And yes they will release as DLC, i remember that being said on the BaDIK steam page store or forums. Atleast that is what i'm thinking.


Josy is great, but Bella rules the roost




Beside the weekend, I always look forward to Fridays because of your updates. Good weekend doctor and everyone else!


Envy is one of my faves, I love how she shows up in swyper.


oh yeah, she looks envy, what do you guys think?


Another great job, DPC! Thanks for your hard work.


Great! :) Thank you for your creative!


DAYUM - absolutely gorgeous Envy! Her looks smokes everyone else in this game/story. Thank you for sharing this Dr.P

Sadie Adler

Ayyy let's go Bella fans!! Vote now :giveBella:


And of course I need more :)


Come on, Josy's last render set was back in episode 1 and Bella gets them all the time, Josy deserves some love too


I am loving these wallpapers!


I *Envy* your beautiful work


DPC, truly a god among men.

Jeff Sandau

I love Envy. <3 Old boobs ftw.

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update DrPinkCake 🖤


Hopefully its only a matter of 1-3 months before we get a RD! Cant wait!


Fantastic work, Doc.